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Amy's Solo Rendevouz

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This past Tuesday, Amy went to play with her new boy-toy from the NYE party. Another first for us. Never in a million years did I figure that one day I would be picking out clothes and painting toenails for my wife so she could go play with another man all by herself, but hey...we haven't done the same thing twice yet, so why start now.




This was interesting on many levels. First, let me give you the setup. We had such a good time playing seperate with the couple we met NYE, that we decided we needed to do it again. However, both they and we have small children, so scheduling was going to be a nightmare (isn't it always!) The proposal came up that we could get a hotel room half-way (they live two hours away). Since babysitting was the issue, Amy would meet him one day for an afternoon tryst, and the following week, I would meet her for the same. Well, Amy's time was Tuesday, mine is this coming Monday.


Well, Amy went on her date, and had a good time. I wasn't sure how I would react to it, but when she got home, we had what was honestly the best sex of our 13 years together! Amy said, "Damn! If you're gonna do that every time I go out and fuck another guy, I may just have to do this more often." LOL


Amazingly, I didn't disagree with her. We came to the conclusion that we might as well try just about everything once, then we will go back to what we like. The only disappointment came from the other guy. He had never came in a woman's mouth before (his wife gets sick) and Amy was more than happy to help him out. But he has avoided doing it for so long with his wife, that psychologically he could not turn loose enough to do it with Amy. Oh well. Shit happens.


Two more days until my turn, and the lady has already promised large slashing wounds from her fingernails and bite-marks all over me. Woohoo! Should be fun. I'll let you know how it all turns out...

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I was just thinking the same thing... That solves the babysitter problem, doesn't it? Glad that everything turned out great for Amy...

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I don't know which of your comments turned me on more: the one about painting your wife's toenails so she could go out with another man, or the one about the hot sex you had when she got home! :EG:

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Interested One, you should pay closer attention to the dates on the blog entries you are responding to. This entry was submitted over two years ago. The OP hasn't visited the board in a year and a half. You've responded to other entries almost as old, and just as dead.


No reason to necro a blog entry that isn't going to get a response. ;)

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Interested One ~ two4youinswva is a moderator. He, along with 11 other moderators, have the duty of keeping watch on everything that happens. Moderators notice what people are posting and help out where we can.




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Um, no Interested One . When someone ads to an old entry, it brings it back to the top of the page.


Read whatever you'd like. Just letting you know when you necro a very old entry, you're not likely to get a response from the OP.


"Et tu, Brute" would indicate I have betrayed you in some manner. Since you're new here, and I don't know you, then it would be difficult for me to betray you. Just sayin'. ;)

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By "Et tu" I meant only that you, too, read old Blog entries. Now I understand that you're a moderator, and that the new Blog entries show up now, so you weren't (like me) reading an old one.

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