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I'm not always "on"...

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I realize this is swinging and when it comes right down to it, it's about sex. And I love sex! Sex loves me. I like thinking about it and talking about it.


But not constantly.


This morning I got online when I got to my office, and saw that I'd left the yahoo on overnight and had a bunch of messages. I decided to go ahead and respond. I told everyone I was just chatting while I warmed up to the idea of work. Just saying friendly hellos!


This worked with some, and we had friendly and somewhat flirty chat. very enjoyable!


but i had two chatters ask me about what i was wearing. well...to be honest I was wearing my tennis shoes, a pair of old baggy jeans, pretty normal underwear, and a vintage tshirt. hello...i was starting a work day? so do i lie and say "oh, something sexy" or do I just flat out say "ugly comfy work clothes"...LOL. (with one of the two conversations, they easily picked up that I wasn't in the mood and the conversation naturally and humorously moved along...the other...it was awkward.)


another person was talking lightly about fantasies, and that was cool. it was light-hearted girl-talk which was situationally appropriate. BUT a couple of the chatters wanted to start hardcore chats. it was 11am, and i was getting ready to work. and it suddenly went from "yea I'm working on such and such" to "so do you like deep penetration, would that make you cum?"




i'll be honest. a lot of the time when i'm online, I'm also trying to work, and i'm chatting to get to know people...not to masturbate. so if you ask me deeply sexual related questions, you're going to get back an awkward and/or terse answer. cause i'm just not in that mood right now.


i'm not horny 24/7. and for me, it usually takes a bit of in-person flirting to get me that way. (not much mind you, lol) but phone sex and chat sex? not really my cup of tea, unless i'm just desperately horny and alone. which doesn't happen often. ;)


so i come off as very awkward online. and i (perhaps unfairly) get annoyed quickly at people who try to make a simple conversation overly sexed-up, especially with no warm-up! save that for when i can reach out and touch you. ;)


i guess it's a fine line...online flirting and teasing is great. asking me to describe in detail how i want to be fucked...is going to get you a smiley face and two-word answer.


further more, since most of my attraction to people is personality based....you might be sending the wrong vibes. I enjoy people who are socially skilled, are good conversationalists, know how to flirt subtly and how to pick up on subtleties. That's sexy to me. So whether or not your conversational topics are arousing, the blunt/abrupt method of delivery is a total turn-off, and may impair your chances of getting to meet me.


so am i weird? am i being rude? should I only get online when i'm prepared to get all nasty in the chat? or is there a polite way to say "hey, i'm just in the mood for friendly chat right now, lets not get too detailed.":nono:


I'll eventually get the hang of all this....thanks for putting up with all my newbie venting!

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You're so weird you're....HUMAN! :lol:


You're fine. Everyone has their turn ons and offs. Most women I've met do not like the hard, direct approach some men seem to want to offer. I agree, even though the forum/chatting is about sex, that doesn't mean you're on 24/7. I'd think these types of people would, following an orgasm, suddenly get a vacant stare and not be able to operate until they got horny again.


Hello! You've got a brain! Talk to me about something other than sex!


I'm with you :)


Or rather, I wish I was with you. Do you like deep penetration? Would that get you off? :eek:


Just kidding :)

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hahaha, you crack me up. :)


it is funny that i can tell whether it's the guy or the girl based on what type of questions they ask. a girl will say "so describe yourself for me"....her mate will say "so what are your measurements?" LOL.


i think you're right...the brain is my problem. ;) lobotomy time!

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