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  1. All swingers have their preferences when it comes to playtime. What do you prefer? I have tried to set this poll up so that singles and couples who also swing with singles and other couples may be able to answer it. You may choose more than one option. **EDIT** Please remember to vote by preference more so than what you are willing to settle for with others.
  2. Here is the question , how many experienced swingers will consider meeting with a couple that is new to swinging ? I want to see if the responses here corrolate with our experince so far Marv & Sue
  3. My wife and I starting playing unexpectedly with some close friends who are a couple about 4 years ago. It was a random thing that happened one night. After the initial encounter I sat my wife down and discussed rules, expectations, dynamic, etc. We agreed we would be soft swap, anything was ok except we only fuck each other and only play with both present. I suggested we discuss what we talked about with the other couple. My wife didn't want to do that. She was ok with us being aware and having our rules. I reluctantly agreed. Many encounters later all is good. The dynamic has been when the wives are ready to play we play. I've wanted to be a little more proactive and actually plan play dates, figuring the anticipation would be great, we could have some sexy discussion, and we could communicate more openly with the other couple. I've always been shit down saying the spontaneous nature was working fine. This last weekend we got together and I found myself with the other wife straddling me asking if she could fuck me. My wife chimed in and said it was ok if she could fuck the other husband. I said no, nope, no we have rules and this breaks them. We had discussed that rules can change but not in the heat of the moment. I know without a doubt my wife does not want me fucking anyone else, and she definitely does not want to fuck the other husband. She's fine playing with him but not all the way. I knew she would regret it. We moved on and had a good night. The next morning my wife was so appreciative of me sticking to the rules. The other couple though were confused. I had to explain to the other wife we have rules. She was cool with that, but maybe my wife and I should revisit the rules. I asked my wife if she wanted to augment the rules. She said no she was good. We are strictly soft swap. I'm cool with that. I asked to have an open discussion with the other couple. I asked both my wife and the other wife. They said they wanted to keep it like it was. The ladies initiate, guys follow suit. I suggested that we plan more it could be fun and open more communication, more fun I was shot down again. I was told to not overthink things. That everything is fine. Am I overthinking things? Am I always going to be the rules enforcer? How do I work at more planning because that's something I want with out sounding crazy and over thinking?
  4. I just heard an idea from a couple of putting in their profile that they are soft-swing only even though they are actually full-swap, for the purpose of eliminating any contact from swingers who were just out for the sex and not looking to actually develop relationships/friendships. What is your take on this? How would you feel if you were a soft-swinging couple that contacted this couple? Or if you were a full-swap couple that suddenly found out that this couple was now an option when you might have thought otherwise based on their profile? How do you feel about this type of deception, is it ok?
  5. Maybe one of these days I'll feel like we have enough experience to give advice. All I have lately are questions after questions. What a journey the last 9 months or so have been for us. We went from just being voyeurs, to a little bit of exhibitionism, to soft swinging in the first few months. All seemed to be going pretty well. Then last winter, after the Mr. had a not-so-good experience seeing me with someone else, we took a step back and stayed there until recently. At the beginning of the summer we met a couple that we've really clicked with. It's awesome being with them and are all enjoying it--just soft swinging, but lots of fun, really hot--like I said, we've all just clicked. We'll be seeing them again this weekend. Lots of flirty emails flying back and forth and it's heating up fast. Really fast! Beyond our initial boundary-setting talk, we haven't discussed full swap, but it seems pretty clear to us that is where they'd like to take it if and when we are ready. That's where I need help. A few weeks ago, I posted a question about emotions after swinging I think everyone assumed it was me that was dealing with the emotional swings, but it isn't. It is Mr. EnjoyingLife. From the whole experience, I personally get that feeling of exhilaration (among other positive effects) that so many describe. He's as turned on by the thought and leading up to each experience as the rest of us, he enjoys the actual experience as much as anyone else. The problem is always the next few days after each experience. Swinging and just being around the lifestyle has had so many positives for us, but him seeing me with another man isn't one of them for him. In fact, he doesn't really care for it. He claims that at the worst it is just mildly uncomfortable, and as long as he is preoccupied with the other wife it isn't even that. But by the next day it bothers him some. Sometimes he'll say things like "I saw you do X, you've never done that with me." Jealousy maybe? He says no, but I don't know what else it would be. He also says he feels some guilt about how turned on he gets with another woman...he says he made a lifelong commitment to me and if he were being true to that commitment he doesn't think he should get that turned on. It doesn't matter how much I reassure him that I understand and actually ENJOY seeing him having a good time, his feelings are his feelings. So anyways, in the few days after the experience he deals with what he describes as some sadness over the thought of me with someone else and some guilt about being with someone other than me. Then, the next thing you know that is all gone and he's back to anticipating the next experience as much as the rest of us are. So, here we are about to see them again (the couple we click with), and Mr. EnjoyingLife keeps bringing up full swapping to me. He knows that I would, that I could, that I would even like to in the heat of the moment...but that I don't need it and that I'm perfectly happy where we are and would happily remain soft swingers indefinitely. Soft swinging is all about foreplay after all, and women love foreplay! But again, he keeps talking about it and saying how much fun it would be for him. So I remind him that it can't be just one way like that (just him and the other wife), that before he does that he needs to be absolutely certain that he is okay with all four of us full swapping, because if he and the other wife do it will be expected that the other husband and I do too. And when I remind him of that, he comes back to reality and says that no, he doesn't want me with another man like that. Can anyone help me understand what is going on here? It seems pretty clear to me that full swapping is probably not the best move for our relationship right now, so I'm planning to at least try to get him to wait for a while longer. Maybe with a few more good soft swinging experiences his emotional swings about it all will smooth out? I just really need some other perspectives here. Thanks!
  6. We are a happily married couple in our 50's and this is an account of our first swinging experience. Susan is 5'7', blond and blue eyes, 135lbs. I am 5'11', gray and blue eyes and 210lbs. We were always fans of triple X-rated movies and would often rent a few for the weekend. Watching the movies was a great turn on for us and we'd comment on the various activities taking place. One such evening, I asked Susan which activities were most enjoyable for her, having already noticed a particular interest on her part for group action. She said she liked to watch the swing parties where different couples got together. I then asked her if she could have a fantasy experience, what would it be. She said she might enjoy us being with another couple but not in the group scene. It turned out that what she was trying to say was that she'd like to have another man but she didn't want me to watch her and she wasn't ready to see me with another woman. I asked if she'd be willing to go a little further and turn the fantasy into reality, and much to my surprise, she said yes. We did some initial checking and we discussed it further and decided that we'd contact a swinger's club and go and see what it was like. I got a copy of a swing magazine at a local shop and we called. The lady we talked to soon convinced us that we'd made the right choice. She assured Susan that their club, as is the case with any legitimate swing club, insisted on a no pressure and no means no atmosphere for their guests. Thus reassured, Susan agreed and we made arrangements to attend the following weekend. We were given directions to a large four-bedroom home on an isolated cul-de-sac. Upon arriving, we were greeted at the door by a gentleman who introduced himself as the club host. He took us into the bar area so we could leave our beverage of choice, BYOB, and proceeded to give us a quick rundown on the layout of the house, some basic rules of protocol and just friendly and relaxing conversation. We had told him we were first timers and I'm sure he spent a little extra time with us. Feeling more like house guests than swing party participants, John, our host, took us on a tour of the property. We went into bedrooms that were partitioned off for private accommodations and larger rooms that were pretty much open to anything goes. This was in the late 80's and the worst thing you had to contemplate was maybe a little penicillin and some embarrassment. So it was quite a show, mostly subtle since the evening was young and the party wasn't yet in full swing. But still there were a few very explicit acts in progress and we were thoroughly enjoying the sights. As we returned to the living room, a kind of neutral meeting and get acquainted area, we agreed that Susan would take the lead. If she found someone she was comfortable with, she would just go with it and I was free to then follow with my own action. We found a place on some cushions in one corner of the room and after introducing us to some nearby couples, John left us on our own. I began to realize Susan was paying particular attention to one guy in the group. Susan said she needed a refill, she had had a drink on arriving then switched to plain cola. I offered to get it and she said no, she'd rather get it herself, got up and went to the bar in the next room. She was gone longer than it took to get a refill on her drink and I later learned she was delayed by a show taking place in the bar, or I should say, on the bar. A woman was sitting up on the bar and another woman was just beginning a very public attempt to satisfy her orally. It was a new thing for the recipient and it was certainly a totally new experience for Susan. Although she is very straight in her sexual orientation, she was fascinated and stayed to watch this very erotic display. Susan returned to the cushion next to me, and her new found friend moved closer to her and expressed his relief that she had returned. She was obviously pleased at his attention and introduced me as her husband. I shook hands with him and found out his name was Bob. Susan asked if he was there alone and he told her his wife was back in one of the party rooms. I almost held my breath as they talked and the conversation moved closer and closer to where I was so fervently hoping it would go, that they would seek some more private place to continue to develop their mutual attraction. It was a real turn-on for me to see the way they touched hands and arms as they talked, even leaning over to whisper a few times. Susan later told me that what I didn't hear was when he told her he'd love to invite her to join him in another room but that he had had quite a few drinks and wasn't sure he would be able to do anything. She said that by then, she had developed such a good feeling about him that it wasn't the most important thing in her mind. She genuinely liked him and thought he was very attractive and wanted to be alone with him, the first man she had been alone with in that way since we had been married some 15 years earlier. Bob eventually asked me if it would be ok if they went for a walk to which I readily replied with, of course it's ok with me, and that it's Susan's decision. They left and I was so excited at the thought of what they might soon be doing I couldn't stand it. I went to the bar and fixed myself another drink, very light shots and lots of mix, I didn't want to be impaired if anything developed. When I reentered the room I noticed a rather attractive brunette sitting on the floor next to a coffee table in the center of the room. I stopped and said hello and asked if she'd mind if I joined her. She invited me to sit and we began to talk about the generalities of the party, what a nice place, a lot of nice people and so forth. I soon learned that she had been in one of the rooms with a guy who's only interest was voyeurism and she had felt quite neglected. I found out her husband was there with her and that his name was Bob. Bob had apparently become a little bored that evening and had been drinking more than she liked. I told her my wife had gone off with a guy named Bob and when she described him I was pretty much convinced that we were talking about the same person, her husband and, hopefully, my wife's lover. I asked if she'd care to join me in a room and I promised her that my interest would be in her, not the people around us. She said that in that case, she'd love to. We walked around for a few minutes, I was hoping to catch a glimpse of Susan with Bob but I didn't try too hard because I also wanted to respect her wishes in being on her own the first time. Bob's wife's name was Linda and we finally settled in a room with one other couple, a young married couple who it turns out had made a special request of the host. They wanted John to perform oral sex on her while her husband watched. John was very willing to grant their request and soon entered the room and went straight to the task at hand. It occurred to Linda and I that we had both become voyeurs because we were mesmerized by this young couple enjoying their fantasy. He was sitting next to her looking down at her and stroking her breasts as John's tongue worked it's magic down between her legs. The young wife, they were in their twenties, was reaching down touching John's head as he brought her what appeared to be intense pleasure. And she kept looking up at her husband and smiling and mouthing 'I love you' to him. They were both totally absorbed in each other and, of course, John. Linda and I began to undress and caress each other as we continued to watch the young couple. Once Linda and I had toyed with each other and become totally nude, we soon began to concentrate on each other and we found that we both loved oral sex and proceeded to lose ourselves in that pursuit. We were in a sixty-nine to the finish and we were unaware of anyone else around us. Then I heard Susan's voice, she said 'That's him, I'd recognize that hair anywhere.' I turned in amazement and there she sat with Bob, sitting on a padded bench, hand in hand, now dressed, and watching as I returned to his wife's lovely pussy. I don't think she was aware yet who was there, but she was pushing her hips up urging me to finish what I'd started, which I gladly did. Linda came easily after that, and I could feel myself getting closer. I kept thinking how I couldn't believe Susan was sitting there watching me, but I was also very involved in what Linda was doing to me with her mouth. And then I came. It must have been that Linda knew I was coming because she began to buck and squeal as she sucked me in deeper into her throat as waves of ecstasy washed over me and I came in her mouth. I could feel her sucking and pulling the come out of me as I plunged myself as deep into her throat as I could reach. The pleasure was indescribable. We finally parted and sat up and soon we were talking with our spouses as if nothing had happened. I was holding her in my arms and Bob was sitting there with his arm around Susan as if we were transposed, him with Susan and me with Linda. I couldn't wait to hear about Susan's experience. Soon afterward, Susan and I left the party, we had a 90 minute drive to return home. As we drove she related to me what had happened to her. She told me that he had warned her that he had had more to drink than he should have and immediately regretted it when he met her in the living room. She said she had assured him she still wanted to go with him and they went to one of the partitioned rooms and settled in with each other still clothed and began to talk. Soon they were kissing and caressing each other through their clothing. He undid the buttons of her blouse and his hands and fingers played with her breasts, she said he was so gentle and caring in the way he touched her and the things he said that she seemed to lose all her inhibitions and found herself reaching down and feeling for him. She undid his belt and then unbuttoned his pants and unzipped him. For the first time in 15 years, she was feeling a man's penis other than mine. They finished undressing each other and as he caressed her, she stroked him and they kissed. She said he apologized to her because it seemed his fears were being realized, he wasn't going to be able to get a hard on. Susan said she'd try to change that and bent down and took him into her mouth. She sucked and licked and massaged him with her hand but it wasn't to be. But, she told me, she was enjoying his company so much that it hardly mattered, and anyway, there was something about the softness of his penis in her mouth that was really turning her on. And he surely didn't mind her continuing efforts. Bob stroked her hair and reached under her kneeling body and gently played with her breasts. Susan became aware of voices and turned and looked up to see John and another guy standing there rather casually watching her. It was surprising to her, but she said it seemed to add something to the experience. She wasn't embarrassed and she didn't stop. She felt just a little more excited that someone was watching her and she felt herself enjoying it that much more. When she looked up at John he smiled and raised his eyebrows in a sign of approval and she responded with a smile back and repositioned herself so John and the other observer would have a better view. In her new position, Bob could reach between her legs and she couldn't believe the feeling of pleasure she had when he inserted two fingers inside her and began to stroke and finger her. She could also tell that she was very, very wet. It was like her mind was reeling with all the sensations she was having. She said at one point she felt Bob's hand on the back of her head, pulling her into him and she thought she also felt the introduction of a little more liquid a bit of a different taste in her mouth as she sucked his flaccid penis. She thinks he did come after all because soon after his body seemed to relax. And once again, he apologized for not being able to perform for her. She didn't really know why, but the fact that she hadn't come didn't diminish the experience for her, it was the most fun she could remember having. Susan said she assured him that she'd had a delightful time with him and that perhaps next time they would be able to do more. They then went and showered together and dressed. They walked around the rooms watching other couples, any rooms where the door wasn't shut were understood to be open to anyone who wanted to enter and observe. And Susan was loving being an observer. That's when they came into the room where Linda and I were locked in our oral pleasuring of each other. We arrived home at about three in the morning and for the rest of the night we discussed the evening, made love, and discussed some more. Every new detail she'd tell me would get me started again, and we continued that way until the first rays of the morning sun reminded us that it was time to stop and get some sleep because the real world was getting ready to descend on us. Since then we've enjoyed other couples and a few more swing clubs. The most fascinating part of our beginning is that although Susan has enjoyed better experiences from a physical standpoint, she still remembers Bob as a tender and very pleasurable lover. Now, after all this time, we want to relive those times and we are embarking on a search for a way to do that, have our cake, so to speak, and stay safe too.
  7. When my wife and I first got together I shared a story with her about a previous girlfriend I had. A couple of years earlier my girlfriend, Jennifer, and I went to Las Vegas. While we were there we visited a swingers club, a short way off the strip, where they allowed sexual activity on-site. It was mainly a voyeur thing on my part, but we had a great time. Late last year my wife began asking a lot of questions about this club and my previous visit. Amy admitted that it sounded like a lot of fun and would like to go experience it sometime. As we negotiated the trip, she agreed that she would try her first girl-girl experience while we were out there. She has always teased me about her bi interests but has never lived out any of them. We ended up booking flights and a hotel for an early March trip. We flew out on a Thursday and did the typical tourist things that night and during the day on Friday. Friday night we both got dressed up and headed out for the evening. Amy looked great! She had a short red dress outfit on and red panties to match. {Amy is 24, shoulder-length blonde hair, small breasts, killer ass. I had just turned 30 the month before.} After a nice late dinner and a few drinks we headed to the club. You pick up a pass to the club a couple blocks away and then drive to the party. As I got back into the car after picking up the pass, Amy looked pretty nervous. I asked her if she still wanted to go, she said there was no turning back now, and she wanted to see what it was all about. As we entered the club we left our liquor at the bar area and just walked through the main level. The main level has a bar, pool tables, dance floor, pool area, and it has both couples and a few singles the singles are mainly guys of course. There were a couple of TV’s with porn playing on them. We then headed upstairs which is restricted to couples only. On the 2nd level is a social area, restroom, and two large, open bedrooms; they, of course, do not have doors. There is a lot of activity in these two rooms, mainly couples doing the exhibitionist thing, but you would also see small groups. There were several rooms on the main floor that you could use when a few people wanted to be alone. Shortly after arriving we ended up in the smaller bedroom watching two girls with one guy on the bed. There were probably 5-6 couples around the bed watching the exciting action. The light is dim, but you can see all that is going on. I stood behind Amy and began to rub her ass, then to her shoulders and breasts. She reached behind and began rubbing my hard cock through my jeans, she was not removing her eyes from the scene in front of us. I slowly moved down and rubbed her legs, slowly moving her dress farther up her legs. As I reached her underwear, I began to rub her on the outside of her panties; she was so hot and excited! It was then that I noticed a couple on the other side of the bed. His wife was watching the threesome action, but he kept alternating between them and us. The exhibitionist in me started to get excited. I continued to play with her pussy and slowly pulled her panties down several inches; I knew that this strange man across from us could clearly see my wife’s pussy, and that excited me! I continued to massage Amy’s clit in a soft circular motion; it didn’t take long for her to come. As I glanced around the room while she was coming I saw several people watching us, it was so hot. The threesome on the bed soon ended and the room slowly cleared, there was a lot of massaging going on by several of the spectators in the room. Amy and I went downstairs for a drink and soon after headed back up to the couples’ area. We ended up in the larger room this time. There were two men and two women naked on the bed; the activity had been going on for awhile by the time we got there. The couples were fucking their own significant others while reaching over and touching each other. The younger couple was in their early 30’s and the other couple was probably mid-40’s. Both men were lying down with the women on top. Amanda and I sat down and watched for awhile. I noticed that the man from the younger couple kept looking our way. I leaned over to Amy and told her that he was watching her, she just kind of giggled. We were about four feet away from them and from our angle we could see his cock going inside her pussy, what a view! He began to motion Amy over to them while looking at me to see my reaction. I told her that if she wanted to she better go. She stood up and sat right beside them on the bed. He pulled out of his wife and rolled her over on her back. I then walked over and sat beside them as well, I hadn’t realized it until then but there were probably 12-14 people watching from various parts of the room. The man, who I later learned is Matt, asked Amy if she wanted to taste his wife, Cathy. Amy leaned down and began to lick her pussy, until then she had never had any experiences with women. I moved towards Cathy’s face and touched her breasts and hair while my wife licked her. Matt was rubbing Amy’s ass and legs. After a few minutes they switched places, I very much enjoyed watching Cathy lick her pussy. Amy was so nervous by the experience and the audience that she couldn’t come. Everyone got dressed and the show ended. Amy, Cathy, Matt, and I went downstairs for a drink. As we talked they seemed to have quite a bit more experience at this than we did. We ended up getting a private room on the main floor with the stipulation of being able to stop or leave if we got uncomfortable. As we lay down on the bed we kissed our respective spouses and slowly all of us got undressed. The girls faced each other and kissed as Matt and I rubbed up behind them. We stepped back and let the girls have a little fun alone. Cathy went down on Amy again and this time was able to make her come. I suggested to Matt that we trade spots so that I could touch Cathy and he could touch Amy. Matt asked if I brought any condoms, I did, but told him that I wasn’t sure if we were going that far yet. I laid back as I watched my wife lean over and begin kissing Matt, all of us were totally nude and I watched as Amy straddled Matt’s chest. I got scared thinking she was going to fuck him, but she just rubbed her pussy on his chest while they kissed. I then concentrated on Cathy and began to finger her while we French-kissed. She began stroking my cock and playing with my balls. I was so involved in my activities that I hadn’t been paying much attention to Amy when I looked over she had Matt’s cock in her mouth. I felt an urge of jealousy run through me, but the more I watched it became a very unusual excitement. Cathy was watching me watch them, but she had had enough watching and told me to taste her. I went down between her legs and began to lick her pussy. I soon felt a familiar mouth on my dick; Amy was engulfing me while I ate another woman’s pussy. Cathy began to come and I felt the urge building in me as well. I sat up and pulled Amy to me and entered her pussy. As I was thrusting deep into her, Cathy leaned over and began to lick her clit. Matt got behind Cathy and entered her pussy. All of the sex was making the bed bang into the wall. I shot my cum deep into Amy, soon after Matt filled up Cathy with his. Our time in the room was about over so we got dressed and parted ways. Later that night Amy and I decided that we were going to go back on Saturday night. We agreed that if the opportunity came up again we would allow each other to have intercourse with someone else, but if one did we both were going to.
  8. We discovered the lifestyle almost by accident about 3 years ago and our initiation came at a very nice on-premises club about an hours travel from Philly. At the time, I was 49 and Leann was 44. She is 5'6, 150, big blue eyes, killer smile, great legs and 40D's. Im 6' 215, fit with broad shoulders, blue eyes and neatly trimmed beard that matches my more salt than pepper hair. The night we went to the club, Leann was wearing a tank top, short skirt, thong & 'fuck-me' shoes. The night I'm describing was not our first visit to the club but was our first contact with another couple. After having a few adult beverages, we walked back to the play rooms, both of us excited by the activities going on around us. There is a glory hole room in this club where one can either participate or watch the action in the next room. We went in and luckily, there was another couple playing on the bed. We watched for awhile and my wife slid my zipper down while I exposed her tit and started to tweak her nipple. At this point, another couple came in and closed the door. They didn't say anything, just watched the other couple through the holes while occasionally checking us out. They were about our age {40's}, she had blonde curly hair, weighed about 130 lbs and was attractive but not a knock-out. She wore a long slit skirt and a pretty much unbuttoned blouse. I could see a little tit in the darkened room, but not much. The room we were in was very small and, since there were four of us, there was a bit of incidental contact, just enough to make it VERY warm. He soon had her shirt open the whole way and was sucking her puffy nipples. Leann turned slightly to be able to stroke me so the women were standing next to each other, the blonde with her shirt open and Leann with her top pulled down to her waist. What a hot sight for a couple of 'newbies', I thought my dick would explode. I looked and the other woman had her mans erection outside his pants. I was kissing Leann when she moaned softly. The other woman had leaned back against the wall and was stroking her man while running her other hand up my wife's leg. What happened next surprised me completely. Leann broke off our kiss and touched another woman sexually for the first time in her life. As she fondled one of the blondes tits, she said 'oh my gawd Sam, she has the softest skin, you've got to feel this'. Who was I to argue, I started to fondle the other woman. We somehow got turned so the blonde was leaning against my chest and Leann was facing her and leaning back against him. I had removed the blondes top and was running my hands up and down her body, over her smallish but very responsive tits and up the slit in her skirt to her trimmed and very wet pussy. Meanwhile, I could see Leann was now stroking the other guys dick while he pushed aside her thong and had at least 2 fingers sunk into her. This was the first time Id ever seen her play with another cock and the first time Id ever seen her touched by someone else. I was excited, a bit jealous, but damned turned on by the whole scene. The blonde & Leann kissed several times while we guys were working on their tits and pussies. I heard a familiar and particular moan from my wife and watched as her nipples hardened more and she came for another man for the first time in our relationship. It was an awesome sight and was intense enough that he practically had to hold her upright. That scene was what it took for the blonde as well. As Leann was cumming, I redoubled my efforts on my playmates clit and lips and, while she certainly didn't squirt, she flooded my hand as she came. We held each others women for a minute or two and then the blonde uttered the first words spoken between us other than 'oh god' when she turned around and said 'now its your turn'. She stroked me a few times {not that I needed it} and, topless, dropped to her knees and took my dick in her mouth. My wife watched this transpire, looked at me, smiled and took the husbands belt in her hands, opened it, and dropped his pants. I watched in amazement, my dick in a lovely blondes mouth, as my lovely mate used one hand to stroke the lady's husband while she used her other to spread his pre-cum all over the head of his dick. She had said several times that she wasn't sure how far she'd want to go with another guy, but probably wouldn't mind jacking a guy off. That's what I expected her to do so I was completely surprised when she went to her knees and took a strange dick in her mouth. At that point, I had my hands wrapped in the blondes hair as she gave me an excellent blow job. Watching Leann start to bob on the strangers dick finished me. I started to cum in buckets. The blonde pulled back after the first shot and I finished cumming on her face and chest. Knowing I was cumming on his wife sent the other guy over the edge too. Again, my wife surprised me. I expected her to finish him off by hand but instead, when he started to cum, she slid her mouth down his shaft and took as much of him as she could and let him cum in her mouth. She never loses a drop with me but I never expected to see her swallow with another guy, but that's exactly what she did. The blonde looked at her and said, 'Hi, I'm Michelle and the guy you just blew is Ed'. We laughed and introduced ourselves too and started to adjust our clothing. Before we left that little room, the guys shook hands and the ladies exchanged a hug and kiss. Apparently there was a fluid exchange along with the kiss because later, in a lighted hallway, I could see a spot of semen drying on Leann's tank top just above her still erect nipple. That was our first but definitely not our last lifestyle experience.
  9. It was a cold January night in Denver as we ditched our (seemingly) vanilla coworkers downtown. We each pretended to go up to our room, but we ducked out to my car for a little journey out south of town. We got to the ranch a little late, maybe even for a Friday night, eleven or so. We got some wine out of the bottle we brought and started chatting with the couples left and found a couple, had to be thirty years younger than I, my girlfriend isn't quite as old as I... I saw it in their eyes that I could be their parent's age... good luck you two! Another couple from Wyoming we started chatting with seemed very nice and after less than five minutes the dude asks if we would like to play! I must have missed the signal. We had mentioned previously that were soft although we never discussed what that meant. We headed into the private rooms/booths and started peeling clothes off. We each started playing with our own girl and I encouraged my girl to suck on Kevin's(?) cock. Those two had a little powwow in which I heard the girl ask the guy, "aren't we soft?" They whispered another thirty seconds and then it was on! We each did our own girl side by side with lots of hand and mouth interaction between couples. I asked the other girl, Elizabeth, if she liked girls. Turns out she did. They get locked in a 69 and I kind of maneuver my girl around to where I can get my cock in as she's laying on her back and the other guy puts it into his girl from behind. My girl, always the scamp, steals the other guy's cock away and starts sucking it down, and sure enough, the other girl steals her man's cock back and stuffs it in her pussy. I turned the girls over and put it to my girl from behind, alternating between my girl's pussy and the other girl's mouth. The other guy was screwing his girl kind of sideways. That was all I could take. I erupted into my girl's pussy and collapsed in a heap. The other girl finished her guy with a blowjob, and we all whispered with our own mates. Five minutes later: dressed and were like, "Hope to see you all here again sometime!"
  10. Guest

    First Time at Club

    I knew about a local swing club and had mentioned it to my wife one day when we were at our local bar playing pool. She mentioned maybe we should look into it, I was rolled back thinking she's just try to fuck with me. A little quick intro about us. We are both Hispanic, married about 15 years. M-49, F-48 BBW nice big boobs. Before we were married we experimented with MFM just a few times, she loved and I loved watching her getting fucked, but other male moved on and we never pursued it(I will add this story later on when I back track). So fast forward to the present. I had asked her if she really wanted to go. I knew we had to prepare as we had never been to anything like this before. We went out got some nice clothes. Nothing slutty, just some new tight jeans and a low cut top to show a little. She is very shy when it comes to showing off her boobs.. Also, some liquor as this club was a byob and sex on premises. We had already agreed that we were just "looking" and that we were not hooking up with anyone (but I went and got rubbers just in case, as I did not know for sure if they would supply some there or not, but it was better to be prepared, oh and yes they did provided free rubbers). We got dressed and went to the Club, it was a good thirty minute drive away. When we were getting closer she started asking me if I really wanted to do this and why I was so interested in this lifestyle (she did not consider the previous MFM "swinging" as it only happened about three times and it was with the same guy which she already knew from a previous relationship). I told her yes but mostly I wanted to see what the club was like (yeah right, I wanted to see her fucking others). As we approached the club early around 9 p.m., there were not too many cars in the parking lot. I had wanted to get there a little early because I did not want to be waiting in a line to put in my application (as a members only club you have to put in an application). That was a short processes and we walked into the club. Except for maybe a few regulars hanging at the bar (about 4 couples) it was just us. We were thinking maybe we came in a little too early. We drank, enjoyed the music, would have loved to dance, but nobody else was. The club itself was rather nice, big dance floor, and off to the side you could see a door way with curtains but we were not brave enough yet to see what was behind them. After some time went by, a few more couples showed up but not much more; there were many empty tables. There was a very cute couple sitting at one of the tables. They got up and went to the back. Soon midnight was coming, and we were feeling good from the drinks, we decide to see what was behind the curtains. As we went past them, we were greeted by a nice, very friendly woman. She asked us if we wanted a room (which were really open cubicles with curtains covering the entrance) we said we were new and just wanted to see what was back here, she said "oh, they did not give you the tour? let me show you what we have". They had an exhibition room where you could be seen or just watch, a swing for some fancy fucking, and the cubicles which she showed us. As we passed by them to the big cubicle you could see a few people already in some of them having their fun. As we got to the larger room which was empty at the time, I saw the couple from earlier in one of the rooms, she was riding him and it looked hot. We proceeded to go back toward the entrance, but before we went back to the dance area I asked my wife if she want to go to one of the cubicles. To my surprise, she said yes. I let her lead the way, and to my amazement or luck she picked the cubicle across from the couple. I could see he was still laying down and she was lying on top grinding on him. She had the nicest round ass I had ever seen. You could hear them fucking, it was a major turn and I got hard right away. I started taking off my shirt and she was just lying on the bed with all her clothes on. She looked at me and said "I am not taking off my clothes". So here I am shirtless, with a hard on, thinking "what the hell". I pulled my pants down to my hips with my dick sticking out, thinking "what the hell, you can at least suck my dick" (which I might add she does very well and loves to do it AND loves the taste of cum.... yes loves it). After what seemed like forever of the best exhibition blow job ( you could hear people walking by, and other cubicles fucking), she started get horny from all that cock sucking. Boom all her clothes came off and the rest of mine. She was so wet, she started to ride me as I just laid down. She would pull forward and her nice big boobs would come right down to my mouth as I sucked on them. After a while of that and she tired out, I bent her over doggy and proceeded to fuck her hard. We did not know that there was an early "closing" time and I did not get to cum in her. BUT, when we got home, I continued to fuck her. On the way home I had asked her what she thought and whether she enjoyed it. I was so hyped up I was like a kid with a new toy. I continued to ask her if she wanted to come back again tomorrow, she stated she would be okay with it. But, did not seem as excited as me. We did end up coming back reluctantly and hooking up for some soft swing with another couple which was great!!!!
  11. Just more than five years ago my father, who was his Math professor, introduced me to Dan. I was a shy, studious, seventeen-year-old Junior at a Catholic High School, not interested in boys, I did not show off my 5'-9' 36C X 24 X 34 body. Dan was in his third year at a prestigious midwestern university courtesy of a football scholarship. With his 6'2' 200 lb. athletic build, he was a great player and an excellent student. Dan says my angelic face surrounded by golden blond hair caught his fancy. Six months later we were deeply in love. I eagerly gave him my virginity. We explored our sexuality, learning to bring each other total pleasure. We married four years ago, the summer I graduated from High School and he got his Math Degree. Our marriage is wonderful. I love him so much. He has a great position here in Los Angeles, and I'm working on my Degree in education. It's Friday evening, and for the first time in weeks, we are planning a quiet weekend at home. We snuggle together. The eight o'clock movie is about to begin when the doorbell rings. Grumbling, Dan opens the door. There is his best friend, with a beautiful girl and a huge ice chest. Bob introduces Darlene as his wife. They'd met several months ago, and married Wednesday in Las Vegas. Why didn't you tell us when you called? Just called to make sure you'd be home. Wanted to tell you in person. We brought our wedding reception, they laughed, as they removed two giant bottles of champagne and all sorts of hors-d'oeuvre. Dan mixed Rum & Cokes. Within two hours we felt we had known Darlene for years, she is that outgoing, friendly, and fun to be with. It's easy to see why Bob fell for her. She's about 5'-6" 38D X 26 X 36, a stunningly beautiful redhead. Bob is handsome, muscular, 6' 180 lbs., a real hunk. By midnight the second magnum of champagne is nearly empty, and so is the bottle of rum. All four of us are relaxed, happy, and more than just a little drunk. They are sitting on the couch, Dan and me on the love seat. Dan's left arm is behind my neck, and that hand is caressing my breasts. His right-hand works it's way under the elastic waist of my pants. I slide my hand into his pants and squeeze his hard cock. We kiss fervently, yet I keep an eye on our guests. Her back is to us, her legs across his lap, his hand is under her skirt. They're kissing deeply. He slowly removes her panties and holds them up like a trophy. She seems to have forgotten us. He unbuttons her blouse and pushes her bra up, massaging her breast. His eyes meet ours, he winks, and moves his hand exposing most of a tit. Dan is slowly working my T-shirt up, he's trying, again, to show Bob my tits, I pull it down. Several times Dan has tried to get me to let Bob see my tits and pussy. It started the night a few years ago when Bob brought Sharon over and exposed her tits. Several times he bared Jill's tits, and one night, he managed to reveal Jan's tits and pussy. When they went to the guest room, we enjoyed listening to them have sex, and we had really great sex ourselves, knowing they were fucking just feet away in the next room. Dan and Bob want to have sex in the same room. He says he wants Bob to see how lucky he is to have such a beautiful wife and he wants to undress me and screw me in front of him. I just could not do that. We kiss passionately. I spread my legs giving full access to my pussy, under my pants. He slips a finger into me and presses my G-spot while massaging my clit with his thumb. He's almost exposed my tits again. To stop him from pulling my shirt up I slide to the floor and kneel between his legs. I fondle his cock, watching Bob's hand slowly moving under her skirt. She moans, I know he's found her clit. This is making me very horny. I pull his pants down a little and kiss his cock. He whispers, 'They'll see.' I glance at them. Darlene's arm is around his neck holding his mouth to hers. Her other hand is between them, probably holding his cock. His hand, under her skirt, is in her pussy. Her blouse is unbuttoned as is his shirt, her tits press against his chest. 'They won't,' I whisper, 'They're too busy.' I kiss and lick, then suck his throbbing member while we watch them fondle each other. Suddenly, Darlene turns toward us, inadvertently briefly showing us her tits, and getting a glance of my husband's hard-on. She seems surprised, then smiles in what we take to be approval. Dan joins me on the carpeted floor. We kiss lustfully. He finger fucks me and kisses closer and closer to my snatch until I let him push my pants down and lick my pussy. I hold my pants to the top of his head covering myself as best I can. A nervous glance toward them tells me they're too busy to care what we do. Too aroused to care that they might see I let go of my pants and move into a sixty-nine and pull his pants down so I can suck his cock. At first, I keep his butt covered as best I can. I tell myself. They can't really see anything. I tell myself they are not looking, I tell myself it's all right, they're married. Losing myself in pleasure, I push his pants down so he can straddle my head, and spread my legs wide so he can lick deeper. But, I cannot completely forget them. I push him off, whispering, let's go to the bedroom. Starting to get up, I glance at them. What a surprise. They are STARK NAKED! Sitting there fondling each other watching us intently, they make no move to cover themselves. I lay there staring, amazed, immobile. They're not entirely nude; her skirt's like a belt, her bra's a necklace, her blouse hangs from an arm. His pants and undershorts are around his ankles, his shirt's on his shoulders. Darlene is gorgeous, her large breasts stand out firm, their areola a light pink, the nipples a half inch in diameter and standing out a half inch. Her vagina is surrounded by silky, copper-colored curls. Bob's cock stands straight out above huge balls. It is the second hard cock I've ever seen, and it's fascinating. It looks gigantic. Darlene's hand covers less than half of it. I glance at Dan, he's staring at them seemingly unaware his exposed hard-on is pointing straight at them. Suddenly, I realize my pants are down at my feet. They're looking straight into my pussy! I am nearly as naked as they are! In a panic, I grab for my pants and start trying to pull them on, but they come up only one leg, so I have to take them off again. I try again, this time both feet go into one pant leg, so I take them off again. I hear them laughing. I start laughing. I stop trying. Why cover up? It's too late. Bob has been trying to get a peek at my pussy for years, so, let him have a good look. Dan's looking from them to me, seemingly waiting for me to make the next move. I consider making a run for the bedroom. Then, I think, Why? Dan wants me to let Bob watch us fuck, so why not. Bob's looking at my pussy, he may as well see my tits. Before I can chicken out, I quickly pull off my shirt and fling it and my pants across the room. I stand and playfully remove Dan's shirt and then his pants. Yes, I am going to fuck him, right here and I hope they watch every move. The Four of us gaze at each other. Being nude, seeing them nude, is incredibly erotic. I embrace my husband and kiss him wantonly. Pulling Dan to the floor I display our assets, and soon, Dan also is playing to the audience. We place ourselves in various poses, like those in the porn videos, trying to look natural. Then, I lay on my back my feet near theirs, I spread my legs giving them full view of my nearly bald blond pussy, then I slowly lift my knees until they touch my shoulders. They stare straight into my wide-open hole. Dan crawls on me and spreads his legs wide so they can see my pussy and his shaft as he slowly pushes all eight inches all the way in, then slowly pulls out. In, then out. Can they see? Yes. Good. Are they watching? Yes. Good. Being nude, having sex, performing for an appreciative audience is an incredible turn-on. We fuck until we reach an earth-shattering climax. Dan rolls off and holds me tight. We look up. They're fucking on the couch, now performing for us. Darlene is on her back, her legs pointed at the ceiling. Bob is on top of her, his butt moving up and down and side to side. Unfortunately, we do not have as good a view as we had given them, but it doesn't matter. I never knew how erotic watching would be. Much more so than the best video. They moved slowly at first then faster until Darlene screams while she climaxes. Every muscle in his body goes rigid. His butt quivers, as he shoots his cum into her. They lay still. They grin at us. We laugh with them. We know everything is all right. We had ALL enjoyed it. We sat nude, drinking, eating snacks, enjoying a newfound closeness. Then, we went to our king-size bed where we watched them, and they watched us, fuck and suck until falling asleep. I was particularly interested in Darlene's expertise at deep throat, she took Bob's long cock completely down her throat and held it a long time while swallowing over and over. I will never forget sucking Dan's cock while watching, not a foot from my eyes, Bob's cock sliding slowly in and out of Darlene's clinging vagina. I awake at 9:45. Dan, Bob, and Darlene sound asleep beside me. I wander into the bathroom, then the kitchen, to put on the coffee, thinking about last night. Was I comfortable with another man seeing me nude? Though we were deeply in love, it was many months before my modesty had allowed me to let Dan see me naked. My doctors are the only other humans who had ever seen my privates. Yet, last night, I had exhibited my most private and personal parts for Bob's examination. He had obviously enjoyed examining me, and I enjoyed his enjoyment. Why did I do it? Wasn't sex very private? Was Dan comfortable with what had happened? What would Darlene think of us? Would she regret it? I assume Bob's glad it finally happened. How do I feel about Bob? I've masturbated thinking about doing it with him. I told myself that I just wanted to think about it, not do it, and anyway I know that Dan would never allow it. Last night I had looked at him, and, despite myself, I wondered how his tongue would feel in my mouth, how his body, his beautiful big cock, would feel in my hand and in my mouth. How would his hands and mouth feel on my tits and pussy? My pussy began to tingle at the thought of him fucking me, that beautiful cock filling me. Did I really want to have sex with him? What about Dan? How could I ask him? I know he'd say no. And what about Darlene? How do I feel about the way Dan looked at Darlene? Does he think she is better looking than me? Does Dan think her bigger tits are more beautiful than mine? He says he doesn't want other women but don't all men? Could I let him have her? Oh well, it's over, it was fun, I really enjoyed it, but now it's over. I'd better put something on, can't be nude when they wake up. Too late, Darlene comes into the kitchen. She is nude. "Morning," she chirps. Soon we are chattering like old friends. Obviously, Darlene is comfortable with last night, and being naked, so I guess I am. Dan comes into the Kitchen wearing only shorts. I can tell from the look on his face that any doubts he may have had about what happened last night evaporated upon seeing us, standing there nude. I fix a large breakfast., we lounged around, visiting, reading the paper, watching TV. The discussion turns to what happened last night. We agreed we had all really enjoyed both watching and being watched. Dan takes me in his arms. We put on a long show for them, doing every sex act we know. They move around, watching every detail close up. Then they put on a show for use. We move in for really close views, being careful not to touch them. End of part one. In Part Two we go much further.
  12. SwingersBoard

    Gift of Simplicity

    It had been months since I attended the Saturday night festivities at the Tennessee Social Club in downtown Nashville. A member since last December, I had temporarily drifted away into other activities. What I walked into was a revamped club, so I went exploring. Relatively new to the lifestyle after the end of a 20-year marriage to a decidedly non-adventurous woman, I tend to choose dancing as a means of meeting individual women and couples. As any single man in the lifestyle will confirm, it's difficult to connect when you're alone in a crowded room of paired swingers. This is perhaps truer for men who are older, heavier and shier--I qualify for all three. I danced a few times but sensed little connection, as sometimes {maybe often} happens. TSC has a separate member's area where it's possible to escape the raucous music and the cigarette smoke. I found a cubbyhole where I could sit in a padded chair and gather my thoughts. Other portions of the member's area include a couples-only room and a brand new Jacuzzi room replete with very brightly painted dolphins on the walls. There are available lockers and muted lighting, making the space intimate by design. The area where I parked was walled in by lockers and contained three armed chairs side-by-side. I occupied the center one. A couple entered the space holding hands and raised eyebrows, clearly not wanting to intrude if I needed the space to myself. I had briefly talked with them earlier while they shot pool - her in a white, partially-buttoned shirt and cotton underpants; he in shirt and jeans with a well-worn cowboy hat squarely on his head. {The lesson here is always reach out as you never know who will respond to your overture.} I'll call them Kate and Norman. In many respects, Kate and Norman are typical of folks who live outside the metropolitan area of Nashville. He was slender with a rough, short beard. His eyes sparkled inquisitively though his smiles were hard to detect. She was shorter, boxier, with short dark hair and a wonderful grin. They dropped into the chair to my left, she both straddling and facing him. She proceeded to remove his hat and her glasses. She unzipped his pants and withdrew him, stroking him to hardness. She then stood, removed her flimsy panties and returned to her lover perch, giving him a lap dance that was both enthusiastic and very gentle. I watched as unobtrusively as possible, knowing they didn't mind my presence and welcomed the observation. Kate had a hair-trigger, clearly a multiple comer. Occasionally, our eyes would meet and be followed by mutual smiles. I was very comfortable. Having been a masseur for ten years, I have witnessed {and been involved with} all manner of play with couples. I felt close to them, almost a participant. That became more a reality when Kate reached over with her free hand and began stroking my crotch. My little fella thought this was great fun and rose to participate. Norman asked if I would like one of Kate's 'special' lap dances and I said something really intelligent, like 'Sure!' He left to get some water and Kate moved over to my lap. I felt unprepared as she worked to free my erection. I was wearing underwear {for some reason} along with new trousers. I didn't know how user friendly these items would be, but Kate managed. Norman returned and took up station behind her. She moaned frequently from his ministrations but I couldn't say what he was doing. Kate's blouse was now fully open and I was treated to small breasts with chewable nipples. Her round tummy bumped pleasantly with mine and I enjoyed the contact. I was able to reach her tiny, hard clitoris and rubbed it enthusiastically. Kate's 'special' lap dance turned out to be masturbating herself using my erection - sort of co-masturbation. My hands were free to play at will and I did. She came frequently, her juices soaking my groin. At times, she would fall forward and I would embrace her while she shuddered. It was thrilling for me to feel the power of her spasms vibrating through my chest and arms. The heat generated by this woman was nuclear. Norman's unknown moves were multiplying the effects Kate's rubbing our genitals together while I stroked and tweaked. I enjoyed her gyrations so much I didn't even come - my release didn't seem necessary {don't worry, I went to bed 'satisfied'}. I don't have words to describe the utter child-like delight in her eyes. Others wandered in to watch, then out of the small space again, but no one intruded. As much as I enjoyed warm breath against my face, I could tell she was tiring. What seemed hours of activity probably lasted less than 30 minutes. I suggested she take a breather. Norman lifted her from my lap but she couldn't stand. Her legs were too weary. She promised a dance when she recovered, but it didn't happen. Instead, we had a chance to sit and talk. I gave them my number but was told they didn't have contacts outside of the club. That was fine with me. I ended up having a grand time doing the simplest {if sometimes frantic} of activity, something I generally wouldn't have thought to include in my sexual repertoire, and usually do alone. I had an opportunity to walk with them later, her hanging from his supporting shoulder, as they exited the club. She paused and kissed me fully on the lips, thanking me for a wonderful time. We had shared a gift neither expected but both welcomed. I admitted a similar delight and turned to take Norman's hand. We shook almost formally. It impressed me how we could be so intimate and so proper at the same time - perhaps the way the world could be were we all to try a little harder. At the Tennessee Social Club it is a rule that 'No' means 'No.' The other side of that, of course, even with the simplest of carnal pleasures, is that 'Yes' can mean a resounding 'Yes' if the timing and the willing are right. Ken Nashville TN
  13. My name is Kara, and we live in Florida. Here is the story of my first time swinging. My husband and I had often fantasized about doing it with a third person, or another couple, but we never really knew how to act on it. I was nervous and not really sure if I would like it. So we just kept on fantasizing, and occasionally we would allow strangers in public to get a good look at us going at it. Just the thought of someone watching me have sex has always been a huge turn on. I am 35, about 5'5, 125 lbs, with long red hair and green eyes and 36c bust. Paul is 40, 5'11, 175 and built great. We both work out, so we are in good shape. About two years ago we were invited to a party at a couple's house that Paul met playing tennis. We really did not know them, or any of their friends. We were amazed at the house they owned. It was huge, and the party was in full swing when we arrived. People were milling around downstairs, eating, drinking and talking. We expressed to our hosts how impressed we were with their home. They invited us to us feel free to wander the premises and check the place out. So, off we went to see the house. We eventually ventured up to the bedrooms, and after seeing a few, we found ourselves in a dark room with a big bed. Well, Paul reaches under my top and starts to play with my nipples and before long, he has peeled my top off, has me down on the bed and is pulling off my pants. Well, the thought of us doing it with all of those people in the house was getting me very wet, and the thought of someone {hopefully a guy} coming in and catching us was really getting me hot. Paul knows that the one thing I will never pass up is his going down on me, and so he starts eating me right away. What both of us found out later, was that this room connected to two others. That's important to this story, because soon after Paul starts with that great tongue, I feel another set of lips on my left tit. I started to freeze up, but it really felt good, and all I could see was the top of someone's head. At this point, I thought what the hell and let it happen. Well, a couple of minutes later someone else is going at my right tit. Now, I am really going crazy. I reach down to my left and feel a guy's head, and to my right is clearly a woman. {They had come in from one of the connecting rooms.} Paul knows what's going on, and he just does not stop. Later he told me that he just reached up and started fingering the woman's pussy. Soon, the guy on my left turns around and I reach out and grab the biggest cock I have every held. It was huge, and did it feel good. Now I have one on each tit, a great cock in my hand, and Paul eating me like he has never done before. Beyond being in an unbelievable state of ecstasy, all I could think of was did I want that big cock in my mouth or in my pussy. I came twice, and was ready to go a third time, but the excitement was more than Paul could handle. He really needed to fuck me so he mounted me and banged away, while I started licking and sucking that great big strange cock. The woman had moved over, so that she was getting eaten by the guy whose dick I had. Well I came two more times, and Paul just exploded. Soon, the woman took the guy between her legs and they started fucking like crazy. This was wilder than I had ever dreamed of. Paul and I both thought of fucking the other two, but I was not sure I was ready for that, so we each sucked on one of her tits and I let the guy play with my very wet pussy while they fucked like bunnies. After they climaxed, we got up, grabbed our clothes and found a shower off the bedroom. We got cleaned up, headed downstairs, and could barely control ourselves when our hosts asked how we enjoyed the tour! To this day we are not really sure who the other couple is, but we are glad they were there as they helped get us going on a fun lifestyle.
  14. My wife and I have been married for a little over fifteen years. A few years ago, we talked about trying to be more sexually adventurous but never really did anything about it. I traveled quite a bit and Judy sometimes went with me when I visited nicer locations. One evening we had dinner with a client and his wife then headed back to the hotel after saying goodbye. Judy and I decided to take a late night dip in the pool and hot tub. As we sat in the tub, I suggested she get topless and she eventually agreed after we again talked about being more adventurous. Being topless seemed to excite her, as this outdoor hot tub was visible from some of the hotel rooms. The next evening we also went down to the hot tub late. I did a few slow laps of the pool and joined Judy in the hot tub where she immediately removed her top again. I needed to complete some work and emails in the room before going to sleep so I suggested we head back to the room. She said she was having a nice soak and she wanted to stay in the hot tub s little longer. She put her top back on as I dried off and headed to the room. I worked for a few minutes and then looked down from the room at the hot tub. Judy was soaking and a young guy was sitting on a chair next to the hot tub talking to her. I was intrigued and watched for a few minutes. I was totally shocked when he grabbed a towel from a nearby rack, stripped off his clothes and stepped into the hot tub in his boxers. They chatted for about ten minutes and then Judy stepped out and grabbed a towel. He stepped out of the water and it was apparent even from the forth floor that the guy was excited under his boxers. He wrapped himself in a towel and then pulled off his boxers and pulled on his pants before dropping the towel. He moved closer to her and they chatted for what seemed like an hour before giving her a kiss on the cheek and leaving. Judy returned to the room and quickly stripped before taking a quick shower. When she returned to the room, she asked me if I noticed her in the hot tub. I just stated that I noticed her talking with a guy. She laughed nervously and then said the guy invited her back to his room. I smiled at her and said he must think she is as sexy as I do. She dropped her towel and we crawled into bed and had some great sex. Nothing more was said about the guy until the next evening at dinner. I asked Judy if she enjoyed the attention from the guy and she told me it was exciting and a turn-on for her. I said that she must not have told him she was married if he propositioned her and she smiled at me and said it never came up. When we returned to the hotel room, Judy turned on the television as I started to work. Twice she casually strolled to the window and looked down at the pool. When she went into the washroom, I looked down at the hot tub and saw the guy walk over to a chair and sit down with a paperback. It wasn’t long before Judy looked down again and then she asked me if I wanted to use the hot tub and pool with her. I told her that I needed to keep working but she should go. She grabbed her two-piece and started to change when I walked over to the suitcase and pulled out her thong suit and string bikini top and said she should wear this if the guy was going to be down there. It was far more adventurous. She was surprised and asked if I was serious. I told her that she could wear whatever she wanted or didn’t want to wear. She changed into her thong and pulled on a t-shirt. Before she left, I pulled her close and told her to have fun and adventurous before I kissed her. As soon as she left, I turned off the lights in the room and opened the drapes a little to watch. Judy walked over to the hot tub and put her foot in. I grabbed the video camera and set it up as she went over to the guy and started chatting. After a few minutes, they disappeared. My heart started pounding when I didn’t know what she was up too. After a few minutes, they returned to the hot tub with a few bottles of beer each so it was obvious that they went to the bar. The guy pulled off his shirt and got in wearing his shorts. Judy waited until he was settled and then pulled off her t-shirt and modeled her thong. She then stepped in sat near him and drank the beer. They chatted and laughed for about ten minutes when the guy placed his shorts on the side of the hot tub. Judy laughed and then placed her bikini top on the side of the tub and then drank more of her beer. I grabbed my shorts and headed to the pool area. While they sat in the hot tub, I did a few laps of the pool and then went to the hot tub. The guy looked embarrassed and Judy just smiled as she glanced at her top beside her. I said to them that they appear to be having a little fun and that I should leave them alone. Judy told me that I was welcome to join them so I agreed. I stepped in and Judy moved closer to the guy. He introduced himself as Jim and the Judy told me her name pretending not to know me. We chatted for a few minutes and then I told them I was going to head back to my room. I thanked them for letting me join them and looked directly at Judy and said for the two of them to have fun. I stepped out and dried off as we chatted for a few more moments as I looked down at Judy. I headed to the room and looked out the window. They were still sitting close to each other and chatting. I watched as Jim turned to face her as she looked down in the water for a moment. He then placed her thong bottoms on the side of the tub near her top. He then moved close to her and gave her a kiss. Over the next fifteen minutes they played around in the water while I watched and recorded. They then put their suits back on and got out of the water. Jim help Judy dry off and then they left the pool area wrapped in a towel. I took the camera out of the window and rewound it as I hooked it up to the television. When she returned to the room, I started to play it. She was shocked that I recorded her but started to watch it. When she dropped her towel to put on her robe, I noticed she was naked. I was pretty sure that she was wearing her suit when she left the pool. Together we watched the video and I asked a few questions as it went along. Judy told me that Jim dared her to get naked with him and she told him that he had to go first. That was when he removed his bottoms so she removed her top. I watched as they chatted and laughed knowing that this was when I was heading down to the pool. Judy explained that Jim was trying to convince her to remove her thong and she was about to when I came out to the pool. She told me that things cooled down when I arrived and then she asked me if that was my plan. I told her that my plan on coming down was to tell her that it was okay to play. She said she understood that when I left her in the hot tub with Jim. We watched the video until the spot where I got into the hot tub with them. Judy said that my getting in allowed her to move closer to Jim. She asked me if I had any idea what was happening while I was in the hot tub. I said that I had no clue and she told me that Jim was massaging her thigh and he might have even felt her pussy if she didn’t have her thong on. She said that it was turning her on. She repeated that she knew that she was okay to enjoy the hot tub with Jim when I got out and left. We watched the video as I left the area and Jim and Judy take a few drinks of beer. Jim continued to rub her leg and Judy told me that she was getting very excited. She continued the explanation by telling me that he asked her to go to his room as soon as I left as we watched a guy walk around the pool and disappear when he noticed the swimsuits on the edge of the hot tub. You could hear me enter the room and see when I adjusted the camera by zooming in on the tub. Judy calming stated that she figured that Jim was fondling her breasts at this point and it was really turning her on because he was being so gentle. She didn’t resist and said that she started stroking his cock. Judy was sitting on the bed wearing only her robe as she watched the television. I spread the robe and started to play with her pussy as Jim pulled off her thong on the video. As she watched Jim leaned over to kiss her on the screen, I moved over to Judy and put my face between her legs. Within a few moments, Judy turned off the video with the remote and started to concentrate on my tongue. It wasn’t long before she was having a huge orgasm. I mounted her and I shot my load in her. When she returned from the washroom, she started the video again and we watched as the two of them played in the hot tub. Judy stated that he was feeling her up as he kissed her and she stroked him. There was a moment where Jim stopped focusing on her and she said that was when he came. He wanted to enter her but she told him no. She gave me a long kiss and then told me that was close to an orgasm in the hot tub when Jim came but she really needed a dick in her. He was doing a great job with his fingers on her clit but she needed something more. We watched as they got out and left the pool area. Judy finished the explanation about the hot tub by telling me that Jim wanted to see her naked so she stripped for him in the hotel stairwell and he again asked her to return to his room with him but she declined. She also told me that he made sure that she knew he would be in the hot tub the next evening. I told her I would like to watch her again. Brian C Toronto ON Canada
  15. SwingersBoard

    Soft Swing Intro

    My wife Dana and I are very social people. We go to a local bar regularly and were there recently partying with several people. A bunch of us get together there and it is a great time. We recently went out with several friends and got quite intoxicated. When we were finishing up the night, another couple, Dan and Tami, that we know offered to give us a ride home as it was obvious we were not excited about driving home. I thanked them and told Dana we could come get her car in the morning. While they drove us home, Dan and I sat in the front, talking, while Tami and Dana did the same. When we got to our house, I asked them both if they would like to come in for a tour. The both said, “Yes” and climbed out of the car. We all ended up sitting in the living room with another round of drinks. As we discussed the events of the evening, Dan and I moved behind the ladies and sat with them between our legs. I began to give Dana a backrub as we talked and Dan took my lead. Our conversation gradually began to drift off as the girls became very relaxed during the massage. Dan and I gradually worked the girls onto the floor and worked on their backs while they lay face down. To sufficiently perform a good back massage, you have to lift the shirt and unhook the bra which is what we did. I got up and went to our bedroom to get the massage oil. When I returned, both girls were still face down, but neither of them had their shirts on. I poured oil on Tami’s back and Dan began working it in. I returned to Dana and sat on her legs and slowly streamed oil on her back and shoulders. Dan continued to talk as we gradually worked the oil into our ladies skin. As I massaged Dana I worked the muscles in her lower back. She raised her hips off of the floor, which is her sign for me to unfasten her shorts. I did so and was given easier access to her lower back and also her nice little ass. I began to rub oil on her ass while gradually working her shorts lower and lower without any protest from her. Dan took my lead and began to do the same thing to Tami. It was not long before our ladies were completely naked in front of us. After working on their legs for a while. I noticed that Dan was spending time working Tami’s inner thy. As he did her hips began rolling and coming off of the ground. Data and I were beginning to really enjoy the show. Dan and Tami seamed to be putting on a show for us now and Dana and I were watching their every move. I slowly slid next to Dana and pulled her up on her side. We were now both lying on our left side and I began massaging oil into here stomach and chest. Dan slowly worked Tami’s legs further apart until he could very neatly work his tongue between her legs and into her pussy from behind. Tami began rolling her hips faster and raising her ass off of the floor even higher. While the show was going on, I began rubbing liberal amounts of oil on Dana’s breasts. I slowly worked around the breasts and gradually spending more time on her nipples. By now, Tami is moaning heavily and Dan is having to chase her clit as she moves more rapidly. I pulled Dana’s right leg into the air and begin massaging her pussy and clit. Dan lay on his back and Tami straddled him right next to us. As I took my cock and slowly began to insert it into Dana, Tami inserted Dan’s cock into her pussy. We all slowly moved with our partners in a show for the other couple to see. As we all gradually picked up speed and began to moan louder and louder, it became obvious that we were all equally turned on by watching each other. The girls began having orgasms and Dan and I were right behind them. We all finally fell into a heap of sweat and heavy breathing. Although we don’t see Dan and Tami often, we have talked on the phone and agree, that was a great time and we will have to get together again. Anthony Ohio
  16. My wife Chris and I had been interested in the lifestyle for a few years and had gone so far as to visit a local swing club. We didn't connect with anyone there and our erratic work schedules didn't allow us to go on a regular basis. We also connected with one or two other couples via the internet and met with them over dinner but nothing came of that either. Maybe we were just too picky but being newbies we were put off by some of the pushiness of the more experienced couples. Then there was another element involved for us. Chris and I are committed Christians. I know that sounds pretty bizarre to most people but a lot of swingers would understand. We're liberated in our outlook and beliefs and after much careful study have come to the position that sex is a positive thing and that it is not forbidden in the Bible. We agreed that if one of us wants to have sex with someone else and the other knows about it and agrees to it then all is okay. But it does make us careful. Most people in our church would not agree. One couple we had befriended at church and invited to our home for barbeque a few times was Jeff and Pam. They are about our age, late forties, and reasonably attractive like ourselves. The only difference is that their two children are mature and out of the house now while we still have two living at home {another complication}. One warm Sunday afternoon however our two oldest came by and took our youngest with them for a day at the beach leaving me and Chris with Jeff and Pam and the barbeque grill. As usual we enjoyed some great conversation and fellowship as we sat in the backyard with some burgers sizzling on the grill. We were all very relaxed and comfortable and the conversation was freewheeling. Pam commented on what a wonderful couple Chris and I seemed to be after so many years of marriage. We were very intimate, always holding hands and when seated in church I always had an arm about her holding her close. 'You two must have a fine sex life,' Jeff then observed. 'Yeah, we're very blessed, we still average making love once a day, or more,' I said, 'what about you two?' Pam looked down and started to struggle to keep from crying. Jeff immediately reached over to comfort her. I gulped and cursed myself for my insensitivity. Obviously there was a problem here and they had been looking for an opportunity to share it with us. 'Well, I don't know if we should talk about this,' Pam said hesitatingly. 'Pam, of course you can, we're best friends. There's nothing wrong with sex but people have problems just like every other area of life. You know how we love both of you,' Chris assured her. So Pam began slowly relating to us their problem. A few years before she had a bout with uterine cancer. To keep it from spreading and to save her life the doctors had to perform a complete hysterectomy. She had been warned that this might affect her sex life and it did. She had desires but for her intercourse had become very uncomfortable, even painful, even if they used a lubricant. What had been a dynamic sexual life much like our own had become a tragedy. Jeff is a very vital man, athletic for his age like myself, and Pam knew he needed sex. She tried to bear up just to satisfy him but was so uncomfortable that it always ended with her in tears and Jeff feeling guilty and frustrated. They had pretty much given up on that part of their lives. Chris and I hardly knew what to say and looked to each other hoping for the wisdom to tell them what they could do. But nothing came. We hugged our friends and promised to pray for them and assured them we would always be there for them. That night after a fine session of lovemaking I was lying next to Chris and an idea came to me. Turning to my well satisfied wife I asked, 'Would you consider having sex with Jeff?' She smiled dreamily, 'I had already thought of that. If you didn't mind, I would. He's a fine looking man and I'm fond of him. If Pam was okay with it and you approved, yes, I would.' A couple of days later Pam and Chris were shopping together and they often do. They were in Chris' car on their way to a local mall enjoying girl's chat when Pam carefully asked her a question, 'Chris, I know you and Jim have a kind of open marriage and you told us about your interest in swinging. Well, would you consider making love with Jeff? I can't believe I'm asking you this, but he's so frustrated and I feel so deeply for him.' Chris assured her that we had already talked about it, 'But I want to be sure that you're alright with it. We don't want it to hurt our friendship.' The next Sunday afternoon when we got together was very different. There was a feeling of happy tension in the air, like just before a wedding. Jeff and Pam seemed more upbeat than ever before as they sat next to each other on the garden bench facing us enjoying the stakes I had just grilled. Chris and I were also flirting and caressing as we finished dinner. We knew Pam had given the news to Jeff about the arrangement and that he was as excited as a schoolboy. I hate awkward silences and once we were finished eating I decided to just jump in and make it happen, 'Chris, we all know what we talked about this last week. Why don't you take Jeff inside while Pam and I clean up?' Chris agreed quickly and Jeff was almost salivating, 'Jim, are you sure about this, I mean...' 'Jeff, it's okay, it's all been talked about and worked out. Go enjoy yourselves and be thankful that God has provided this way of making us even better friends.' With that Chris stood and took Jeff's hand and led him into the house. Pam watched them go with a wistful smile. I moved over and sat next to her. 'Are you alright?' I asked gently. 'Yes,' she said with tears in her eyes, 'I'm just very grateful.' I put my arms around her and hugged her close. She cuddled against me like a child. Despite her condition she is really a very attractive woman and I deeply regretted not being able to give her the love she deserves. In the bedroom Jeff embraced and kissed Chris deeply for the first time. Accepting his kiss she began unbuttoning his shirt and he began caressing her breasts through her blouse. They slowly and tantalizingly undressed each other until she had him sit on the edge of the bed so she could pull his pants down and expose his fine rigid cock to her attentions. She later told me he was as aroused as a high school boy on his first day, and just as nervous. Chris took him in her mouth and gave him some of her expert oral attention, bringing him almost to the brink of orgasm but not letting him come all the way yet. When he was just about out of his mind with arousal she stood and finished undressing. His eyes were really big and round as he took in the sight of my wife's naked body. She smiled and lay beside him, drawing him over her between her open and accepting legs. With a deep moan he penetrated her fully with his first stroke and lay over her relishing the feel of her body against his. His cock drove and danced deep within her as they moved seamlessly together their bodies writhing and perspiring. He was so desperate and had gone so long without sex that he couldn't last long and a few moments later moaned and whimpered in ecstasy as his body gave hers his fluids. He lay beside her gasping for breath for several minutes as my wife gently fondled his somewhat satisfied organ and accepted his affectionate kisses. Before too long she had skillfully brought him back to full erection and coaxed him to mount her again. He did and entered her once more. This time their coupling was much less frantic and rushed. He fucked her with long, slow deep thrusts savoring the delights she was giving him. They slowly built up to a full mutually satisfying climax. Pam and I were still sitting in the backyard on the wood chairs chatting about everything and nothing when Chris and Jeff re-emerged from the house looking happy and satisfied. 'How was it?' I couldn't help but ask as Chris sat beside me and kissed me. 'Great, lots of fun,' she answered. 'And you, my husband, how was it for you?' Pam asked Jeff after they too kissed. 'Wonderful, not at all what I expected. Thank you so much,' he said cuddling her. We made an arrangement. Pam and Jeff still come over every Sunday for barbeque or dinner depending on the weather. If the kids are gone Chris and Jeff at some point slip off to the bedroom for a session of hot lovemaking while Pam and I make dinner and talk. I also said that if during the week Jeff would like to come over while I'm at work and be with Chris alone I didn't mind but he hasn't taken us up on that offer yet. It was then during one of these times when we were all together that things changed. It was not long after the affair began between Christine and Jeff that I had sensed a strange change coming over Pam. On warm Sunday afternoons she and I would be preparing dinner in the kitchen or on the backyard grill {most often} while Chris and Jeff were in the bedroom enjoying what nature has provided when I would see a shade of melancholy come into her eyes. I understood that what was happening in the bedroom meant different things for all of us. The realization that my wife was at that moment struggling in Cupid's alliance with a dear friend was both exciting and stimulating to me. But I could see in her face that Pam was remembering the days when it was she alone who enjoyed Jeff's salacious exertions which thing she sadly could no longer do. She was deeply grateful that Chris was lovingly providing her husband with the pleasure and relief his splendid body needed but there were still physical and emotional needs within her that went unsatisfied. I sighed, what could I do? Pam placed the settings at the picnic table as I saw to the burgers on the grill and glanced up towards her occasionally. She is certainly a fine looking woman with a trim and tight body. Life can be very cruel and unfair sometimes, and often there is only so much we can do to change that, if anything. I left the meat on the edges to stay warm until Chris and Jeff came out. They seemed to be enjoying an extended session that day. Chris would tell me all about it that night when I made love to her, if she wasn't too sore! I sat beside Pam and encircled her shoulders tenderly with one arm. 'Are you alright?' I asked quietly. She nodded and smiled, just a hint of a tear in one eye. 'I'm sure I will be. I'm so glad we have friends like you.' 'Well, I just wish I could help you like Chris is helping Jeff.' She cuddled closer, 'Just hold me, that's all.' I held her close and first she lay her cheek against my neck, then turned her face to kiss me. Her first kiss was light, merely affection. Then she kissed me again with growing need she neither understood nor could control. With our third kiss our tongues began to intertwine and my hands were busy opening her blouse so they could caress her perfectly shaped breasts. Maybe penetration was painful for her, but I was thinking of all manner of things I could do for this splendid woman that might not displease her. With Chris to practice on I've made it a point to become as good as I possibly could at the art of pleasing a woman's body with my tongue. I started tracing those delicious lines of her neck until my tongue came to her breasts and her nipples upon which I feasted with lips and tongue both. Pam no longer restrained her tears or her cries, she whimpered like a desperate child. While still lovingly caressing her breasts I moved her back and drew her panties down until they were off. I was very glad our backyard is well fenced in and it was unlikely our neighbors were going to be disturbed by her cries. I lowered my face to her loins and ran my tongue delicately and cautiously along her labia to see what would happen. To my pleasure they swelled with greeting and her clitoris became enlarged, but she did not lubricate. Well, no problem, I already knew we couldn't fuck. But maybe I could still give her some satisfaction. With renewed determination I applied my lips and tongue to her clit and labia, inner and outer, and gave her everything I knew how. Even so I really didn't expect her to respond. I was sorely afraid that all I was doing was bringing her to a fever pitch from which she would be unable to climax, and that would be too cruel to think about. Still I had to try, and try my very best. My tongue was growing weary then began to ache, but Pam was writhing violently trapping my head between her legs and pounding on the back of my shoulders with her heals until it really began to hurt. I was rewarded with no sweet nectar like I get when I do this to Chris, in fact I was having to keep her flesh wet with my own saliva, and now I was becoming desperately thirsty and dry mouthed. Pam grasped two handfuls of my hair and let out a choked scream that trailed off into an almost pathetic whimpering cry as her body buckled fiercely twice, then went nearly limp. Had I killed her? Cold fear gripped me for a second as I raised myself. No, she was still breathing I saw with no small relief. I gathered her in my arms and kissed her softly once more as she lay in half awareness. Then I realized that Jeff and Pam were standing nearby, stark naked, watching us anxiously. 'My God, what happened?' Jeff demanded. 'A miracle, I think,' I responded between gasps. 'Pam, are you alright?' he then asked, kneeling beside his wife. 'Oh, more than alright,' she purred, 'thank you, Jim, I didn't think that was possible anymore.' 'Well I'm no less surprised than you are. Let's all have dinner, then we can talk about it in our right minds,' I suggested. We sat about the picnic table and had a great meal that evening and talked endlessly about all that had happened between the four of us. As it resolved itself we all felt closer than we ever had before. We made plans for the next week when we would all have had time to let it all sink in. That night Chris made very passionate love to me telling me what a wonderful thing I had done for Pam and making me feel like some kind of hero. Well, who am I to turn down a little ego boast?
  17. During our recent trip we had booked an evening at a motel complex in Oakland, California. This is a spot that has a two story motel with all rooms facing inwards towards a central courtyard. In the center of the courtyard is a building with a large bar, and dance floor inside. The complex is visited by both couples and singles, and is well known within the 'swinging, or open minded' community. We checked in late afternoon, and took a large room that was at one end of the complex. From the balcony view we could see most of the courtyard, and the building where the dances are held. On a Saturday night only couples are allowed in the bar and dance area. Marie got ready and put on her black nylons, garters and spike heels. Her dress was short {5' or 6 ' above the knee} and was slashed down the front. Two straps tied behind her neck which held up the front. The back of it was totally open down to the waist area. It showed a LOT of breast, and was quite sexy. We watched from our window and saw several couples entering the club around 9 or so. We went over at 9:45 and sat in the center area at a small table. The dance floor was two steps below us. The club is a BYOB, we mixed a couple of drinks, and started watching who was arriving. By 11 to 11:3O there were maybe 20 couples, most of whom were attractive. I don't know how many were 'open minded', or not, but we were starting to get a bit 'horny' for some 'show off' action. Marie had crossed and uncrossed her long legs numerous times, and the dress was riding real high. When I went to the washroom and came back I could see up to the top of the stockings. I guess that is why a lot of the guys were walking the long way to the washroom! By midnight we thought 'what the heck', and I slid my one hand around Marie's shoulder, down her top, and grabbed her one tit. A few couples were looking, but nobody asked us to stop. I got a bit bolder and slid the material off to one side and pulled her tit completely out so I could rub the nipple. This caused a few guys to walk by real slow and give us a bit of a smile. {A couple of the women were also smiling a little, a couple more were not looking too happy as their man kept leaving to walk by and grab a look at Marie's body!} Anyway we left to have some fun by ourselves. When we were going to our room I commented about the single guys in the courtyard. It was pissing rain and thought it unusual for these guys to be there when the bar was for couples only. Once in our room we made a drink and Marie sat right in front of the sliding patio doors. I opened the drapes, and we watched a couple of guys look up. This was all Marie needed, she opened the dress and started giving 'a show'. Marie had her legs wide and even put one leg up so her heel was resting against the wall, while the other leg was spread wide in the chair. She bent over and gave a good rear pussy view. She was getting really turned on, and by now there were four or five guys looking up, all giving hand signals which were asking to come up. She laughed and shook her head no! She just kept smiling, opening wide, and playing with herself! Marie was getting cock hungry so I stood beside her with shorts on and let her pull out my cock and start licking the knob. This really got the guys going! When she started deep-throating me, a couple of guys pulled out their cocks and began rubbing. {It was rather funny, an umbrella in one hand, a stiff cock in the other!} Just when we were thinking 'wow this is great', there was a knock on the door. We froze, not knowing what to do, but I went over and looked out the peephole. Standing there was a good looking, black guy, maybe mid twenties? I opened the door just a little, and he said he had been watching from further back, and wondered if we wanted some company? I told him if he wanted to jerk off over my wife's tits, nothing more, he could come in. He smiled and said 'sure thing man'. I can't even remember his name, but he stepped up to face Marie, pulled out his big black cock, and rubbing it over her 38 tits. Marie couldn't resist, and wrapped her mouth around it. The guys below were going nuts knowing someone else was with us. She has a 'passion' for sucking cock she was getting a real good mouth full with this guy. He was thick and Marie was turned on to sucking off someone 'this young'. She started to slowly rub her one hand over his balls, and once he started to moan she moved her hand lower and slid a finger around his asshole. He spread his legs wide to give her more access and was pumping his cock deep into her mouth. The crowd below had grown to about 6 or 7 guys and a couple of couples. it didn't take long for him to pull out and let her have it all over her face. WOW! What a good time, and the people below were going crazy! I think at least two of the guys also shot off down below watching the scene, and there was one of the couples we could see in the shadows beside the building going at it against the wall. All and all it was a very hot night, and a great start to our West Coast adventures.
  18. We both hold quite visible and professional jobs here at home and therefore we don't really 'play' a lot in our own city, or even let our true selves out at all. However we are able to get away five or six times a year, and the first thing packed is the 'erotic wear,' and a lot of imagination! We had the opportunity to be in Dallas a couple of years ago. Having never been there before, we first purchased a few sex type mags that listed clubs and local happenings. After a night or two, we picked out what appeared to be a large adult video store, with booths. Marie took lots of time getting ready and as usual, looked smashing. She started off with her black nylons and garter belt. She then put on a beige sweater that has black trim around the edges. It is cut very low. In fact, it shows off her 38D's when she is just standing normally; when she bends at all, look out, big soft titties on the loose! Next was a short black pleated skirt, which, when standing, is about mid-thigh. A definite attention grabber when someone is 5'9' in bare feet, and with spikes is now a good 6 feet plus! Of course, was no bra or panties; when out on the town, Marie likes her pussy free and her nipples pokey. I had checked out the place we were going to that afternoon and knew there were lots of aisles. They had movies on every subject, and each aisle was for a specific type of movie. Marie was dropped at the door and went in first. I parked the car and came in right away, but she had a minute or two head start. The idea was that she would browse through a couple of aisles looking like she was trying to pick a movie. When I came in, she was in the 'couples' section, and a couple of guys were looking her over pretty good. She would make a point of facing one of them while picking out a movie on a lower row. This would cause tits to about fall out of her sweater. When she had a guy on either side, she would bend a bit lower, and the one side would get a tit view all the way to the nipple, and the guy on other side would see a lot of leg as the skirt rose up. After a few minutes of her moving around, she was starting to get a fair amount of attention. The aisle she was in was getting crowded. Once she had a small audience, she got bolder. With two or three guys behind her, she decided to pick a movie on the lowest shelf. Instead of squatting down, she stood straight legged and bent from the waist. This caused the skirt to come up above the stocking tops, and the guys behind her just about dropped the movies they were trying to look at! The guy in front could see both her tits hanging down, and they were almost completely coming out of the sweater top. Maintaining her 'lady-like' image, she acted like nothing was the matter and moved into another aisle. I was getting a huge hard-on! Marie headed for the section that included super hung men, and gang bangs. She had to have four or five guys following her trying to be discreet. She picked out a couple of movies that were bottom-shelvers, again bending from the waist, except this time she spread her legs more, and you could actually see the dark black hair covering her pussy lips for a brief moment. One fellow was getting closer, so Marie squatted down this time and faced him slightly. He also squatted down, pretending to look at a bottom shelf movie. Marie's skirt was well up on her thighs, and when she squatted down, she opened her legs quite wide. The guy could see straight up to her pussy lips! Again acting somewhat normal, she got up and started moving again. The last section she headed to was the bisexual girl movies. Marie is bisexual herself, and most guys get turned on to the thought of watching two women together. She had six or seven guys in tow by now, and she did her waist bend, only held it a bit longer. She had a movie she was reading about when one of the guys came real close and squatted down to the lowest shelf. He started reading as well, although he never got up. He was almost at Marie's heel and started glancing up quickly. She turned a little and stood almost on top of him so he could see right up the skirt! After that, I don't think the guy could get up for a few minutes. His dick had grown too big! I had been following and looking from a safe distance all this time, pretending to be just a customer too. I noticed a guy approaching me, and he asked me to step off to the side. He said he was the night manager, and he knew we were together because he had outside security cameras and saw me letting her out of the car! He also said he loved her looks and knew she was flashing. He wanted to get a closer look if possible and suggested I pick out whatever movie I would like, and he would open a large booth for us. I agreed, knowing Marie would turn on to this. I made my selection (it was a movie about girls giving blow jobs), and a few minutes later he told me the number on the video booth. I tried to act like I was picking Marie up and whispered what was happening. She and I walked down to the video area and stepped into the room. He was already there and said, "Hi." She laughed and said, "So, you knew all along?" He said he was sorry, but he couldn't resist approaching me. He told her she was the hottest thing he had ever seen! With that, she sat down and pulled her skirt to the top of her stockings and asked, "Is it the legs you like?" Before he could even answer, she reached down and pulled out both her 38 tits and said, "Or is it the tits you prefer?" I thought the guy was going to pass out! He had a huge bulge that couldn't be hidden and was almost speechless. He finally answered, "I don't know." Knowing she was totally in control of this situation, she pulled the skirt higher, opened her legs wide, and said, "Or maybe it is the pussy you like?" That did it, the guy pulled out his cock and started jerking! He was almost beside himself and asked if he could touch her tits. She didn't answer but stood up and bent in front of him and let one hang at mouth level. He was soon licking and sucking both 38's. It didn't take long for him to explode, white ropey cum streams shooting from his cock, while Marie masturbated with a finger deep in her pussy for his (our) enjoyment. As he started to walk away, she ordered, "Wait!" He paused and turned around, puzzled at what he might have done to ruin what had been a great moment. Marie walked up to him, took her finger, still wet with pussy, and slowly dragged it across his lips, before smiling and turning to head toward the exit while he stood there dumbfounded. As we said goodbye while walking out the door, he hollered, "Come back anytime for a private room!" We smiled our thanks over our shoulders and headed back to our hotel. In the lobby, I walked beside her with my hand on her ass for all to see. In the elevator, which we shared with what looked to be a businessman, we stood slightly behind him, and Marie bent forward slightly so I could slip my finger into her from behind. We didn't get far into the room before I bent her over and let her have the attention she had been building up for, an itch that only a hard cock pounding her pussy can scratch. It was a great night, and I know Marie, as well as a lot of guys, had fun. I'm not sure if I had the best time of all of them! The next day, we continued our holiday in Dallas, and we had a lot of fun doing the usual tourist things. We also were looking at the adult mags looking for what types of adult fun were available. Dallas has a few adult nightclubs, the kind that cater to the swinging set. We are not swingers by any means, but this type of club allows Marie to dress in a way that she could not ordinarily do in a normal type club. Marie said she had noticed a small nightclub across from the hotel we were staying in. She also said there seem to be quite a few guys going in and out. After her shower, she dressed in only a blouse and heels, and suggested I open the drapes to the window! We were on the third floor, and with the lights on in the room, and the curtains wide open, Marie posed in several positions, right at the window, where I took several photos of her. She also pulled on her nipples while guys were watching. This resulted in some shouts, and horn blowing from the parking lot! She was getting turned on, and the night had not even started! We then drove to the nightclub, where there was valet parking. Marie wore a super tight, stretch dress in red, with black stockings, garters, and heels. She had no panties or bra. The fellow opened her door, and she slowly got out, being careful to take her time and open her legs wide when getting out of the car. He was staring at her thighs and crotch, the dress had ridden above the stocking tops, and I could tell he liked what he saw. Marie also liked the attention! Once we got inside, we observed it was a well appointed, with booths on the sides, mirrors behind, and a small dance floor in the center. There was a long bar down one side, and there were a couple of dozen guys, and maybe five couples. We sat on the far side in a booth, so we were quite private. Marie was already hot and bothered from her 'window showing' at the hotel, and I slid my hands down between her legs. Once I reached her pussy, I could feel she was very wet, and she started to moan! I thought, wow, she is really worked up tonight! There was a DJ playing music, and a few people dancing, but we just stayed in the booth, content to be by ourselves. Marie was getting quite hot, what with my fingers playing with her pussy under the table. After a while, she said she was going to visit the ladies room. She took quite a while to come back, and after returning, she said she had been approached by a guy to join us. He told her he had noticed us when we came in and had been turned on by her looks. Marie suggested, "It could be neat to let him sit with us for a bit!" His name was Tony, and he sat on the other side of Marie in the booth. After some small talk, he asked if we were looking for some company? We said no, nothing heavy, but if he wanted, he could continue to sit with us. That was fine, and he worked on his drink. Marie soon got into the 'mood,' and her dress was riding up. Tony was trying to look away, but his eyes continued to go down. His breathing was changing, and Marie was getting turned on. I spread her legs, and Tony could not help seeing to the top of her stockings. I asked, "Do you want to feel how soft her thighs are?" It didn't take a second, and his hands were on her legs, above the stockings! Marie was on fire! I'm sure he thought he was going to get more. The club had not really filled up this night, and we were really pretty private, so Tony and I had Marie's legs opened to the hilt under the table. We also had her dress pulled down off her shoulders, so one tit was totally out. He was rubbing her nipple, and a few people on the other side of the room were looking. Marie was coming, and loving the touches! During this 'fun' our waitress came by. We were not paying attention and were totally surprised. Marie had her dress at hip level, both tits were out, and Tony was sucking her nipples! The waitress just smiled and said, "Don't worry. I know what fun you must be having!" She also said Marie looked really good. I asked if she wanted to touch? She looked over her shoulder, put her tray on the table, and reached down and grabbed Marie's tits! Marie went crazy, she was sticking her tits out, and for a brief few minutes, all of us had the pleasure of getting her really off. The waitress explained afterward that being a swing type nightclub, things like this went on all the time. She continued along, and Marie got put back together to go visit the ladies room again. Tony asked if we were sure we would not play? In other words, he wanted a full swing type scene where he could finish what he started by fucking her. I said to ask Marie if she wanted anything else. She returned and had several guys at the bar comment on how good she had looked while playing in the booth. They also wanted to know if we would play more? Marie just smiled and told them no thanks. Another couple had come into the club and had decided to sit in the booth right beside ours, not knowing about what had happened earlier. Marie returned and raised her dress while she was standing as if starting to sit, even before she slid back into the booth. This certainly got the attention of the couple, and the guy's eyes were really wide as her dress was almost to the stocking tops. Tony immediately looked too and started to reach his hand down. Marie said, "Hold on, you have already seen that. I want to see you!" She looked at his crotch. It is one thing for Marie to enjoy some showing off, another thing for the guy to feel comfortable enough to expose himself. He hesitated, and she said, "Let me see it, or the party is over." Tony unzipped himself and pulled out his cock, and it was standing straight up! Marie reached down and with a real sexy grin just grabbed hold of it and started rubbing! I don't think it was five minutes and the guy grabbed for a napkin on the table and let loose! The couple beside us were almost standing up so they could see into the booth, and several guys had positioned themselves almost in front, but a little ways away. In their position, they could see under the table, Marie's hand at work, and her legs spread wide open. It was a fun night, we left, thanked Tony (who never got what he really wanted), and Marie gave the valet another wide and slow view of her pussy as she got back into the car. He just laughed and said, "Don't worry about money guys, that was my tip!"
  19. Told to Rusty and Barb by Bev and Jaime Her Keggle muscles pumped me with abandon, riding me like a stallion and with her first muted groan I couldn’t hold it any more and shot what I had left in my balls deeply into her just as she let out an incredible groan of pleasure that seemed to last forever. Finally she collapsed, rolling off me onto the blanket. Both completely spent, we lay there for quite a while, enjoying the feelings of a great lay. At some later moment a pang of fright shot through me. Had they heard us? Lifting myself up I peered over the ledge to see Meg and Bud getting dressed and leaving. They seemed in a hurry as they disappeared through the maples. Damn. I thought. What if they’d heard us? Bud and Meg own the orchard next to our little place 40 acres of Christmas trees. We can see their house from ours, about four hundred meters from us. We visit often, crossing the quaint bridge across the stream that separates our properties and lets them share our drive up to the road. Our properties adjoin a Provincial forest in which we love to hike, explore, often naked, and especially skinny dip in the pool at the base of a twelve foot waterfall about a Kilometer from our place. That Sunday afternoon Bev and I, Jaime, had been hiking and came to the little grotto at the top of the waterfall where we stripped and made love. We then descended the trail to take an extended skinny dip. The pool is cooooooold but the hot sun kind of compensated. We’d just climbed back up to the grotto to help each others get things unshriveled when we heard Bud and Meg frolicking in the pool A discreet glance showed that they were skinny dipping too. It was a quick skinny dip while Bev and I quietly discussed whether we ought to join them. They crawled out of the pool and began to hug and kiss then laid down on a blanket. We felt guilty watching them make plain and fancy love, a little missionary, some 69, her on top, him on top, some doggy. By the time they came together, the fact that we were all hot and bothered cancelled out any guilt we might feel from watching them. That’s what led to our very loud moans that they might have heard. Sex was great for Bev and I the next few days. We never got tired of reliving those feelings of watching them. We talked about how exciting it would be for them to watch us too. We even speculated the scary idea of what it would feel like to swap, even pretending that I was Bud or she was Meg as we made love. It was an incredible few days, shaping the last of the trees during the day and making fantastic love far into the nights. We finally concluded that we at least ought to share skinny dipping with them. If it never went further we still had each other but who knew what might happen if we were all naked together. The next Saturday, we’d finished our chores and were fixing a picnic lunch when we saw Meg and Bud head toward the forest with what looked like towels over their shoulders and a blanket under Bud’s arm. Bev looked at me, I looked at her, she smiled her pixy smile and we quickly made a couple more sandwiches and threw them into the backpack with the two two liter water bottles. We’d just showered and had no clothes on so all it took was a suggestion and another pixie smile for us to pull on socks and hiking shoes, throw shorts and T shirts into the pack just in case, and head out stark naked. We both love that free nude feeling and we were so isolated that only Meg and Bud could see us. The lower trail took us directly to the pool so when we came out from the trees there they were, standing in the edge of the pool more naked than we were. Of course we acted as surprised to see them as they were but as we had learned in the nude hiking course we took at the Victoria nudist park, we just looked them in the eyes and had a good conversation. Nobody ran for their clothes and soon we were frolicking in the water, having a great time. They shared our lunch with us, sitting cross legged on our blankets. Bev and I were getting quite aroused, remembering our peeping Tom episode of last week. I couldn’t stop my penis from obviously getting about half hard. Besides, being able to look at them naked was very stimulating. Bud’s prick looked just a bit heavy too so it must be affecting him at least. He couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off Bev. We chatted a bit, lying next to our spouses, enjoying the sun. The sound of the waterfall meant that we hat to talk loudly to the others but allowed us to whisper to each other without them hearing. After some quiet discussion we decided at least to go to the next step. We began kissing and snuggling together. Quick glances showed that they were watching us and beginning to do the same. They didn’t follow suit when I started to fondle Bev’s breasts. They looked a little shocked, in fact. Bev looked at me and said that we need to tell them so, blunt guy that I am, I just spilled the beans and told them that last week we’d been making love up on the ledge and we’d seen them together down there. Bev added that we’d felt guilty about being peeping Toms but that they really had revved up our sex life. They laughed nervously at that and said they’d thought they had heard something or someone. We sat silently for a moment I finally jumped in, telling them that we hadn’t been fair and that in recompense we would be honored if they would watch us. Meg ventured, after another silence, that we might feel inhibited with them watching. Bud’s excitement was obviously growing when he added that it’s only fair. Bev added that besides it would be exciting to know that someone was watching, that we often fantasize that someone is watching us. Bud put his arm around her naked shoulders and she nodded assent. Her boobs jiggled sexily when she nodded. That’s all it took. My hands were all over Bev and hers were working magic on my cock. We kissed a lot then she went down on me and swung around over me so I could eat her pussy. Knowing they were watching made things a lot more exciting, to the point that I had to let Bev know to be careful. It just doesn’t get better than having your cock expertly eaten, playing with her boobs and eating her pussy all at the same time. I love it when Bev cums on my mouth. She puts everything she has into it, shaking all over, pulsing her vagina, heaving her hips, groaning and screaming. It’s wonderful. She collapsed on me for a while then after a few minutes and a few shivers, she went onto her back and pulled me onto her. Finally, with my head out from between her legs I could see that the others were getting with it a bit. He had his hands on her tits and she was softly massaging his cock as they watched us with wonderment on their faces. I slipped my cock into Bev and began slow fucking her, feeling her emotions rise again. She matched my movements with her hips. We both know exactly what to do to each other. She slowly rose to another orgasm as I tried to hold off as long as I could. It felt so good inside her it was difficult to hold off. Finally, she tensed a couple of times then went completely rigid and let out an incredible moan/scream that sent chills down my back. Suddenly she cut the scream off and went all to jelly, collapsing in complete abandon. I knew she’d had enough so I quickly pulled out and lay next to her as she languidly brought her hand to my still erect cock. All this had Bud’s cock at rigid attention as they fondled, watching us. After a few moments to recover, Bev pulled herself to me and gave me one of her best, soft, loving blow jobs. Being able to concentrate on her lovely mouth doing wonderful things to my cock while watching Bud and Meg make out brought me to a shattering orgasm, pumping my juices into Bev’s mouth. When Bev let a spurt fly up over her head, I heard Meg inhale hard even over the sound of the water. She cleaned me up with her lovely lips and tongue and when I’d finally recovered a bit she turned to them with my now floppy dick in her hand and thanked them for adding so much to our experience. They just sat there for a while, until Bev asked them. Well, what do you think? Bev asked them if they’d consider showing us again what they could do. Meg, sitting cross legged facing us showed us the glisten of lots of moisture down there. They paused, momentarily, then kissed and almost immediately Bud’s long stiff pole was mixing things up in her pussy. It took them almost no time at all before they were cumming loudly together, then collapsing in exhaustion. We lay there for quite some time, all of us recuperating. Finally, we sat up, took a much needed swig of water and talked. At first we talked as if we hadn’t just screwed in front of each other. Finally, after a pause, I said that watching and being watched added a lot to our sex. I asked outright how they felt. To begin with, they hesitated but soon confirmed that it was exciting. Meg invited them over to share our hot tub and maybe to do it again. They had a party that night but agreed to come over for dinner the next night and we’d see what happened. We cleaned up in the pool then walked back to their place naked. When we separated to return to our home, naked still, we shared a warm group hug. We did the same kind of soft swing with them a couple times a week for several months until one night we got a bit tipsy and….. well, that’s another story.
  20. I had just been divorced from my first wife and was feeling lonely, horny, and sorry for myself. Over the years I'd been noticing some of the swingers' magazines at the newsstands around 42nd Street, and had bought some. They always turned me on – they were very direct : 'Thirties couple seeks [single man][other couple][bi woman] to join us for fun times...' and many had photos with the ad, showing one or both of the couples. I had always fantasized about what it would be like to be with one of the many couples in the ads who advertised for single men to join them. At this point in my life, I had decided 'What the hell – why not try it? What do I have to lose?' One of the magazines had a lot of local ads for the area around NYC, including New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. I went through this magazine very carefully, trying to figure out which of the hundreds of couples to write. Finally, I picked five that were the most alluring, were most clearly looking for men, and had sexy photos. I wrote to them, including my P.O. box number,face photo, and my phone number, and a stamped and addressed envelope for a reply. About a week later I found an envelope in my PO Box, with a postmark of Nutley, NJ. It was all I could do not to open it right there, but I didn't - I rushed home, went to the bedroom, and tore it open. The letter was from Bonnie and Jim, and they said they liked my letter and my looks and wanted to meet with me. There was a Polaroid shot of Bonnie from the waist up, her tits bare and a smile on her face as she looked at the camera. She was a very attractive brunette with straight hair and beautiful firm tits that were very white compared to the dark tan she had. And there was a phone number! That evening, excited beyond belief, I made the phone call, we talked, and we decided that I would drive out to Nutley to visit them the following Saturday night. I was so excited and nervous for the next few days I could hardly stand it...my long-held fantasy of a threesome was about to happen, if all went well! On the Saturday night I drove to Nutley and found their house. A normal middle-class house, like all the others around it. But in this particular house was a man who liked to watch his wife suck other men's cocks, and a woman who enjoyed doing it! As I rang the doorbell, I thought 'I am about to meet a woman for the first time, and before an hour's time is up she is going to have my cock in her mouth while her husband watches!' Jim opened the door for me, and there behind him was Bonnie, smiling at me. They were both attractive, tanned, trim. Bonnie had long straight brown hair and a lovely smile and a great figure. After greeting me, she excused herself to put her baby to bed, while Jim poured me a drink....my nervousness had started to disappear now that things were started and going well. Soon Bonnie returned from the bedroom, got a drink, and then asked me if I'd like to see their photo album. When I said I would, she got it and sat down on the sofa between myself and Jim. I couldn't have planned to get her next to me more adroitly! I could feel the warmth of her leg pressing against mine. The first pictures in the album were taken at the beach, and showed Bonnie in a very skimpy bikini, in all sorts of poses. She turned the page, and she was still in the bikini, but now indoors, and teasing the camera, smiling broadly. When she turned the page, the pictures started getting a bit more racy. They showed her taking off her bra, and then on the opposite page was an enlargement photo of Bonnie, bare-breasted and smiling. I drew in my breath, and without thought I blurted out, 'Bonnie, you have great tits!!' I looked from the photo to Bonnie, and she was smiling - this time at me! She leaned closer for a kiss, and I felt her lips on mine. At the same time I was wondering about Jim's reaction, and out of the corner of my eye checked him out. He was smiling too - I knew then that he wasn't going to punch me for kissing his wife! And a moment later, as my long kiss continued, I felt his hands reach between us and start to unbutton Bonnie's blouse!The kiss ended, Bonnie turned to Jim and kissed him. Bolder now, I reached between them and finished unbuttoning her blouse. When she turned to continue with the album, her blouse was open and I could see the sexy black bra she had on, which was filled very nicely! I looked back at the album, as Bonnie turned the pages. Now the images were of her completely nude, playing indoors. In one shot she was holding her ample tits up, with her thumbs touching the large, dark nipples. In another her legs were spread. Her deep tan extended to where her bikini bra and bottom had been. Her bush was dark and enticing. In all these photos Bonnie was smiling broadly - clearly she was an exhibitionist who loved showing off for the camera. Then she turned the page, and there was another enlargement -- Bonnie on her knees in front of a man who was not Jim, with his very large cock in her mouth! I gasped again, because although things were leading toward the more provocative, I had not expected anything this explicit. Bonnie looked at me, she smiled and leaned forward for another wet kiss. This time I felt Jim's hands opening the clasp of her bra. I backed off and watched as he slowly pulled it away from her, revealing her gorgeous tits to me. The nipples were dark and hard and large. I put my hands on her breasts and as I did so I felt Jim's hands on them too, from the other side of Bonnie. Together we fondled her tits, occasionally rubbing against those big nipples. Then Jim leaned down and put his mouth on one nipple, sucking it into his mouth. Taking my cue from him, I put my mouth on the other nipple and started teasing it with my tongue and my teeth, and sucking it. As I did so I could tell that Jim was doing the same. And then I felt Bonnie's left hand fondling my cock through my pants, and I knew that she was fondling Jim's with her right hand. Soon I felt Bonnie's fingers opening my zipper and I knew that with her other hand she was doing the same with Jim's. She reached in and pulled my stiff cock out; I glanced over with curiosity and saw Jim's uncircumcised cock standing stiff out of his pants, and Bonnie's hand stroking it. While this was going on Jim and I stopped sucking on her nipples long enough to pull her skirt up to her waist, and each of us had a finger in her very wet cunt. Looking across the living room to a large mirror on the opposite wall, I could see the three of us in a very obscene and exciting tableau, that added to the excitement! Suddenly Bonnie stood up, reached over and took Jim's cock in one hand and mine in her other, and pulled us to our feet. She said 'Let's go into the bedroom, guys!' I followed her – her hands still holding our cocks – into the bedroom. In there, I finished taking off all my clothes and Jim and I together undressed Bonnie. Then, as I was looking at Bonnie's great body, and she was smiling a very lewd smile at me, I heard Jim say, 'Well, Steve – what would you like to do?' It turned out that they wanted me to be the master of ceremonies! Immediately my mind went into overdrive. All the fantasies I had thought of over the years were possible! I told Bonnie to get down on her knees in front of me, and to lick just the tip of my cock. She did it unhesitatingly, and as she did Jim picked up a Polaroid camera and took a photo. Then I told her to go ahead and get the rest of my cock into her mouth and to go ahead and suck it. She did, with real enthusiasm. As I felt her mouth around my cock, I wondered why I hadn't answered an ad before. After a while, I told Jim to put down the camera and to stand next to me. His cock was stiff. I took mind out of Bonnie's mouth and said to her, 'I wonder if you can get both of our cocks in your mouth at the same time?' I could see she was delighted with the idea, and as for Jim, his cock gave a little jump and I knew he was excited. Bonnie reached out and squeezed our cocks together with her hand, and guided them toward her open mouth. It was an incredible feeling, my cock squeezed next to another man's, and the man's wife about to suck us both! Bonnie was able to get both heads and a bit more into her mouth. We could see the group reflected in a large mirror. Our four balls were dangling at Bonnie's chin, and she used one hand to play with them. It didn't take very long for us to cum in her mouth – not quite at the same time, but close. When we withdrew our cocks, Bonnie looked at us both, smiled, and opened her mouth, to show a copious load of our mixed sperm on her tongue and in her mouth. I said to Jim, 'Your wife is a great cocksucker, Jim!' and I saw his cock react when he heard me say that. Then I asked him to come over and stand right next to me, and I told Bonnie to see if she could get both cocks into her mouth together. This was clearly something new to them, as it was, of course, to me. She squeezed her husband's cock tight against mine and managed to get both into her mouth. I felt Jim's cock rubbing against mine, and felt Bonnie's tongue exploring this interesting new situation! Again, Jim took a Polaroid photo of her face with two very stiff cocks next to each other in her mouth, and our balls dangling at her chin. {The photo turned out to be wildly out of focus, to no one's surprise!} After this, I asked Jim to take a photo of me alone that I could use to mail to other swinging couples. He took a shot of me standing there with a smile and a hard-on. Then, thinking that a more discreet photo might be a good idea to have, I put on a pair of jockey shorts. My hard-on was very noticeable as it pushed the shorts out of shape, but at least I was wearing something! After this we proceeded to a full evening of great fucking and sucking. The evening was such a total success that I knew that I was going to do this again, and soon! I did meet several more times with Bonnie and Jim. Then I had copies made of the Polaroids, and started writing more letters. Of course, not every meeting was as successful as this one...but I knew that it was possible, and I started writing lots of letters! That was several years ago, but I still enjoy MFM threesomes.
  21. It was a hot summer day, and Marie (my wife) and I decided to go into the city. We did not have any set plans. We like to go to Central Park and go for nice long walks and take in the different things going on. Like I said it was HOT, so we dressed according. I wore shorts and a polo shirt. Marie wore short khaki shorts that barely covered her round ass and a TIGHT white polo shirt and kept the buttons open. Marie has a drop dead gorgeous body. It turns a lot of heads on the streets. We took the subway into the city. There I could see eyes on her at all times. Guys can't help themselves. She likes the attention. On our walk over to Central Park, we passed by several strip clubs, bars, and XXX movie shops with viewing booths. I joked with her about stopping in on the way back. She laughed and said only if I was good. We arrived at the park and had a nice walk and some good laughs. Marie was having a great time and was in a great mood. On our way back we stopped in an Irish watering hole for a drink. There the bartender poured us our beer and could not take his eyes off Marie's chest. It was hot out, and she was a bit sweaty. You could see her cleavage glistening. She was in a good mood. You want to know why? She started to have fun with the bartender. She was leaning over the bar to order and giving the bartender a good look at her chest. The bar was air-conditioned, and since we were so hot to start with, her nipples got hard like rocks. We had a few beers, a few laughs, and then to the bartender's dismay decided to move on. We walk outside, back into the heat. Marie and I were walking towards the strip clubs and XXX movie/ viewing stores. I asked her if she had any other places in mind. She took my hand and said, "I will show you." We walked for about two blocks. Then she walked me right into PEEP WORLD. They sell movies, toys, and have viewing booths. We looked at the porn movies for a while. I could see all the horny men in there following us, watching my wife. She kept picking up box after box and commenting on all the movies. She does not hold back. She told me that she wanted to watch a movie now. I said ok, where? She said in one of the booths. We went into a booth. I inserted a few bucks in. The movie came on. There was an arrow to change the movies. They had several movies. Soon after this, we heard someone enter the booth next to ours. Separating the booths to your left and right is a partition wall. It has a glass section that is blacked out and then a small opening or small doorway of sorts below. Yes, a glory hole. There was a tap on the glass portion. We slid the black shade up so we could see into the other booth. A man was standing there staring at my wife. He started to motion to her. It looked like he wanted to see her tits. Marie was game. Marie then lifted her arms and removed her shirt. I then unhooked her bra. The man began to unzip his pants. Her tits were now out. He pulled out his cock. It was BIG AND LONG AND UNCUT. It looked like a fucking snake from the zoo. The man was hairy and messy. He wanted my wife so bad. This was a man you could tell never had a hot woman. I started to massage Marie's tits, and I pushed them up against the glass. This guy was loving it. He then pointed down. Towards the hole. It was a locked door that we had to unlock. Marie looked over her shoulder at me and said, "Should I? Should I satisfy this poor man?" I said sure, why not. She unlocked the door. The man immediately slid his BIG LONG UNCUT MULE through. She took her beautiful little manicured hands and placed it on his mule. He was smiling. She stroked it a bit. She was interested in this cock. It was so different than what she has ever had or even seen. She kept stroking it. It began to grow longer, wider, and angrier. Its head appeared as she stroked it. She would rub the tip, and the man was going nuts. What she did next shocked me. I thought she would just stroke the guy and get him off. NO NO NO, she decides to drop to her knees of this dirty booth and take his awful big mule into her mouth. She licked it up and down. She started to really get into it. She sucked his cock for a while. Then you could see it was cumming. His cock began to pulse. My mind ran wild, what is she gonna do. Where is she gonna have him cum? I thought maybe she would jerk him off and he would cum in her hand or on the floor. NO NO NO. She sucks and sucks till he shoots some into her mouth making her GAG. She tilts her head back, and with one stroke, he shoots one long thick stream of goo all over her face and in her hair. She then slides her hand down his cock and then back up, leaning back she strokes upward and squeezes his cock. This sent another stream. This one was the mother load. He shot a long thick stream of cum goo, yucky, onto her big tits. He was done. She was covered. Fuck! My sexy wife covered in cum. Her hair, her face, and her chest. The man smiled and exited his booth. She then began to wipe herself off when we heard it. A guy had just entered the same booth. The only problem, my wife was still on her knees with cum all over herself, and our window between the booths was still visible. The shade was up. The guy was an extremely large man. He was about 6'5", 280 pounds and solid. He took a good look at my wife. She looked up at him. He motioned down to his cock. She looked up at me. I said why not your already down and dirty. She nodded. He unzipped. This last guy had an unusually large and unruly cock. But this guys was different. How??? He was black. Marie is white. Her skin tone is that of milk. Pure white. Beautiful blonde hair. This guy was huge with a massive BLACK COCK staring my wife in the face. He stuck it through the hole. She was amazed. She held it in her hand and stared at it. She then started to stroke it. Then she went for it. She started to suck his HUGE BLACK COCK. I was so hot watching my wife. I pulled out my cock and began to stroke it. I started squeezing her tits. She then took her left hand and began to stroke me and this guy's massive cock. I was so fucking worked up I came. I shot a load onto Marie's chest. She took it like a champ and went back to sucking the BIG BLACK man's cock. She did it until he got off. Where you ask???? You guessed it. In her mouth. She sucked him clean. She kept sucking and sucking. She swallowed it all. He had a huge smile on his face. He blew her a kiss and exited the booth. We cleaned ourselves up and exited. The man who worked at the counter had a big smile on his face knowing what just happened and asked if we enjoyed ourselves. She smiled and said yes. Upon our exit from the video store into the hot sun, Marie was still trying to fix her clothes. We walked two blocks toward our train, and there he was. The black man from the video store. He saw us, and we saw him. What do we do? Should we continue as nothing happened or go say hello? So I asked Marie. She said, "Let's say Hi." We approached the man and what he said shocked us both. He said to me, "Escort me to my apartment, and you can watch me fuck your wife till she cries for more black cock." to be continued. Marie is smiling...
  22. One Saturday Night Marie and I went out for a few drinks. We went to a bar/ club on the Jersey Shore. They have music and lots of big screen tv's to watch all the games. Marie was dressed sexy as always. She wore a short black dress with high heels and a low cut shirt and no bra. It was a tight fitting shirt. Marie has natural 38dd's, but they sit high. They are truly amazing. We arrived around 8:30 pm. We sat down at the bar next to a man wearing a Yankee jersey. That's the game we wanted to see. The man was alone drinking away. Marie immediately introduced herself and I. She asked him what we missed in the game. The man seemed almost shocked that such a beautiful woman was talking to him. We asked him if he was waiting for anyone. He said no, I always watch the games here, ALONE. Alone we said. It was kinda sad. His name was John. John was in his late 30's. He was balding, wore glasses, and was overweight. He was about 5 foot 6 inches tall and weighed about 300 lbs. Most of it in his midsection. He was an average guy. Most of the men and woman in this club are beautiful. But this guy was not. He was just average. He said he came here to watch the games because he also liked to admire all the beautiful woman. He then complimented Marie on her beauty. We enjoyed the game and became very friendly with John. Every time the Yanks would score. Marie would high five John. John seemed beside himself. Then the game ended. The yanks won. Marie gave John a big hug. He was blown away. We had some more drinks. We asked John what his plans were for the rest of the evening. He laughed and said I have none. We said why don't you come over to our house for a few more drinks in a relaxed atmosphere. He agreed. I told John that we only lived about three miles away. To leave his car here. We would drive him back for it later. He agreed and came with us. When we arrived at our house I could see John was very nervous. I told him to relax. He said he felt like there was a catch. I said no catch John. We enjoy the company of all different people. We were not like others. He smiled. We had a few drinks. Then Marie decided to get up from the couch and sit next to John on the love seat. It was tight. She was pressed up against him. She asked if it was ok with him. He said sure. She then rested her head on his shoulder. She ran her pretty little manicured fingers up his chest. She said, John what would you think if I told you I was horny. John said well I think Mike would take care of that. I then said, I enjoy sharing my wife and I think Marie wants to share with you. John then smiled and said really. Marie began to rub his big belly. She was running her nails over his big belly. He loved it. She then took one hand and began to run it over his balding head. He then reached for her chest. He took his hands and lifted her shirt. He stared at those tits. He then began to squeeze them. She then unzipped his pants. He had on tightie whities. ha ha. She then fished out his cock. It was your average 6-incher. She was determined to give him the time of his life. Knowing he had never had a woman like her before. She then started to squeeze her own tits together. He then started to suck em. I then started to jerk off. John was so happy. The look on this guys face was priceless. Marie was making him so happy. Marie then slid down between his legs and began to suck. Marie sucked him off. She stoked it up and down. She then pulled his pants off. She worshiped his big belly. She ran her fingers over it and kissed it. Then back to his cock. He was so excited. He then grabbed her hair and started to fuck her mouth. He could not stop. He then pulled her head back and moaned. He then spurted a massive stream of cum all over my wife's tits. He then pulled her head back over his cock and came in her mouth. Hmmm, she moaned. She then wiped her mouth and thanked John for cumming in her mouth. She then kissed his belly and told him it was only the beginning of a wonderful night....
  23. rt829

    Glory at the Adult Bookstore

    I recently sent a short video taken at a glory hole to my friend Dee, and I asked, “Would you do this”? And she replied, “Actually, I did do that many years ago with my husband. I was curious about adult bookstores and asked him to take me to one. We had been drinking so he took me to one that he knew about but I don't think he knew much about they worked. He and I went in and looked around at the videos, magazines and novelties. We were feeling the effects of the drinks and were very uninhibited. I remember getting aroused looking at the porno stuff and of course he did too.” I didn't notice at first but I soon realized that I was the only female in the place. There was a section behind a curtain that said video arcade so I said lets see what’s in there. It was dark and hard to see at first. There were several little rooms with doors and some kind of machine that took tokens in each one of them. He went to get some tokens while I sat in an empty booth waiting for him. Soon after he left, the door opened but it wasn't my husband. The guy looked at me and said, ‘Excuse me’ when I told him this booth was taken and I was waiting for my husband. In the darkness, while waiting, I also noticed small holes in the walls on either side of the booth but had no idea what they were for and didn't give them much thought. My husband finally came back and we watched videos while I sat on his lap. There was only one chair in the booth. I was getting so turned on while he was playing with my nipples, I got off his lap took off my top and while he lowered my shorts and panties. I then pulled down his shorts and got on my knees so I could suck him while watched the movie while I played with my clit. It was then that I noticed someone watching through one of the holes but I was so excited, I didn't care. After a while, I showed my husband the eye in the hole and he asked me if I was ok with that and I said yes. He said that’s good because there's one on the other side too. Apparently we were being watched and he knew it. He then asked me if I wanted to suck more cocks. I was feeling so excited and slutty I said yes as long as he was ok with it. He told me to put my open mouth next to one of the holes and see if anything happened. In about two seconds a hard cock comes through the hole and hits me in the face. I looked at it in the dim light and held it while I looked at it. It seemed to be clean and didn't smell bad so I began sucking on it. He came in about 15 seconds and shot his load in my mouth. I was surprised at first that he came in my mouth but I let him continue cumming on my face while I let his cum drip out of my mouth and on my chest. I think that’s when I really became a cum slut. I loved being covered in cum. My husband told me he was about to cum too so I took him in my mouth and let him cum all over me too. I then noticed another cock in the other hole. This one was black and smaller than the others but I liked that one the best. Actually smaller cocks are better to suck than big ones. Big ones fill my mouth, making my mouth tired and difficult to play with orally. I sucked him off too. By that time, another cock appeared in the other hole and my husbands cock was coming back to life. I think I sucked at least 7 or 8 cocks that night and I was totally covered in cum. I really needed to be fucked but didn't want to do that with anyone but my husband. I was still feeling very slutty so I put on my shirt and shorts, leaving all the cum still on my face, hair and body. We then walked out of the booth and there was a line of at least six more guys waiting. I said sorry guys but I need to go and they all groaned. We didn't live too far from the adult book store so we went home and I attacked him and had several intense orgasms. After we calmed down and cleaned up, I asked him if he enjoyed seeing me suck other guys. He told me that before he came the first time, it was very exciting and something he fantasized about. After he came, he didn't like it but saw that I was really enjoying myself so he let me continue. I haven't done the glory hole thing since but it’s another one of those adventures I'm glad I did but not too sure I would do it again. Dee
  24. We just finished up our second game of Wii Bowling and where all fairly warmed up. We had already had dinner and a couple of bottles of wine where empty when Chad opened up the third bottle and it was agreed upon that we would play two more games and then hit the hot tub to relax their “Wii elbows”. Kim says “Hey Chad, since you never did get around to beating my 16 game Pro status challenge, what do you think about making a bet on the next two games?” “Sure Kim, what do you have in mind for a bet? Guys vs. Girls teams?” Chad said. Kim looked at Jenny to see how she felt and Jenny nodded her head in agreement. “Sure we can do that then.” she said. Chad said “That's fine then, teams will be Larry and I against you two ladies. What's the wager then?” “Oh I am not sure, let's just play and we can figure it out after the games are done. Better yet, the winner of the bet can set the wager, how does that sound?” she asked. “Sure I guess that works, just makes it hard to know what I might lose.” Chad chuckles at her and Jenny and then returns to the living room with both their glasses of wine and Larry got the game started again. So the teams where set and Kim started off the first game, Larry followed Kim, then Jenny and Chad rounded out the final of the foursome. The first game wasn't too close with Larry and Chad both finishing with very close scores of 175 and 180 respectively, while the ladies had dug themselves a very large hole as Kim bowled a 195 for the high score of the first game and Jenny had the low score of the game with a 127. So after the first game the ladies where down 33 pins and we decided to switch up the order of the players for the deciding round. This time the guys lead off, Larry, Chad then Jenny and then Kim was last. The first frame everyone started off great with strikes for all four players. “Next frame is a shot frame for those people that don't get a mark in the frame” Jenny said with a laugh. “Hmm...I am not feeling shots, but how about who ever doesn't mark, then they have to take a long slug from their drink?” Chad suggests. “That's a deal, much easier than shots.” she said and all where in agreement. Larry started off with yet another strike and Chad followed up with a fairly easy spare. Jenny left the nine pine standing and had the first open frame of the game. Kim had a double pin spare to pick up and it proved to be too hard for her to handle and she followed Jenny with an open frame of her own. Kim raises her glass of wine while saying “Cheers to you partner!” and the ladies clink glasses and then take a healthy long pull from their glasses. As the game proceeds towards the end of the 9th frame for the guys, the couples add the scores up so that the ladies can see what they are up against. With Larry finishing again with a respectable 170 and Chad finishing a little lower at 168 the ladies are bragging that the door has been left open for them. After adding up the scores though the ladies still have their work cut out for them. Kim is sitting on a 181 heading into the 10th frame and Jenny is sitting at 141. They need to have 50 pins between the two of them to pull it out. “Your up Kim, no pressure we just need you to get at least 25 pins and we will be on pace.” as Jenny hands her partner the controller. Kim grips the remote and sends her first ball in motion....STRIKE! “Oh yea! High five baby!” yells Kim as she turns around and slap a loud high five with Jenny. Both ladies are hooting and hollering and feeling a lot more confident after that first ball and both are doing a little more dancing and shaking of their asses. Kim sends her second ball in motion and there's trouble. Only 8 pins and she is left with the exact same spare to pick up as she had in the 2nd frame that she choked on. “Hmm...don't panic Kim, but this looks familiar to me! Seems like you choked on this one a little earlier in the game as I recall.” pokes Chad as Kim give a sly look to Jenny. She says “Don't worry mouthy I got this!” and with that she sends her third ball of the 10th frame in motion and easily picks up the spare. More hooting and hollering is prompted by the spare by the ladies and again a round of high fives are in process. “Um, I don't mean to put a damper on the party for you two ladies, but you do realize that Jenny has to strike out now in order for you to beat us by a single pin right?” explains Larry. The ladies stop dead in their tracks and both sort of stare at Larry. “Yup you sure do and looking back at the last two games, you haven't had more than two strikes in a row my love!” Chad says as he leans in to give her a playful kiss on the lips. Jenny says “Get away from me you jerk!” and she playfully pushes him away from her and takes the remote from Kim. “Kim, don't worry, I got your back partner! No way are we losing to these guys tonight.” This first ball is then sent in motion....STRIKE! This is followed by a little bit of cheering. “Yea that is fine, you still have two more to get though sexy!” Chad yells. The second ball is sent in motion and it strays away from the head pin and hits more on the left side of the head pin instead of in the right hand pocket, STRIKE! “Oh come on, you have to be kidding me, you hit that so crappy, there must be a bug in the game.” Chad says and Larry and he both laugh knowing she can't possibly pull a third strike out of her hat can she? “One more Jenny that is all you need is one more and we will have taken these cocky boys down!” exclaims Kim with a final high five to Jenny. With that Jenny gets ready for her final ball of the 10th frame and the deciding throw for the little wager. She swings the remote and the ball is off and going, it approaches the right hand pocket just next to the head pin and hits perfectly. The pins collapse wonderfully but the nine pin is just swaying left to right but not falling down. Then the strangest thing happens, the screen on the tv sort of blinks and up pops STRIKE!!! The ladies erupt into cheers and laughing “Whooo hoooo!!! We beat your asses boys!” screams Jenny. Kim puts up both her hands and the ladies give each other high fives and start dancing around the living room shaking their asses and prancing around the room like they had just won the a National PBA Title or something. Larry looks at Chad “You have got to be kidding me, that pin had stopped moving and then the screen blips and she gets a strike?” “Yea I don't think an obvious technical error in the game should count as a win.” Chad laughs. Almost in unison the ladies say “Oh no, you aren't wimping out of the bet you sore losers!” “Fine, fine, what is the wager now that you won the stupid bet by cheating?” Chad asks the ladies. The ladies can't come up with anything that quick as they both want to make us suffer so it is decided that we will go relax in the hot tub and the ladies will talk it over on what we just lost. Larry and Chad head out to the hot tub and remove the cover and pull up two of the sides on the gazebo to let some of the steam out and to get a little bit of a breeze inside the hot tub. The ladies head off to change into their bathing suits and to no doubt plot their winning wager. After returning inside Chad heads upstairs to get into his swimming Speedo as he doesn't like bubbles in his shorts and anything baggy just collects bubbles while in the hot tub. When he returns down stairs everyone has changed and Jenny has four towels ready to go. They refill the ladies wine glasses and open up another bottle of wine before heading out to the hot tub. Larry and Chad stand in the freezing cold night air with snow beginning to fall around them as the ladies seem to take their time getting into the hot tub and getting settled. Chad holds the flap up while Larry climbs into the hot tub and finally he is able to get into the hot tub and get out of the cold air. “Holy shit that is cold out there, you think you ladies could have gone any fucking slower getting into the hot tub?!” Chad quips. “What you can't handle a little bit of cold you wimp?” Kim says. “Don't want things to “disappear” on you is that what your problem is?” and with that the ladies laugh at him. The two couples settle in and just sort of relax looking out into the night sky with the snow slowly falling around them. Kim is in the “recliner” seat with Larry in one of the corner seats. Jenny has placed herself in between Larry and Chad, while Chad sits in the last corner seat with jets. The conversation wanders around about the kids, the upcoming indoor volleyball session and just other idle talk. Chad notices frequently during the conversation that Kim keeps staring at Jenny's tits. This isn't a huge surprise as Kim has always seemed to have this “problem” with Jenny. Jenny noticed it when they first became friends and started doing lunches together. Since early on in their friendship when Jenny noticed this, she would purposely wear revealing tops that would show off her fantastic cleavage. Chad has always had a thing for Kim since he first started playing volleyball with her and her husband Larry a couple of years ago. Kim isn't the “Barbie doll” type at all, but she really just pushes his buttons for some reason. She has curves in all the right places, has a fantastic sense of humor and like his lovely wife, she also has ample cleavage that just screams out at you. Add to all that, she is a huge flirt and although Chad's not sure she really understands what she is doing, she just is constantly pushing all his sexual buttons. Who knows, maybe she does know what she is doing and that is why they seem to get along so well. Finally Jenny notices Kim staring at her tits and looks over at Chad and they share a smile with each other. Kim looks up and just smiles a little bit and then Jenny says “Hey you know we haven't yet decided what our wager is that we won yet Kim. What sounds good that we can have the guys do since they lost?” “I don't know, they could be our slaves for the rest of the evening, it would be kind of nice being waited on the rest of the evening and not have to lift a finger for a change.” suggested Kim. Chad sees a twinkle in Jenny's eye as she looks at Larry and him “I don't know Kim, is that really good enough? Is that as good as you can get for them losing to us? Especially since I had to get three strikes in a row just to win! I was thinking of something maybe a little better than that.” Kim smiles and says “Well we are already out here in the gazebo and nobody can really see us in here. What do you say to making them sit here sans trunks?” “Hmm..that could work, that seems appropriate for starters anyways. So let go boys, off with those trunks, or we will have to remove them for you!” With that both Kim and Jenny laugh and Chad looks at Larry. “You sure you really want us to do that?” I ask, “Are you willing Larry?” “Um, not really but what do we do?” he says. “If we refuse we are wimps and trying to back out of losing our bet.” With that Chad stands up and looks at Jenny and smiles, then looking straight into Kim's eyes he slowly unties his shorts and then starts to pull them down. He stop just short of showing anything off to the ladies, “Last chance to think of something different ladies.” Chad said, just in case Kim was thinking it wasn't a good idea now. However, he could see a very different, almost lustful look come over her eyes as she was watching him slowly peel his shorts off. “Nope, a bet is a bet and we won fair and square” Kim says “so off they go.” With that Chad again looked Kim straight in the eye and then slowly pulled his swimming trunks down. The first thing that Kim noticed was that Chad was shaved clean as a button. His semi-hard cock now hung not two feet from her face as she laid back in her seat and just stared. Kim seemed to realize what she was doing because she quickly looked away and looked over at Larry with that same “gleam” in her eye. Chad finished pulling his shorts off and as he was bent over Jenny reach in between his legs and rubbed his balls. “You might want to hurry and sit down or these are going to get very cold, and we wouldn't want that know would we?” She said with a chuckle. After Chad sat down, Kim looked at Larry, he must have thought she was being impatient because he quickly stands up and says “Fine off they go then I guess...sorry but I am not much of a showman.” With that he quickly pulls off his trunks and attempts to quickly sit back down. Kim though reaches over and grabs his semi-hard cock in her left hand and gives it a couple of tugs as Larry is trying to sit down. Chad notices Jenny not even trying to pretend she isn't looking and he can see her face flush a little. He wonders to himself is that a flush because of the heat and wine in the hot tub or is she really looking to maybe taste Larry's cock after all? “Hey now stop that!” Larry says as his face and neck turn bright red. Larry finally manages to get sat back down and conversation picks back up. Now Chad can see Kim not just staring at his wife's tits but she is also attempting to see through the bubbles to get a better look at his cock. After a little bit Chad is startled as he feels Jenny's hand reach between his legs and starts to stroke his cock. It doesn't take long and he's at full mast. “I am getting a bit warm in this seat, does anyone want to switch with me?” asks Kim. Everyone indicates they are comfortable in their current seats so Kim moves to the seat that is right next to Larry but has no jets. It does however raiser her a little higher out of the water to cool her down. While she is moving seats she bends over and looks straight down into the water. As she is clearly looking at Jenny giving Chad a hand job under the water. Chad takes that opportunity to get as good a look as possible down into her one piece suit at her ample breasts. Kim looks up and their eyes meet, at first she blushes thinking he has caught her watching Jenny jerk him off, then she must have realized he was looking down her suit and she smiles. Chad makes no attempt to hide both his pleasure of looking at her tits and from his wife's hand job. Just before she is able to sit down Larry reaches between Kim's legs while she is bent over and rubs on her pussy with his right hand and attempts to leave his hand there as she is sitting down. Larry pulls his hand out at the last minute feigning injury to his hand from Kim sitting on it. “Serves you right if I had trapped it there, you pervert.” she says as she leans over and gives Larry a kiss. Chad notices as she pulls away from her kiss that Kim leaves her hand under water and it is clear from the shock on Larry's face and from the movement that Kim is also providing some special attention to Larry's cock. Chad just looks over at Larry and grins and he smiles back but neither of them say a word. Chad leans over and gives Jenny a very deep passionate kiss and as they break away she whispers into his ear “I want to feel your hard cock inside my mouth. Sit up on the side of the hot tub so I can taste your cock.” Chad pulls away and looks at her and then back to Kim. Kim and Larry are busy with their own kissing and neither of them seem to be aware of what we are doing so he goes ahead and moves to the side of the hot tub. At the same time Jenny maneuvers herself between his legs and takes his cock into her hands and lovingly kisses and licks the tip. The movement of their bodies into the new positions startles Kim and Larry out of their embrace and they both just stare at them. Chad doesn't tell Jenny that they are now being watched and just looks at Kim as Jenny lowers her head onto his now hard dick. Jenny takes one free hand and starts to massage his balls as her head bobs up and down on his cock and she starts to moan and Chad can tell that she is really getting off knowing that Kim and Larry have to be watching her give him a blow job. Kim just smiles at Chad and shakes her head with a look of sexual desire in her eyes while Larry has a look of confusion. Chad is not sure if he was shocked, upset or just plain surprised. Before he can figure out which of those emotions are hidden on his face Kim says “Why don't you sit up on the side also honey, Jenny is getting to have all the fun and well I want to have some also.” Chad can see a look of panic cross Larry's face at first and he says “I don't know Kim.” Jenny must have heard either their conversation or Larry's hesitation because she lets Chad's dick fall from her mouth with wet pop and then looks at Kim and Larry. “I am so sorry, I did not mean to embarrass either of you. It was not my intention to make either of you feel uncomfortable. It's just that he was naked and hard and well I forgot who we where with in the hot tub and I guess I got carried away.” she explains with a very concerned look on her face. “You don't need to stop on our account, I was actually enjoying the view to be honest, but it does confirm our suspicions about you and Chad.” said Kim as she gives them both a devilish grin. Even though Larry has hesitated about sitting on the side of the hot tub, he clearly is having control issues as Kim is still pumping his cock underwater and now neither are trying to be discreet about the situation. Chad laughs and says “And just what are your suspicions of us Kim?” “Well it is quiet clear that you two are either swingers or have a very unique relationship, but I am betting on the first option. We have had the thought for some time now, but never would have asked out right. I tried dropping hints to see if you would bite but you never took the bait, either of you.” “What makes you think we are swingers? Just because I am naked in the hot tub and she is giving me a blow job in front of you?” he asks. “Well that helped push the thoughts along sure, but it is just the over all attitude that the two of you have. You are a constant flirt with other ladies and I quickly noticed that Jenny never gets upset with how you act around the ladies. You blurted out one evening in front of us at the house something about me having a bi side and that it was alright, Jenny has her own bi side and what guy doesn't like that. Also, Jenny and I have had many short conversations about adding a lady to the bedroom and I have caught her looking at other ladies more often than I can count. One of the last things that sealed it for us though was when we where at the bar the last time and Larry's co-worker was dancing with you. I saw how you where grinding with her all night long and I was sure that I saw her rubbing your cock through your pants and you sure were not moving away from her. Then when she confirmed to me that she had in fact played with you outside your pants and you told her to stop, not because you where going to get in trouble, but because you where going to cum in your pants, I pretty much figured it out then.” "So then if you have caught Jenny looking at other ladies more often than you can count, and that gives you an indication that she is bi and we are swingers, does that mean then that you are also? I mean I have seen you staring at my wife's beautiful tits just about every time we get together.” Chad asked and laughed out loud. This entire time Jenny has only released Chad's cock from her mouth, she has not removed her hand. He is still sitting on the edge of the hot tub and she has continued giving him a fantastic hand job and precum is oozing from the head of his cock. Kim is clearly looking at the show and sees Jenny bend over and lick the juices from the tip of Chad's cock, causing him to groan. Kim's pace picks up under the water on Larry's dick and he squirms a little bit more and Chad wonders just how close he is to cumming. “Well it looks like you better finish that job Jenny, Chad is oozing all over your hand and well unless I am mistaken, I think he would prefer to not make a mess in his hot tub. Larry, unless you want me to leave you in this state, you better get up on the side here because I am not going to leave a mess in his hot tub.” Kim says. With that said Jenny turns back to Chad and smiles as she lowers her mouth over his pulsating cock. Chad groans with pleasure and closes his eyes for just a second. He can hear a small amount of splashing and opens his eyes just in time to see Kim swallow Larry's cock all the way until her nose is nestled into his small patch of hair. Larry closes his eyes and groans with pleasure. Now all that can be heard are the tell tale sounds of slurping from the ladies and sucking sounds as Kim and Jenny work the magic on their husbands dicks. “Yea baby, suck my cock, ohhhh man that feels so great” Chad tells Jenny. “I love watching you when you are sucking my dick, but I have to say that you are missing one hell of a show here. Kim wasn't lying when she said that Larry tells her she gives great blow jobs.” She lifts her head from his dick and continues pumping it with her hand so that she can take a look over at Kim and Larry. Kim has one hand cupping and massaging Larry's balls while the other hand works in unison on his raging hard on. As her mouth moves off his cock her hand comes up from the base and they both can see her hand rotating on his cock on the way up. She repeats the motion on the way back down but in reverse. Larry is groaning with pleasure and has both hands on the back of Kim's head. Kim pulls her mouth from Larry's dick and a small amount of cum and saliva trail from her lips to the tip of his cock. When she sees that she is being watched by Chad and Jenny, she chuckles and Larry's eye open to see why Kim has left his dick. When he sees them all looking at him in his pleasure, he tries to squirm back down into the hot tub but Kim's tits are too firmly pressed against his legs to allow him to move. She quickly sucks his entire shaft back into her mouth and then pulls off once again. Kim then moves down and gently sucks first one ball and then the other ball into her mouth and rolls it around with her tongue. Larry groans loudly and says “Oh Kim, I am going to cum very soon if you keep doing that!” Chad wonders if Kim is a swallower or spitter? She did say that she wasn't going to let him leave a mess in his hot tub but that doesn't mean she will swallow his load. Kim licks all the way up the base of Larry's dick until her mouth reaches the top of where her hand squeezes out a good amount of precum and she lustily slurps that up. Then she is back to work with her mouth and hand moving in unison again on Larry's dick. Her head is moving up and down and Kim is starting to moan with pleasure. Chad thinks to himself that Kim could very well be just like his lovely Jenny, her ass is moving and grinding like she is fucking the water and appears that she may very cum just from blowing Larry. Jenny is too enthralled with watching the scene in front of her and is just jerking Chad off at a nice and slow pace. However as Chad can see Larry is getting close to cumming, he can feel his own orgasm building and he can feel that tingle in his balls as they start to tighten. “I am getting close babe, I know you weren't expecting it already, but you better bring your sweet mouth up here or I am going to explode all over your head!” Chad exclaims. With that Larry groans loudly and growls “I am going to cum Kim, get ready!” Kim moves her position just a little bit and moves her hand from Larry's cock and slips it underneath his ass and Larry groans loudly and starts pushing forward with his hips. He grabs the back of her head and yells “Ohhhhhh yeahhhhhh!” as he holds onto her head and pumps load after load of hot cum into Kim's waiting mouth! Chad can see a little bit of his juices slip out of Kim's lips as she does her best to swallow each load. Kim moves her hand to catch the dripping liquid from her lips and then licks them clean. Kim starts to moan loudly and and starts grinding her ass even more and Chad begins to wonder if she is cumming also. Then she freezes “ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh MY GOD!!!!” she moans as she lifts her head from Larry's cock and shudders in an apparent orgasm. “Quick baby! Here I come!” Chad yells. Watching Kim ravish Larry's cock like than and so completely swallow his cum sends him over the edge. His balls tighten and he shoots a load of cum into Jenny's hot, moist mouth. He holds the back of her head and moans loudly and refuses to let her move her head until he has completely finished emptying his load into her mouth. “Wow that was awesome! I knew that Jenny could get off just by sucking on a dick, but Kim, you looked like you where actually getting fucked while sucking on Larry's dick.” Chad said smiling at Kim. Kim blushes a little bit and grins “The water jet over here was positioned just right. As I moved my ass while sucking his dick I was able to control the location that the water was hitting me. It felt so awesome and then hearing you cumming and Larry pushing on my head did send me over the edge.” “Well you know, since we did lose the bet Larry and we were supposed to be the ones to be “punished” I think it would only be fair that we reciprocate to the ladies and give them some release of their own. What do you think?” Chad asks Larry. “Well it is only fair, but I don't know. Kim how do you feel about it?” Chad moves back into the warm water and starts to warm his body back up. At the same time he motions Jenny to stand up. Since she is wearing her white bathing suit that has strings on both sides of her hips, it was very easy to get her bottoms off. He just reached up to both sides while she was standing and quickly pulled on the strings and then grabbed the bottoms of the suit and pulls them away. Jenny gasped at the sudden cold air hitting her newly exposed pussy. Larry and Kim where greeted with the lovely sight of her nearly bald pussy only a few feet away. Her lovely red landing strip was the only hair they where able to see from that angle. Chad gently push Jenny to a sitting position and spread her legs so that he could get a better look at her lovely, glistening pussy, but more importantly, so that Larry and Kim could also see her lovely snatch. Kim is the first to speak “Oh my god! Is that a piercing I see there?!” Jenny chuckles, “Yea I have had that for a couple of years now.” “Holy shit! That had to hurt like hell!” Kim cried. “Actually I had to have it done twice” Jenny laughs as Kim shudders at that last comment. “When we where gone on vacation a couple of years ago, I had it fall out and Chad and I where not able to get the jewelry back in while on vacation, so when we returned I had to go get it done again. It really didn't hurt as much the first time, but the second time hurt like hell, I won't lie.” With that Chad gives Kim a wink and a smile then turns his head and lowers his face to Jenny's waiting pussy. He first lightly kisses her outer lips and then slides a little to his side and lightly nibbles and kisses along her inner thigh. He drags his tongue across the top of her pussy and then down her other thigh causing a sigh to escape Jenny as he glides over her clit. “As fun as that appears, it would be very difficult for Larry and I to pull off, with me being in this one piece bathing suit, I would have to take it all the way off.” Kim explains. “Guess you should have thought a little bit more before you packed that particular suit then uh?” Chad says with a grin. “Well I didn't really think we would be sitting in your hot tub naked, well I thought it was a possibility since we knew that we would be getting into the hot tub and that you had the gazebo for a reason I am sure, but we still weren't too sure about the two of you and didn't want to make any assumptions.” she replied. “Oh he is just teasing you dear, you know Chad.” Jenny says “If it will make you more comfortable I will join you.” With that Jenny reached behind her back and removes the top to her bathing suit and tosses it to the corner of the hot tub. Her gorgeous 36C breasts fall free from their captivity inside her suit and are right in front of Chad's face. He leans up and gives first one nipple a light peck and then gently bits down on the other nipple and pulls it out slightly causing Jenny to gasp. The look on both Larry's and Kim's face is a mixture of shock and lust. Both of them stare at Jenny's now fully nude body with lust and Chad can tell that it is taking every ounce of will power that Kim has not to move over and touch Jenny's lovely tits. “Well Kim, neither of us want to make you uncomfortable and we do not want you to do anything that you don't want to do. I will not lie, I would love to see what you have hidden beneath that suit of yours, no doubt about that! In any event, unless either of you object, Jenny feels like she really needs some release since she didn't have an air jet to help her during my blow job” Chad says and smiles and Kim. Without waiting to actually receive any response Chad lowers his face back to his wife's waiting pussy and starts to slowly lick from the bottom of her crack all the way up to her clit. When he reaches her clit is gives a quick side to side movement of his tongue over Jenny's clit causing her to arch her back to force his face further into her crotch. “Maybe I could pull the bottom of the suit sideways Kim and still get enough access to allow you to join in on the fun, that is if you want to?” Jenny hears Larry say. Then there is some movement as Kim gets up out of the water and places her self on the side of the hot tub next to Jenny's naked body. Larry slides over between her legs and pulls her bathing suit to the side. From Chad's vantage point he can just barely make out Kim's full pussy lips and a dark patch of hair. He can't tell with the bathing suit on if it is just above her lips. As he is trying to get a better view Larry plunges his face into Kim's waiting pussy and she groans loudly. Chad can now hear the slurping sound as Larry is furiously eating Kim's wet pussy and he starts to think again about how wonderful it would be to switch positions with Larry. “Not tonight” he thinks, “We don't want to push this too far tonight and we really need to talk more before we go down that road with them.” Turning his attention back to his wife Chad picks up his pace from the long slow licks of her soaking wet crevice, to much shorter, quicker and harder lashes at her clit. Jenny begins to moan louder and arches her back more to give him a better access to her slit. She grabs the back of his head and mashes his face into her hole. As Chad feels Jenny's thighs beginning to shiver he recognized the sign that she is on the brink of orgasm. With that, he concentrates his tongue on her clit and moves the ring back and forth over her nub and Jenny start praying. “Oh god, ohhh god, Ohhhh myyyyyy GODDDDDDDD! I AM CUMMING!!!!!!” and then Chad feels her body quake and shiver and her juices flood from her pussy and drip down his chin. Jenny bucks and thrusts against his face and Chad has to use both hands to grab a hold of her ass to keep Jenny from moving away from his face. Chad sucks hard on her clit and bring it completely into his mouth and he is rewarded with yet another scream from Jenny and another wave of warm juices. Jenny's second scream started out loud but then suddenly became a muffled low growl. Chad releases his hold on Jenny's clit and glances up to see what has happened and sees Jenny and Kim locked in a deep, passionate kiss. Tongues are lashing at each other and Kim has her hand caressing Jenny's tit. Chad can feel a tingling in his balls and his cock starts to bounce with excitement watching his wife as she makes out with their dear friend Kim. Jenny lowers her hand to try and reach inside Kim's bathing suit top but the top is to tight to actually let Kim's large breast out. While still kissing Kim, Jenny reaches over and pulls the bathing suit off Kim's shoulders and down to expose her very large tits. Chad blurts out “Wow!” before he can catch himself as he gets his very first full glimpse of Kim's awesome tits, sitting mere inches from his face. Kim's full tits have deep brown aureoles and huge nipples that protrude out so much you could hang a coat hanger on them! The sound of Chad's voice snaps Kim out of her sexual coma and she releases her hold on Jenny's tit and looks down at Chad. “Oh my god! I am so sorry! I don't know what came over me, but when you started cumming I just lost control and had to touch your tits and kiss you.” Kim blushes and looks down at Larry. Larry had stopped his licking but had inserted a couple of fingers into her snatch and was slowly moving them in and out of her pussy and watching his wife make out with Jenny. “No reason to be sorry Kim” Larry says “Something tells me that Jenny nor Chad were all that offended.” as he smiles up at Jenny. “I am sorry if I went a little too far Kim. I was over come with my own sexual excitement and when you started kissing and caressing me I guess I thought it was ok to play with you.” Jenny says. “Oh no, you are fine, I just don't know what came over me, but it was awesome! Larry I am sort of trapped in this suit right now and it is uncomfortable, plus I am the only one with clothes on. Let me stand up and help me out of it will you?” Kim asks. Larry and Jenny both say at the same time “Are you sure about that Kim?” Instead of answering them, Kim stands up and starts to peel her bathing suit down over her hips. She stops just briefly before reveling her pussy and looks at her husband to make sure he is ok with what she is about to do. Larry smiles at her and silently nods his head in approval and then Kim looks into Chad's eyes to watch his reaction as he gets a much better look at her dripping pussy. She pulls the bathing suit completely down and steps out of it and then drops it behind her in the corner. Kim then sits back down next to Jenny completely naked and spreads her legs open to her husband. Chad can finally see that Kim does in fact keep her actual pussy and lips clean shaven with just a tuft of brown hair at the top. Not quiet a landing strip, but a little box if you will. Chad can now see that her pussy lips are swollen and very large and her clit is standing tall and begging for someone to lick and suck on it. Chad looks up at Kim and says “Yummy! I know I have called you sexy many times before and I truly meant in then, but now, the word doesn't even come close to giving you justice. Larry, you are one extremely lucky man I will tell you that!” Kim again blushes and looks down at her husband. “Thank you, Jenny is looking super hot herself! Now that I know Kim doesn't mind me looking at her naked body I don't feel so bad voicing that opinion.” Larry slips two fingers into Kim's already sloppy pussy and she groan. He then lowers his mouth to those swollen lips and starts to lick her pussy very slowly at first. He can taste her sweet juices as they flow from her pussy, over his fingers and into his mouth. As Kim starts to moan louder she grabs the back of his head with one hand and pushes his head harder into her pussy. She sees Jenny move out of the corner of her eye and Jenny lowers her head down to take one of Kim's large nipples into her mouth. Jenny slowly and gently rolls the nipple around in her mouth and flicks it with her tongue back and forth. Jenny reaches up and massages the other breast with her hand and continues her assault on Kim's tit. The sensations of her husband licking her pussy and finger fucking her and having Jenny sucking on her tit are too much. Her second orgasm hits Kim with an unexpected force and she can feel her juices flooding out of her pussy and into Larry's waiting mouth. “Ohhh YESSSSSSSSS!, GOD that feels sooooo good!!!” she moans. Jenny then moves from her tit to lay a deep passionate kiss on Kim again while she continues to rock back and forth on Larry's tongue as wave after wave of pleasure roll through her lower regions. Chad sees that Jenny's pussy is dripping and swollen and knows that she needs more attention. Chad slips his index finger into Jenny's pussy and starts to gently rub her g-spot. Jenny moans into Kim's mouth as Chad licks her clit. Since Jenny has already came once Chad knows that the time for slow and gentle have long passed. He concentrates on her hard clit with very quick and very hard licks and starts to pump furiously at her g-spot. Jenny's hot pussy juice is coating Chad's finger and making his chin slick. Jenny exclaims “I am going to cum again baby! Keep going...don't stop...here it comes! Oh God!!!!” Sensing that Jenny is about to shower him with her cum, he moves his head away and continues to massage her g-spot. The orgasm starts deep in her stomach and the pressure builds. Kim decides to return the favor and helps Jenny reach climax by bending over and sucking her nipple into her mouth. The hot moisture of Kim's mouth on her nipple and the slight pain and pleasure from Kim biting down on her nipple sends her over the edge. The orgasm hits her completely and she yells “Yessss!!!!!!” as she squirts juices over Chad's shoulder and into the hot tub. A steady stream of pussy juice streaks out of her pussy and soaks Chad's face and shoulder and Larry says “Holy shit! Did you just see that Kim!” “Yea that was awesome and I am glad I was able to help you over the edge sweetie. Do you do that often?” she asks Jenny. Jenny is still in her sexual fog after her orgasm and doesn't notice that Kim is talking to her. Of course it doesn't help that Chad is still massaging her g-spot and Kim still has her tits in her hands. “Um babe, Kim is talking to you” Chad says and we all laugh. “What??” Jenny seems to come back to the rest of us. “Kim was wondering if you squirt like that often.” Chad tells Jenny. “Oh I can yea, one of the benefits of the piercing is that it has really made my orgasms much more intense. I could always squirt, but after getting that done it has been much easier and much more intense. Chad seems to really enjoy it when I do that also.” She says as she bends down to give him a kiss, tasting her own juices still on my mouth. Chad and Larry both sit back in the hot tub to rest and the ladies ease off the side of the hot tub to get warm. They are sitting still fairly close to each other and after a few minutes Kim looks over and appears to catch Jenny staring at her tits again. Kim moves over next to Jenny and leans in and kisses her gently on the mouth. “Do you think I can have a little closer look at your piercing? I couldn't see it very well from where I was sitting.” she whispers into her ear. Jenny, not knowing for sure exactly what Kim means hesitantly slide back up on the side of the hot tub. Kim moves her hand up to spread Jenny's lips so she can get a better view of her ring. “And it doesn't hurt at all now when it moves around?” she asks. “Not at all, like I said it actually provides a lot more stimulation now. Before I had a difficult time cumming when I would ride Chad, but after having the hood done, wow, what a difference.” Jenny answered. “So this doesn't hurt then?” asks Kim as she rubs her finger over Jenny's clit. Jenny shudders and says “Umm.. hmmmm... no that doesn't hurt at all..ahhhh”. Chad looks over at Larry to see what his reaction is to the scene that is unfolding in front of them. “Well I am surely not going to break this up, so if Larry is uncomfortable, then he better say something because I have a feeling that Kim is just getting started.” he thinks to himself. Larry just smiles at Chad and thinks “Well I knew about her college days and I have always seen her flirt with other ladies, but I wasn't sure just how far she was willing to take it. I wonder just how far she will go this evening? Should I put a stop to this?” “And this feels good too?” Kim asks, as she lowers her mouth to Jenny's pussy. She first kisses the entire pussy and slowly licks up her moist slit. Jenny moans and puts a hand gently on top of Kim's head. “No that definitely doesn't hurt, but be careful what you are starting there sweetie.” “Oh I know exactly what I am doing, I have been trying to get you to see it for months now.” Kim says and then she inserts one finger into Jenny's pussy and starts to lavish her pussy with her tongue. Jenny starts to moan softly and rock her hips forward to give Kim a better, more comfortable angle of her pussy. Kim curls her finger upwards and rubs Jenny's swollen g-spot and quickens the pace of her tongue on her clit. Jenny clit is super sensitive after having climaxed twice already and she can sense the orgasm building quickly. The newness of Kim's moist mouth on her pussy and her finger fucking is quickly pushing her over the edge. “Oh yes, oh yes, I am going to cum, do you want me to cum on you?” Jenny moans. Kim doesn't bother to take her mouth away to answer her, she just intensifies her licking and slurping of her friends pussy. Kim feels Jennys thighs start to shake and then it hits. Jenny again squirts a flood of juices into Kim's waiting mouth and Kim slips a second finger into Jenny's pussy and pumps furiously with her hand. Jenny is moaning loudly and crushes Kim's head to her pussy with her hands and legs. After the orgasm has passed Kim moves from Jenny's pussy and looks at her husband. She moves across the hot tub to plant a very wet kiss on his lips. Larry can still taste Jenny's pussy juice on his wife's lips and tongue. “I figured you would like a taste of that.” Kim says with a laugh as Larry looks a little embarrassed and caught off guard. Jenny slips back into the hot tub and then says “Ok, well if you don't mind, it would be terrible of me as host to not return that favor. Would you mind sitting back up here and allowing me to return that favor to you?” she asks. “Are you sure you really want to do that Jenny? Are you ok with that guys?” says Kim. “Sexy, in case you haven't figured out yet, we really don't have many hang ups. Our only rules are never to intentionally hurt anyone and to never push someone into something they are uncomfortable with. We always move at whatever pace our friends want to go at. Once you head down that road, it is very difficult to return and well your friendship means more to us than anything else.” Chad replies. “Well I haven't ever seen Kim act like this and it is all new to me. I sort of was aware that she might have a side like this, but we have never really talked much about it, but if you want to sit up there, then by all means go ahead. I am sure we can deal with the rest of this later.” Larry replies. With her receiving her “ok” from everyone, Kim moves to the edge of the hot tub again and Jenny slides over between her friends legs. Kim spreads her legs and opens up her pussy to Jenny and once again Chad is presented with a fantastic view of Kim's nude body. The sight of her lovely large breasts, small patch of brown pubic hair and lovely swollen pussy lips makes his balls tingle again and he envies his wife's opportunity to lick that pussy. Jenny give one last look over at Larry and then up at Kim and when she doesn't hear any complaints, she lowers her mouth to Kim's waiting pussy. Kim feels first her warm breath and then her moist lips as Jenny's tongue penetrates her lips and sinks deep into her pussy. She moans softly and rocks forward a little bit, grinding her pussy into Jenny's face. Jenny takes her tongue from deep inside Kim's pussy and slides it up the length of her cleft and reaches her protruding clit. She then licks softly at first from side to side and then quickly in a vertical motion over that sweet spot. Jenny brings up her hand and inserts a finger into Kim's pussy and her finger is quickly coated with juice as Kim's juices slide down her finger and down Jenny's hand. Jenny starts to put more pressure onto Kim's g-spot while rubbing her finger back and forth picking up her pace. Tasting Kim's tangy pussy juices for the first time, Jenny moans into her pussy. Chad and Larry can see the passion in Kim's eyes as she looks from her husband's face to Chad. It is clear that Kim is no longer aware that anyone is watching her, just aware of the pleasure that her friend is providing her between her legs. Kim reaches down to cup one of her tits and starts to squeeze and pull on her nipple. Then she uses her other hand to do the same thing to her other nipple. Both nipples are swelling and protruding straight out and Kim rolls them back and forth between her fingers which sends shock waves directly to her nether regions. A long moan escapes Kim's lips and she feels her orgasm building inside her. Jenny can sense that Kim is getting very close and increases her tongue lashing on Kim's soaking wet pussy. She slips a second finger into Kim's pussy and finger fucks her with a lot of force now. Kim starts to buck against Jenny's face and finally it hits her. “YES! YES! YES! Don't stop! Don't Stop! Ugggghhhhh!” she screams loudly as roll after roll over pure pleasure explode over her. Kim falls backwards and leans against the side of the gazebo and continues to quiver over and over for what seems likes an eternity. Jenny sits up and turns to Chad “I guess it wouldn't be fair for me to keep this all for me now would it?” and she smiles at him as she approaches him to give him a deep kiss. Chad finally gets his chance to taste Kim's pussy, even if it is from his wife's mouth. The sight of watching his wife get Kim off like that, the taste of her pussy on Jenny's lips causes his dick to stand at attention again and poke against Jenny's tits. “Ok folks, as much as I would love to keep this going, I am not sure how much more I can take. Let's relax for a bit and then I need to get out of this hot tub and take my wife upstairs!” Chad says. The two couples slide closer to their respective spouses and wrap arms around each other and they all just sit and listen to the breeze and gaze at the stars. Eventually it is decided that is has gotten late and it is time for Kim and Larry to get home. Chad looks at Larry “Ok, well this has been one hell of an evening and well as I said already, we can't turn back from this road that we have started down. I think I speak for Jenny also when I say, that your friendship means way more to us than anything else. While this could turn awkward, it doesn't have to and we sincerely hope that it will not. We all had a little bit to drink this evening and things went in a different direction. If either of you are uncomfortable with what happened, please understand that we honestly never had intentions of seducing you. We would have never gone here and we really would like to talk to both of you about this in a few days to make sure that everything is ok.” “Well I can't say how we are going to feel tomorrow, but right now things feel just fine and I know that Kim and I have a lot to talk about ourselves at this point.” He says looking at his wife. “I think we both found out a little bit about each other this evening that we might not have been sure of prior to this, nothing bad mind you, just things we might have been afraid to voice prior to this.” “Well then, can I push just a little further and ask another favor then?” Chad asks as he looks at Kim and smiles. “Umm..what would that be?” She asks hesitantly. “Oh nothing major, just can I have more than just a hug good-bye before we get out of the hot tub? Just a kiss?” Chad says. Kim looks at Larry and he doesn't answer her outwardly, but sort of shrugs his shoulders. Kim moves over to sit on Chad's lap. She wraps her arm around his neck and crushes her tits against his chest as she lowers her head down to kiss him. Chad and Kim kiss passionately for a few moments, both lashing at each others mouth with their tongues. Chad's dick starts to come back to life and rubs up against Kim's pussy lips and Kim breaks the kiss. “I think that is enough for tonight. Someone has woken up again and well I am not sure we are ready for that type of friendship right now.” she says laughing as she get off of Chad's lap. “Well it isn't fair for Larry to be left out.” Jenny thinks to herself, and without even asking anyone, she moves over and straddles Larry's lap. Putting her arms around Larry's neck Jenny also smashes her lovely breasts, first into his face and then into his chest as she lowers down to kiss him. At first Larry is hesitant and was not expecting the kiss. He quickly gathers his thought and they kiss deeply for a few moments, when Jenny also feels a little movement against her lower lips. “Well Kim, looks like you have a bit of something moving over here also!” she says and both Kim and Jenny chuckle. The two couples finally climb out of the hot tub and retire to the house where everyone gets dressed. Kim and Jenny hug and give each other one last kiss good bye and promise to make some time this week to do lunch and shopping.
  25. It was almost 4 days before Jenny and Kim got back together. Jenny was starting to worry that maybe Chad and her had let things go a little to far at their last party with Kim and Larry, when she received a text message from Kim. “Hey girlie! Are you open for lunch today?” it said. “Sure I am, do you want to meet at your place at our normal time? 11:30” Jenny sends back. A few minutes later her phone dings and it is Kim again. “See you then” she replied. Jenny gets into the shower and decides to dress up a little bit for today's lunch. “Kim doesn't get out very often and I know she likes to look nice when we go out” she thinks to herself. With that she decides on her blue jean mini skirt and her pink shirt that shows off her cleavage just perfectly. After she finishes getting ready for the day and before heading over to Kim's she pops onto her laptop to give Chad a quick update via IM. “Are you around or working?” she asks. “I am here sexy! Just trying to wrap up a few reports before I head out to lunch. What's up?” Chad sends back. “I am heading out to lunch with Kim and thought I would at least give you a quick update of what is going on. I don't have a lot of information, but things seemed ok. At least she contacted me for lunch. I'll let you know what I find out when I get back home around dinner time.” Jenny sends over. “Ok, well have fun and give your new girl friend a kiss from me. Just kidding you know sexy. I love you so much!” Chad replies. “Love you too and I hope your day goes well.” with that Jenny logs off and heads over to meet up with Kim. Jenny arrives at Kim's house just a little before 11:30 and lets herself into the house as normal, just in case the little one is asleep. Jenny walks down the hall and into the kitchen and sees Kim sitting at the table feeding her daughter lunch. “Hey there little girl! Have you missed your Aunt Jenny?” Jenny says. Kim's little girl laughs and smiles at Jenny and seems to be excited to see her again. “Let me finish feeding her and we can then head out for some lunch. What sounds good today?” Kim asks. “I don't care.” Kim finishes feeding and cleaning up her little one. “Ok, would you mind keeping her for a few minutes so that I can run upstairs and change real quick? You didn't tell me that you where going to be dressed up and I can't go out with you looking like this” “Why of course I can keep her.” Jenny smiles at her “niece” as she takes her out of her chair. Kim runs upstairs and wonders what she can wear today. As she is slipping into her slacks she pauses in front of the mirror to look at her naked breasts. Seeing herself naked with Jenny just downstairs, brings back flashes of the other night that her and Larry shared with their friends at their house. “Well if she wants to tease me with her little skirt, I can play that game also” Kim says to herself. She removes her slacks and underwear and slips into a silk thong. Over that she puts on her black skirt that stops just above the knee and then slips into a pair of black heels. She puts on a lacy bra that brings her ample tits into perfect view. She slips into a blue shirt with a plunging neckline that ends just underneath her breast. After making sure that her hair looks fine, she puts on a little bit of perfume and heads down stairs. As Kim rounds the corner Jenny sees Kim's outfit. The first thing that she notices is Kim's cleavage her nipples rock hard protruding out of her shirt! Kim sees Jenny look her up and down and smiles. “Yup see I can play this way also” she thinks to herself. “So are we ready to head out?” she asks Jenny. “Yup lets go.” They get to the restaurant and get seated in a quiet booth in a corner. After ordering their drinks and food they get caught up with what has been going on lately. They continue the idle talk for a bit and then finally Jenny asks “So are we going to ever talk about the other night?” with a smile “I though you would never ask!” Kim says. “I didn't want to be the one to bring it up, but I have to say that we had one hell of a ride back to the house. Larry was the lucky recipient of more “fun” and attention the entire ride home. I was so horny that I couldn't resist” She looks around to make sure that nobody is paying too much attention or is overhearing their conversation. “After we finally got back home, we paid the sitter, and left a trail of clothes all the way up to the bedroom! We went at it for what seemed like hours and just couldn't keep our hands off of each other. There was something about watching you and Chad together, being watched by you guys and well who can forget our special time together!” “I was very concerned of how Larry was going to feel about you after watching us together. I never had any concerns oddly enough about myself and him looking at you naked. There where no jealous feelings that I thought might come around. We have talked a lot over the past few days and we found out a lot about each other.” Kim explains. “Well as for the hot sex, yeah I completely understand what you are talking about. We didn't wait to long after you guys left to restart our own party.” Jenny laughs. “There really isn't any way to describe the feeling of how close Chad and I feel with each other after a play date. We normally have a very high sex drive anyways, but it just seems after a great play date, things get taken up a notch as we relive the events with each other over and over again. So you said that you talked with each other and learned a lot, am I correct to assume then that everything is ok? What things did you learn about each other if I can ask?” “Well first I found out that he didn't think differently about me enjoying myself with you. Actually just the opposite!” Kim laughs. “We have actually talked a lot about him watching us together and well each time it always ends the same, us naked and going at it like we where teenagers again.” “Did you talk about anything else?” Jenny asked. “Um, well yeah sort of. I asked him if it hadn't been so late, how much further he would have allowed things to go? At the time everything was going on that night, I really wanted you to suck on his cock and give him pleasure like you did me. I asked him if that would have been a problem and if he would have been upset? He said that if he was able to go again and if that had been offered, what guy would say no? I hope that I didn't step over any lines that night” and she grins. Just then the waiter brings out their food and he looks at Kim and smiles. After he places the food down on the table he walks away and glances back over his shoulder. Jenny laughs and says “Well it kind of looks like our waiter has caught a little bit of our conversation. Oh well, give him something to get through his long day. To answer your question, no you didn't step over any lines and I would have really enjoyed that, but Chad and I both where not going to move things along in that direction at all. If that was or is going to happen, it needs to be at your pace and when you two decide. Now if you offered it to me, what “woman” would say no?” and she winks at Kim. “I have long suspected that Chad had the hots for you and well that was confirmed the next day. I asked him what he was thinking that night and well he didn't have to answer me for me to know what he was thinking. He said that had we met under different situations he would have gladly suggested that we move from the hot tub to our bed, but again he knew that it wasn't the right time for that....yet” Jenny says. “So if Chad had moved between your legs while you where on the side of the hot tub, would that have caused issues that night?” “To be honest, I can't answer that. At that particular moment, that evening, I think anything could have happened, but who knows how we would have felt the next day. Larry and I did talk about that subject though and the idea does excite both of us, but because it didn't happen we couldn't really give each other a good answer. We both agreed that knowing now that it is clear that there is an attraction between all four of us, that as long as we talked to each other when things felt strange, that we could have had a lot of fun.” Kim sees Jenny reach down and “adjust” her self in her seat to get more “comfortable”. She also notices that her nipples are starting to protrude through her shirt, “Hmm...interesting” Kim thinks to herself. “Hey, she is getting tired and looks like she could use a nap. Let's finish up and take her back to the house and I can lay her down and then we can finish up there.” “Ok that's sounds fine.” Jenny wonders to herself “and just what else do you have on your mind for back at your house?” The ladies finish up their meals, get their checks and then head back to the house. After getting the baby to lay down for her nap the ladies retire back to the living room to pick up their conversation again. “Well all of my conversations with Larry has given me an idea that I was wondering if you might be willing to help me out with?” Kim asks. “And just what might that be sexy?” Jenny replies having a good idea where this might be going. “Well it would be really really awesome to surprise him with a threesome, I mean if you where interested and willing that is.” Kim states. “Now that would be a lot of fun and under most circumstances we would be more than happy to help you out with that. I would have to talk to Chad about it first, but I can tell you that normally we don't do something like that until after we have had a chance to play as a couple with another couple as a group. Once that has been established and everyone is comfortable, then Chad and I are more than happy to lend out the other person to another couple to help them fulfill a threesome fantasy. Depending on how the other couple wants to play it, Chad or I can still be there to take pictures of the event or we can stay at home and just have a private play date.” “You mean you guys actually take pictures of your play dates!” Kim exclaims. Jenny laughs “Yeah we have been known to capture some of our events, for our private viewing pleasure, but again if the other couple isn't into taking pictures then we could just watch or stay home. We really only do that when we are very comfortable with another couple and feel safe enough to do it. About the only thing we have never had the chance to do yet with another couple is film the session..at least not yet.” with a wink. “I really think that if we did that, it would need to come after we all had a chance to get together first and once we knew that there wasn't any situations that come up, I would love to come over and help you and Larry with that! How does that sound?” Jenny asks. “I guess that makes sense. I actually have a second idea, but that one I want to keep to myself for the time being as I am still formulating it in my mind. Would you be willing to just go with the flow on something at some point if I asked you to follow my lead? Kim asked “I like your way of thinking, and yes I think I could play follow the leader with you easily.” Jenny says to herself “Well let see where we can take this today with both of us being sober.” “As I have said, Chad and I don't normally play alone with couples until we have played together as a foursome.” She stands up and moves so that she is sitting next to Kim. “WE have already played together as a foursome, so playing with you would not be a problem. Not to mention, well we have different rules for girls and I am free to play with them whenever I want.” Jenny then leans in and plants a tentative kiss on Kim's lips, just in case she isn't all that receptive of the idea. To Jenny's surprise Kim not only is receptive, she opens her mouth and starts to probe at her mouth with her tongue. As they kiss deeply Jenny raises her hand to caress Kim's breast through her shirt. She grasps Kim's large nipple between her finger and thumb and rolls it around and pinches down on it. Kim responds with a soft groan into her mouth and raises her hand to Jenny's head and runs her hand through her hair. Jenny moves her hand from the outside of Kim's shirt to the inside of her shirt and pulls first one breast and then the other free of Kim's shirt. Jenny breaks the kiss and lowers her face to Kim's neck. She kiss and sucks lightly at the base of Kim's neck and continues to kiss and lick slowly down her neck to tit. She kisses and sucks around the nipple, biting the skin just hard enough to get a gasp of pleasure out of Kim. Then she quickly sucks Kim's nipple into her mouth and bites down softly on it. Using her tongue she flicks back and forth over her nipple cause it to jump to attention. The combination of pain and pleasure send electrical shocks from Kim's nipple down to her groin and Kim can feel her fluids starting leak out of her pussy. Jenny takes her hand and slides it up under Kim's skirt and pulls aside the thong. She first inserts a single finger into her soaking wet hole coating it with Kim's juices. Kim moans again with pleasure and reaches one hand under Jenny's arm to rub her breast. Jenny slowly plunges her single finger in and out of Kim's pussy a few times and then moves up to find her pleasure nub. Rubbing her index finger over Kim's clit causes Kim go starts to pant. “Would you mind taking this to a more comfortable location dear?” Kim asks Jenny as she gently pulls her face from her breast and raises her up for another passionate kiss. “That would be fantastic.” Jenny grins at Kim. The two ladies make their way up into Kim's bedroom and they quickly engage again in a furious wet kiss. Kim allows both of her hands to roam over Jenny's body, starting at her shoulders, down her arms and starts to pinch both of Jenny's nipples through the cloth. Kim unbuttons Jenny's shirt and lets it fall to the floor. Reaching behind her back she undoes the latch on the bra and Jenny shrugs the bra off, allowing Kim full access to her large tits. Kim is the first to break the kiss this time. She bends over lowering her head to Jenny's breast. She slowly licks around one areola and then the other. The wetness left on Jenny's breast causes a chill to run through her and both her nipples respond to the cold and the pleasure. Jenny's nipples harden and Kim flicks her tongue over one of them and then sucks it into her mouth. It is Jenny's turn to moan with pleasure and she take both her hands and runs them through Kim's silky hair, crushing her face into her breast. Kim starts a slow journey from Jenny's nipple, down underneath her tit, kissing and sucking slowly over her belly button. She licks and kisses Jenny's navel as she unzips her mini skirt. Jenny helps attempts to move her hands down to help Kim take off the skirt, but Kim grabs her wrists in her hands. “No, I will remove this for your!” she says. Kim grabs the bottom part of her skirt and pulls the skirt down to reveal that Jenny is not wearing anything underneath. Jenny steps out of the skirt and Kim tugs her over to the bed and gently pushes down on her shoulders to get Jenny to lay down on the bed. Kim lays on top of Jenny's body and kisses her deeply again. Then kissing slowly, she slides down to kiss her on her neck, then down to her tit. She then lefts herself off Jenny's body “I will be right back, as I recall I might need a towel or two for the bed.” she says giving Jenny an evil grin. Kim returns with a couple of towels and lays them under Jenny, she then kneels on the floor and spreads Jenny's legs. Kissing down the inside of her thigh she stops right at the top of her leg. Kim then licks across Jenny's pussy stopping briefly to lick her clit side to side and then continues across to the other leg. Kim continues to kiss the inside of Jenny's thigh all the way up to her knee. Kim then returns her mouth to Jenny's love nest and begins a slow fucking of Jenny's hole with her stiff tongue. In and out she takes her tongue, alternating a slow lick to the top of her slit with the deep thrusts into her hole. Jenny begins to moan and reaches down to place one hand on the back of Kim's head. She takes her other hand and tweaks her own nipple, causing it to stiffen. Kim starts to notice that Jenny's legs are quivering and she knows that her friend is very close to climax. Kim moves from the licking Jenny's moist slit to concentrate on her clit. Sucking her clit into her mouth she continues to lick hard on her clit. “Oh god, oh god! I am going to cum, don't stop baby...” Jenny's orgasm hits her hard and she can feel her juices flood all over Kim's waiting face and touch. Jenny can hear Kim's loud slurping and lapping as she attempts to drink as much of Jenny's womanly fluids as possible. Kim looks up from Jenny's pussy with a glistening chin and says “I'll be right back, I need to get something.” She stands up and walks over to her dresser and opens a drawers. Jenny sees her remove small bullet vibe and a much larger and extremely thick, black dildo. Kim moves back over to Jenny and starts to give the black dildo a very wet blow job. Once the black dick is sufficiently slick she places it onto Jenny's clit and then turns the knob at the base of it onto low. Jenny jumps as the slow vibrations hit her most sensitive spot and sends new waves of pleasure deep into her body. Kim slowly begins to move the dildo down her slit, slowly working it into her hole. She stares in wonder as she see Jenny's pussy lips spread and begin to swallow the thick dildo. “What a visual this is from this vantage point!” she thinks to herself. Once Kim has the dildo completely inside Jenny's stretched pussy, Jenny starts to move her hips back and forth on the cock. Kim reaches over to the bullet vibe and while keeping a firm grip on the dildo, she places the vibe onto Jenny's clit and turns it on. Jenny breath escapes her and she is treated to yet another quick but intense orgasm. Kim then turns the vibrations up to high on the black dildo and start to piston the thicker meat into Jenny's pussy. Jenny's begins to gasp for breath “ohhhhh....ohhhhhhhhh, God damn!” Jenny can feel the tension building inside. “I am going to cum again! Here it comesssss!!!” The force of Jenny's orgasm takes Kim by surprise and Jenny pushes the huge dildo out of her pussy and squirts a long stream a fluid. Jenny lays on the bed bucking her hips as the orgasm rolls over her body. Jenny melts into the bed and then suddenly realizes “Hey you are still in all of your clothes!” Kim sits down on the bed and Jenny stars to unbutton her shirt. Slipping her shirt off her shoulders she bends down and places a wet kiss on first one nipple and then the other. Jenny sucks Kim's nipple into her mouth and flicks it with her tongue. As she is playing with Kim's breast, she uses her hands to push Kim down onto the bed. Releasing her nipple from her mouth causes the cool air to wash across the wet nipple and it hardens and firms from the moisture. Jenny unbuttons Kim's skirt and pulls it down over her knees, leave Kim only in her thong. Jenny looks down at her naked friend and again admires her body, her large breasts so inviting to eat. Moving lower and seeing that perfect little square of hair peaking out from under the thong and her pussy lips that are so swollen with lust that they have over taken the thong. Jenny can see the juices that have smeared onto the sides of Kim's thigh and she bends down to lick one thigh and then lightly kiss her lips. Jenny licks at Kim's moist slit once again tasting her lovely liquids. She finally removes Kim's thong and at last both of them are out of their clothes. Jenny then swings her leg over top of Kim's body and positions herself over Kim in a 69. Jenny lowers her face to Kim's crotch and begins to feverishly attack her clit. Kim groans with pleasure and lays there soaking in the sensations of Jenny soft tongue on her pussy, but also the wonderful view of Jenny's dripping lips just above her face. Jenny inserts a single finger into Kim's gushing hole and coats her finger with Kim's liquids. Then, curling her index finger upwards she searches for that perfect spot just inside her opening. Jenny feels the swollen area of Kim's g-spot and is rewarded with yet another loud groan from Kim as she begins to massage Kim's love spot and continues licking down her lips and hardened clit. Kim reaches up with one hand and probes Jenny's hole with first one, then two fingers. Jenny is still soaking wet from her earlier efforts with the dildo and vibrator. Kim reaches over and grabs the dildo again and turns it on low. She takes the tip of the dildo and rubs in up and down her crevice and then inserts just the tip of it into Jenny's pussy. She angles the dildo down so that the vibrations of the tip will be vibrating directly onto Jenny's g-spot. Jenny feels the tip of the dildo penetrate her and start to vibrate and she can feel more juices flooding out of her. Jenny inserts a second finger into Kim's waiting hole and then a third. “Ohhhhhhhhhhhh” she hears Kim say. She changes her movements from licking up and down Kim's slit to put more focus on just her clit. Jenny suck Kim's hardened nub into her mouth and lashes at it with her tongue from side to side. The intense pressure of her clit being sucked on along with the finger fucking that she is receiving from Jenny causes Kim the pressure to build deep inside. “Almost there, almost there...keep going!” Kim pants to Jenny. Suddenly Kim arches her back what little she can with Jenny's weight on top of her and she is overrun by her orgasm. It starts as a low roil inside her stomach and rolls over her lower region. Jenny feels a gush of liquid flow out of Kim's pussy soaking her fingers, face and the bed. Jenny removes her fingers and rolls off of Kim and then lays down on top of her and kisses her passionately. “You know, I could get used to lunches like this.” Jenny says with an evil grin. “Although, next time I need to plan a little better.” Kim give her a strange look “What do you mean plan a little better?” “Well you have your toy box, I have mine. Next time I will have to bring my “little” present with me, I have been trying forever to find me a girl friend. Now I can try out my new toy if you are willing.” With that Jenny rolls off of Kim's body and lays next to her and plays with Kim's nipples while they both recover from their feast. “Well toys are fun, is it a surprise or can I know before hand?” Kim asks. “Hmmm...well have you ever been fucked by a woman? No, not what we just did but really fucked by a woman?” Jenny replies with a huge grin on her face. “Oh! Um...no I haven't, but hey I'll try anything once or twice!” and they both laugh. “Well my dear, I guess we better get dressed, that would be kind of bad if Larry where to get home a little early from work wouldn't it?” Jenny asks Kim. “Well I am sure it would be a shock to him that is for sure! So you are sure that Chad isn't going to be upset with what we did today?” “Hell no! Like I said, we have different rules for different situations and well he knows that I have been looking for a lady friend for a long time now. We have talked over the years and I am free to play with our lady friends whenever I want, he just likes to hear about it afterwards” she says. “So you will be telling him about this for sure then?” Kim blushes but she knew Jenny wouldn't be keeping this from Chad. Jenny chuckles and says “Yes I am sure we will be having one hell of an evening when I get home!” With that she bends down and takes one of Kim's nipples into her mouth again and lovingly kiss it. She then gives Kim one last kiss and gets off the bed to get dressed and return home to Chad.
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