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TricianMike last won the day on December 25 2023

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733 Excellent


About TricianMike

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    Super Contributor
  • Birthday 04/24/1971

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    New Jersey
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  1. I can see both sides to this post. The OP is new to the lifestyle and needs a comfort zone. Read her posts, on vacation she was relaxed, her inhibitions disappeared in that comfort. I’m not a therapist, to me she is looking for sex without pressure or guilt. Many look for sex as the main focus of swinging, it certainly is the reason though others want the social factor too. Politics aside we would go to football games in NJ wearing my Giants jersey and approached Eagles fans. Sex with the enemy!
  2. How about the Gallery right here on the board? Dick pics? Pussy pics? Boob pics? Why?
  3. The statement should be true, I wish we adhered to that. We had an idea to pick up random partners and it got out of hand. Playing with the same friends became every time left the pleasure of the unknown missing. Random partners wasn’t better it is just different. What we lost was connections, getting to know and mesh, I just didn’t care. We had years of opportunities lost, friends we could have made.
  4. Years ago I asked Michael why he enjoyed watching me pick up random men for sex. Thought it was strange he would just watch or talking the men as they had fun with me. He turned the question upside down, why did I enjoy picking up different men just to give them blowjobs. Why do we watch porn? He did tell me that he could tell which men I enjoyed and which men left me wanting. He said my excitement started before starting a blowjob.
  5. No person should go through this. I was warned many times about risks of unprotected sex that is multiplied by anonymous men and my want of pushing the envelope. I am blessed with an understanding lovable husband.
  6. I posted this years ago regarding taking gifts for sleeping with men something most women and men can relate to. I think many if not most women have had sex on a first date because she felt she owed the guy. Not the only time I slept with someone because I felt I should, I once went with a guy to a concert in Philadelphia, I wanted to pay but he insisted and took me for dinner and drinks after the concert. He wouldn’t let me pay for anything. I had no romantic attraction to him but invited him back to my apartment. I would say the evening cost him at least $500. Forward to a more recent time. Mike and I enjoy picking up men in hotels. I engage someone in the bar and when the time is right I tell him about Mike across the bar. I always tell them I am not looking for anything and that it’s just something we like to do. One time a man left two hundred dollars on the dresser. Mike and I laughed about it. It about paid for the room. This was not the only time.
  7. This post has troubled me since I first read it. When a woman looks for aggressive sex men may read that in different ways. I never thought my actions looking for new thrills, new excitement, new men, starting with tame swinging then looking for new ways to meet men would be construed as rape fantasy. Michael was always there as my protector when my desire to meet random men was acted out. I won’t rehash some of the acts I did while living out pornographic types of things. My analyst warned me, I discounted her analysis. I continued looking for the next sexual thrill until more happened, men went further even with me protesting. Luck will run out I found. I never thought it was rape fantasy until it went too far. I never thought I asked for it, I certainly didn’t asked to be hurt or infected. Be careful on what you are looking for.
  8. Size matters only if it is way larger not a thing that happens often. Someone said i had a fetish looking for monster cock. We would pick up men just to have oral sex with larger ones. For length, never a problem i learned how to relax, no gag reflex. If you think about it an average penis will reach the back of your throat so most women who can take the full length overcame the gag reflex. A fat cock can be a problem if you cant relax your jaw because a mouth only can open a finite amount. My problems were thick and were brutal.
  9. We are doing better. Stay away from sketchy meet ups. Stay safe with partners you know.
  10. MyLab Box. You still need to send in and wait. Depending on what you are testing for there are different tests which is expensive. Our suggestion if you have symptoms take the smarter choice of seeing a doctor. If you are actively meeting strangers get checked on a regular basis. The biggest suggestion is know who you are with.
  11. Merry Christmas 🎄 Our advice is keep to the traditional swinging. We went too far off the track with random meetings with men that didn’t understand. I knew better.
  12. We too miss his insights and comments. You never know why you stop seeing posts from certain people, hoping it’s just the world that changes not catastrophic events. RIP.
  13. Thank you to all who reached out to wish us well. As the year ends leaving us with many questions about our future playing we think of those no longer with us, those who had like us some negativity, those we had fun with and those we hope to one day meet for fun. This is a reminder that there are cautions we all need to take in our lives and we learn from mistakes. Unfortunately we went to places we never imagined when we first joined an exciting group of friends. Wishing all a healthy fun new year 🎄🎄🎉
  14. We are on a break now due to a few reasons. Some mistakes made. We talk about comebacks but for now we just talk.
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