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About bluedragoness

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    Just Getting Started

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  1. I couldn't have said it better, and who is to say she doesn't already know about it from this thread and just waiting for you to own up.. Just have to say, if Mr Blue did this to me , there would be no swinging or marriage, that is a total breech of trust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....
  2. Well, I can relate to both sizes , was a size2 till i aged a bit then went from that to a size 18.. I have this complex about my weight now and used to really feel uncomfortable around others, but growing out of this feeling slowly thanks to a great husband and friends. But as far as going to a club with beautiful people, sure I would still do it, it is one of the things that motivates me further out of my complex of weight, to be able to see all these beautiful people and then say "hey look at me I am just as beautiful and sexy on the inside as you guys are on the out". Its not the cover of the book you should be judging but the contents of it. If you are only looking at the cover , you will never find the true story inside. Well might not have made sense to some about how I posted this but it makes total sense to me . And that is just how I judge people, by the beauty within, not the outside shell. Mrs B.
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