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About Lombardswingers

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    Just Getting Started
  • Birthday 11/09/1972

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    Chicago suburbs, IL
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  1. My statement was based purely on what I’ve seen, but I decided to take a look online to see what I’d find. The CDC estimated that in the US, 80.5% of men (ages 14-59) were circumcised. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prevalence_of_circumcision With the issue of women’s pubic hair though, it’s a little harder to get accurate data on that, as it’s not a medical procedure lol, but here’s an article I found that supports what I said, at least to a degree. A look at what women do with their hair down there The vast majority of ladies I’ve been with though have had their hair down there removed completely, the rest had most of it gone. I haven’t seen a “full bush” in a very long time, and I’d prefer it to stay that way. I *might* make an exception if the girl was hot enough, but I doubt my wife would.
  2. And I’m just the opposite, I find hairy pussies to be unattractive, but it’s kind of difficult to do anything about it once it’s been presented to you. There are always ways you can bring it up beforehand though, and it’s best to do that if it’s a serious turn off to you. Fortunately though, here in the US in 2018 most women are shaved, and most cocks are cut, so the odds are good for myself and the OP!!
  3. I’d like to propose that we try looking at this a different way. If the question was “how do you feel about single ladies at a house party” (or any other setting really), I guarantee you that everyone would be all for single women...the more the merrier!!! So why is there little to no love for the single male? Well, I guess it all depends on the males that are there. We all know that there are some creepy/pervy/predatory single males out there, and then there are some cool, laid back, friendly guys that know how to interact socially. I get that, in fact we all do. The thing is, just like single men, not all single ladies are a “pleasure” to have around. I’ve seen more than one single girl that had more than just a little too much to drink (maybe just to shed her inhibitions, who knows), and if she were a guy, everyone would have steered clear of her, but more often than not, single women get a “pass” because they’re in low supply, and high demand. The point I’m trying to make is that people of both sexes can be awesome, or they can be awful, it just depends on the person in question. Some of the responsibility falls on the host’s shoulders too though, if a single male guest is acting obnoxious, creepy, weird, aggressive, whatever, then it’s up to the hosts to do something about it. With proper screening beforehand, most of that can be avoided. I know that there will always be a couple guys here and there that “seemed nice”, and then showed their true colors later, that’s just unavoidable, but I think they’re the exception, not the rule. As far as single guys at a house party (or any other setting really), my opinion is that as long as they’re “screened”/vouched for/vetted, and it isn’t a “sausage fest”, then why not?!?!? We may not always meet a couple that we click with, but if we meet a cool guy at least the Mrs can have a little MFM fun, right?
  4. Well first of all, even if he’s had a recent test for STD’s, HPV won’t show up on that, so he could still give your wife/girlfriend HPV. If you really want to be sure she doesn’t get anything she doesn’t want, make sure the guy wears a condom. Second, take a little more time to get to know the guy! There’s nothing wrong with spending a couple weeks chatting with him first, and if he’s not willing to take the time to chat with you to the point where you’re comfortable enough with him to tell your partner that he seems like a “stand up guy” (pun totally intended), then he’s probably a jerk and you don’t want him in your home (let alone your girlfriend) anyway! Invite the guy to have a beer with you at the local pub or something, usually after a couple beers it becomes a bit easier to see a person’s true colors. Alcohol lowers inhibitions, so if he’s going to slip up and show you his “less desirable side”, it’s probably going to be while drinking. It will be easy to find out how many women he’s been with (most men exaggerate that number, but whatever), what his opinions are on controversial topics, etc. It’s just an idea, but it’s one that works well I’ve found. That and if he does end up passing the test, it won’t be as “uncomfortable” as having a complete stranger poking your girl, you’ll both be more relaxed and at ease around each other, and your girl will pick up on that and it will make her more comfortable too. The one thing you didn’t mention about the whole honesty vs sugar coating thing is that if you do end up sugar coating it about the guy you’re about to bring home to your wife, and he turns out to be a jerk, she’s probably going to be reluctant to trust your judgement in the future. My wife is pretty passive when it comes to picking “play partners” and leaves that completely up to me. I wish she’d be more involved, it would be a lot easier (on me at least), but it is what it is, so I do my best to talk to our prospective partners as much as possible, and get to know them as much as I can before we eventually meet up. When we do, I always let them know that we don’t *normally* play on the first date, but that it isn’t a hard and fast rule, it has happened, and that we’re all there for the same reason lol, so that seems to relieve some of the tension, but also leaves us an out without anyone feeling like we were leading them on. Bottom line, I think you could give your girlfriend/wife more positive answers about your prospective rent-a-dick if you spent a little more time screening and getting to know him. Like I said, if he’s not willing to put in the time, then he’s not getting any pussy (from *my* wife anyway). You really have nothing to lose, and everything to gain by taking more time to get to know the guy who’s going to be fucking your gf/wife. Besides, who knows, you might end up making a new friend in the process!
  5. I guess I’m the only one who doesn’t find having another guys cum on my dick to be “sexy”. I certainly wouldn’t go down on a woman knowing that another guys cum was inside her, that’s just a huge turn off to me, and would immediately end any kind of sexy thoughts I might be having. If it’s my own cum, that’s a different story, I wouldn’t necessarily enjoy that, but if I was asked to, I would. I’m fine with incidental contact, it’s going to happen, and I’m fine with someone we know well cumming inside my wife (if that’s what she wants), hell, sometimes cum ends up flying around and gets on people (yes, including myself) accidentally, that’s just part of the game, but intentionally dipping my dick into a pussy filled with another guy’s load is just disgusting in my opinion.
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