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njbm last won the day on April 18

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About njbm

  • Rank
    Lifestyle Mentor

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    New Jersey and Florida

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  1. Before we went to a house party in 2016, my wife said I bet they have a lawn sign for a particular candidate. Sure enough, they did! A friend said did you see their lawn sign? We giggled. Really great idea not to talk politics or religion. We are going out with good friends tonight who are big supporters of the guy who got convicted of felonies today. Should be interesting. We hope not to discuss it with them. But we are in party mode.
  2. Good for Amy to provide a balanced answer and not total moralistic, anti-swinging rhetoric.
  3. This stuff was unknown ( by me) in my early dating days forty years ago. Progress! 21st century problems.
  4. Thank you all for the suggestions and encouragement! It is beautiful here. Haulover is a good idea, get a free preview.
  5. Thank you for the constructive suggestions. We are in Palm Beach county. It is about a three to four hour drive to the Tampa area, I guesstimate. We have been to Paradise Lakes and Caliente, so if we want to increase our chances, we could go there.
  6. We are ten year swinging veterans, just over Medicare age. We lived in the New York metro area and never had trouble meeting new swinging partners in the area. We recently moved to south Florida for the extended winter. We are on two online swinging sites. Plenty of interest from metro New Yorkers, little interest from Floridians. Cannot complain, enough is going on, but we are a little surprised. We thought people our age group would be here. Maybe they and we are aging out of this hobby.
  7. We are not looking for love with others. It’s more of a friends with benefits goal for us.
  8. P.S. if the other couple has no certs, you are asking for trouble generally. Unless they claim they don’t give or receive certs. Still!
  9. Also keep in mind that many of these couples are poseurs and not swingers at all. We had a refreshingly easy playtime with other very comfortable in their own skin swingers who we just misaligned with several times. We got together for a very uncomplicated sexy time. So easy and comfortable! No wondering, no drama, great time. All too rare. It used to be easier for us, we think. Maybe we were younger.
  10. Happens ALL THE TIME. How bout this one: you actually go out for a vanilla meal with the other couple, you think they are your age group, same range of attractiveness, you get along well, etc. A couple days later, we invite them to our house to play. They say they will think about it. Of course, we never hear from them again. It’s really like four dimensional dating and it gets frustrating enough to consider quitting.
  11. If we met through a website, the profiles usually say. If not, we discuss it before the action starts. I am not lecturing anyone on safety. Condoms are hit or miss for safety. I can’t say that if you use them, you are safe. Certainly, you are safer. But we have friends who play a lot and go bareback. If they haven’t contracted HPV or HSV, they are miracle workers.
  12. For the OP, join an online site like SLS, find a meet and greet near you, meet people. Phone numbers mean dates.
  13. We mentored newbies one weekend, then played with an experienced couple the next weekend. Night and day. Not that excited to mentor in future.
  14. It is up to everyone to choose the level of risk that they will accept. Few people die from cervical cancer or pre-cancer, no one dies from HSV. But in our ten years in swinging, we’ve encountered many people who had adverse consequences from HPV and HSV. We wish we knew about that at the outset. We thought wearing a condom equaled safe sex. It doesn’t. But not wearing a condom is playing Russian roulette. With a lotta bullets in the chamber. We like to be realistic, as depressing as that may be. No free lunch.
  15. We presume that the majority of people in our age group have or have had HPV or HSV. We further presume that condoms are of limited value against these STDs. HPV can cause cervical cancer. HSV is incurable. Most people don’t disclose. You cannot figure it out from knowing someone, trusting someone, etc. They may not know they have it. We use condoms to give us a chance. We are also vaccinated against HPV.
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