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Party Review...

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One of the BEST house parties we have ever been to. Yes, the M&G turned into a full blown party. The mix of people there was perfect. Not too many, not too few, just right. Everyone just hit it off so well.


I know everyone is curious about the annoying asshole...he didn't show...and, after talking to a few other people we probably won't have to worry about him being at any other party we attend. Seems we are not the only ones he annoys.


We had quite a few interesting conversations last night. The one that sticks out the most was with the assholes "girlfriend"...who was there and made sure to let others know that the "girlfriend" title he kept telling everyone was wishful thinking on his part, :lol:


Her and I sat and talked for a long time last night and all of a sudden she looked at me and said "I know you"...turns out her brother is my sister's ex-husband :eek: They've been divorced almost 20 years and while they were married her and I never met. How weird is that?


Another conversation we had was with a single man that grew up in our hometown. It was like old home week last night and people were laughing at the four of us saying that it wasn't suppose to be a family reunion :lol:


I did have a bit too much to drink :nono: ...well, I didn't actually drink that much it was more I had forgotten to eat before we left and wasn't drinking my diet coke along with my Tequila. Straight Tequila on an empty stomach does not work. It however did not hinder me so much that I didn't get a bit of fun in at the party but, it did hinder mine and Ted's fun once we got home. I did promise him I'd make up for that tonight.


Wonderful night and we are looking forward to the next party with this group.

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I had forgotten to eat


Ya know, only skinny people say this!! :) Glad the asshole didn't show up and yet you had a great time!!

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:lol: Which is what happened to me, I just really forgot to eat, wasn't hungry...I did eat lunch, but it had been eight hours since lunch when I started drinking. I drank less at the party than I do most weekends, 3-4 shots that night...there was even food at the party, I just never made it to the table to get anything to eat...it hit hard when it hit...been quite a few years since I did that. I guess once in a while a lesson has to be relearned.

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hi TNT

your blogs and general posts are always realistic and down to earth to read.Very interesting and enjoyable to read.The most suitable adjective or phrase does not come to mind.Lets just say they are great to read.Thanks!

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