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About NorthIdahoCpl

  • Rank
    Just Getting Started
  • Birthday 11/26/1982

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    North Idaho
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  1. Some background: We have been married 12 years and have had our ups and downs as a couple. In the past few years things have improved to a point now that we are as solid in our relationship security as we could possible imagine. We are finally comfortable talking about all aspects of sex and are committed to total honesty. We recently talked about having sex in more public places (my fantasy) and so we went to a club last weekend and had a blast. Prior to going we talked very openly about the fact that having sex with others is a very interesting thought but not one that we want to pursue IRL. We did a lot of research on swinging and talked about it a lot but set very clear boundaries before we left for the club. While at the club we had a great time dancing and she came out of her shell a lot. She spent half the night dancing on the pole with her butt hanging out of her dress (about half the dancing time was pantyless with her lady bits on display for all to see). I didn't think she would be so bold and confident, but when she was it turned me on a lot. We eventually retreated to one of the group rooms to have sex and it was awesome. There were other people there having sex and some people just watching. We later went back for a second round. The sex the next day at home was amazing as well. Honestly we both were a little unsure what to expect but we had a great time. Now the next day (Sunday) we had a discussion about the whole night and she admitted to me that despite our boundaries she went into the night thinking that she might be willing to try a swap if the situation felt good. I honestly was thinking the same thing. Obviously that never happened and for the most part the night probably turned us off to swapping due to some conversations and situations with some creepy people. But she did share a concern that continuing to go back might make us want to try swapping eventually and frankly I agree though I did assure he that I have no desire to pursue that (I don't). That makes me wonder though... is that what most people think and we are just naive and on our way towards a swap and full immersion into the lifestyle? While we both admit that the idea of swinging sounds like fun, we both feel like it would be too jealousy filled to do. We also talked about the fact that it probably would be rather unfulfilling sexually since we have a pretty dynamite sex life without the swapping. Lastly we talked about the fact that it seems like most couples there would end up in an unfair swap (i.e. the man was not nearly as attractive/young as the wife). Anyways I'm curious what others thoughts and experience with this are.
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