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padoc last won the day on August 20 2023

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1,701 Excellent

About padoc

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  • Birthday September 3

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  • Location
    Cape Coral, Fl
  • Interests
    travel, swing clubs, sports, sex
  • Occupation
  • Swinging Experience
    15 years

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  • Favorite Club(s)
    TPA, TJ's Trapeze, PGC, Saints & Sinners

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  1. You're quite sensitive, aren't you?
  2. If Aunt Ida is in the over 65 age bracket with underlying conditions then she should know the risks of going out and should take precautions or not as she chooses. If her pharmacy or grocery doesn't deliver and she's at risk, she should find a pharmacy or grocery that does. Ida doesn't "have to" stay home. By staying home and isolated she mitigates her risks but IT IS ENTIRELY HER CHOICE! Yet, her choices should have no impact on my behavior. What do I do? I haven't shaken hands since January, I wipe down my office after each visitor, I wash my hands regularly, I wear a mask where it's required, doctors office, dentist, barber shop, etc. By muscle memory and training, I've always maintained a safe zone. Call it social distancing if you will but after 30 years on the street, its a life long habit for me. Despite us being 67 and 62 and exercising our freedoms as Americans, neither my wife nor I have contracted Wuhan. We both go to work every day and we've maintained our more or less healthy lifestyle since this started in January. Perhaps the difference is that we have not gone into panic mode other than a few extra purchases of t/p and paper towels. We are cautious and aware but we don't live in fear. And when we're ready to resume swinging we will do so fully understanding that there may be some risk, as there always is with this hobby. However, we will be with friends we trust and in the privacy of our home or theirs. It will be awhile before we go to a swingers club or hotel takeover, those are of a risk greater than we choose to assume. Life is about choices and risk management.
  3. FYI…We have not engaged in swinging activity since the holidays. We CHOSE to step back. If we CHOOSE to play with another couple any time soon, we will not ask anyone else for validation or permission. Nor will we wag our fingers in disapproval at anyone who chooses a different path forward than ours. BTW, if Aunt Ida has underlying medical conditions, she'd be a damned sight safer nearly anywhere other than Walmart. If she's at risk, her meds can be home delivered. It would be her responsibility to see to her own well being. As far as I know, there is no evidence of sexually transmitted Wuhan. As of June 26th CDC says 126,000 deaths, NOT 200,000. Its likely that Gov Wolf and Gov Cuomo are responsible for more deaths in nursing homes than any swingers are or ever will be. There is a nice focal point for your outrage rather than at seeming healthy people deciding to share consensual sex in the privacy of their homes.
  4. Mine too! People bear the ultimate responsibility for their own health. Assess your risks and act accordingly. If you are over 65 and have serious underlying health conditions, wear a mask, stay home and avoid exposure. The 2 teens in Florida and the 8 year old did die, there is, of course, no additional info on that, just the shock value reports. Even if those 3 didn't have other complications, those deaths, while sad, are statistically insignificant. The death rate for Wuhan remains quite low considering the number of identified cases and the fact that there have likely been many, many more cases that have not been identified. If you're vulnerable or simply afraid, by all means, err on the side of caution. Don't make your vulnerability or fear everyone elses responsibility.
  5. Observation 1: Paragraphs were invented in part to make documents more readable. Observation 2: This story could be true but it could easily be the figment of the authors imagination. For the moment, I'll assume it true. Observation 3: If it is true, you are involved with a controlling, cruel and vindictive woman. A one off hour of revenge sex might have been acceptable and understandable considering your ages. A week of daily humiliation and nightly revenge fucking is overkill. Observation 4: Once this kind of behavior occurs, the genie will NEVER go back in the bottle. You have become her cuck boy. Conclusion: Between now and dead (or even between now and lunch time), is this how you want to live? If not, RUN, far and fast, block her number and never contact her again.
  6. That may be true but Wuhan had a head start. Try not to forget that fact.
  7. Trapeze just announced tonight that due to the marked increase in cases of Wuhan in FL, the club will close until further notice. Im guessing it will be awhile before they try again.
  8. Mrs Doc doesn't like to floss while giving a BJ so initially, I trimmed close because I absolutely LOVE her blowjobs. After our first toe dipping experiences into swinging 15 years ago, we noticed that most couples we saw were at least trimmed. I shave cock, balls and pubic area clean twice a week. Mrs Doc shaves but leaves a landing strip. We prefer our partners that way as well and we've found that it does tend to eliminate any lingering mustiness.
  9. Trap is a weekend trip for us. We'll go over to the east coast and the club sometime this summer.
  10. If he is "loaded up" on viagra it is likely that he is NOT taking the med as directed.
  11. Even if true, you're apparently having fun and you've broken the code as far as recreational sex is concerned. Let em talk, they only wish they were having as much fun as you apparently are. Mrs Doc was denied two substantial raises because she was 5 years older than her boss, 5 times sexier than she and the bosses husband remarked, within her earshot at a Xmas party, that he thought my wife was hot. If it doesn't cost you money, just smile sweetly and carry on!
  12. I just re-read this post and frankly Cozy, I don't think that you're ready for swinging. Or maybe you just didn't realize that a MFM is in large part about the woman's fun. You felt left out but perhaps it wasn't about you?
  13. Im not sure that a virus can ever be totally eradicated. Still, the odds of surviving this infection are extremely high. Sufficiently so that if I had the same odds of winning the Powerball, I'd be buying tickets, ordering a Bentley, booking a week at Desire with our friends and turning in my retirement papers! I think that the recent riots and protests may finally accomplish at least one thing. In about two weeks, if there isn't a major spike in new cases in Philly, Minneapolis, NYC and LA, there will no longer be an excuse for the states to continue the draconian lockdowns that have wrecked more lives economically than the virus has taken.
  14. My best friend since high school knows so does my oldest daughter and her husband, one of my work colleagues knows (we ran into him and his wife at a swingers m&g) and Im next to certain both next door neighbors suspect. That may have had something to do with a 2 couple pool party we had last fall. Mrs Doc's former neighbor knows and is VERY curious as does a good friend she once worked with. We actually broached the subject with her several years ago when she was visiting us in Florida. She had always wanted to play with a girl so my wife let that happen, and then a 3-some happened and later, in subsequent visits, we took her to Trapeze several times. None of Mrs Doc's kids know and her only sister (who's almost as sexy as my wife but who has some puritanical sexual views ) would be appalled! We don't hide the fact that we're swingers but we're careful too since SWFL is much less cosmopolitan than Philly or Miami.
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