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cplnuswing last won the day on April 21 2023

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About cplnuswing

  • Rank
    Swingers Board Admin
  • Birthday 10/02/1968

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    In between the bright lights and the far unlit unknown
  • Swinging Experience
    since 2007

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  • Favorite Club(s)
    Menages, Pleasure Grove

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  1. Maybe some good ideas here since some music is timeless, doesn't matter when it was first released. Swinger Soundtrack Music and sex
  2. Swinging in a foursome is tricky since there are four ways for something to go wrong. Just about anyone with much swinging experience will have at least one story of when things did go wrong. It's important to not focus on the fact that something went wrong, but to see what can be learned from it for next time. With all of the emotions involved in swinging, that's a skill that needs to be learned and takes some practice. @lcmimhit the nail on the head though about how you do that - you start with a complete and total understanding that neither would intentionally do anything to hurt the other. Once you've got that baseline, then things move more into that accidental vs intentional realm, and accidents happen, and you learn from them.
  3. Welcome to the Swingers Board! We're not much into chatting now either. Back when we first got started we would do it more, usually on Yahoo back then. It was sometimes fun, but overall we decided we preferred to just use chat, text, or whatever to set up the first meet in person and then go from there since we quickly learned there is no substitute for meeting in person to get a feel for people.
  4. I think those are very wise observations. In general, I think lifestyle couples do have this unique combination of willingness to operate more independently in some ways, and and openness and willingness to operate more as a team than most in other ways.
  5. Welcome to the site, it's great to have you here with us! I'll add in my vote for pregnant being no issue at all, in fact it's damn sexy! Congrats on the pending new arrival! Swinging with a newborn will all depend on how you feel. I suspect that like many new mothers your energy level and therefore sex drive may take a temporary hit, but that's not always the case, so just go with what feels right while keeping all the priorities in order.
  6. I think it all depends on the situation and location. I would find something too in-your-face or look-at-me as a turn-off in some situations, like in a group setting at a club, but the same thing in the bedroom could be really hot. Perceived motivation is important too. If it's an open and honest uninhibited reveling in letting your freak flag fly, then that's a turn-on. If it's a more self-centered look-at-me competitive thing, then that's a turn-off.
  7. Swingers do seem to be somewhat accident prone 😂 Often funny in hindsight but not funny at the time. A lady that used to post here frequently and that we had met in person took a bad trip and fall at a club, on the dance floor if I remember correctly, and ended up with a seriously broken ankle that put her in the hospital. Mrs cplnuswing and I were walking out of the house of some new friends at like 3 a.m. and stone cold sober she took a bad fall down some well lit and thankfully low to the ground concrete steps. At first we thought she had broken an ankle too but turned out to just be a bad sprain. I think it must be because our minds our distracted by other things at certain times
  8. Yes, that was the name of it. He was very proud of it as I think it was something he and Laura had talked about, like "we ought to write a book someday!" and so he did as a promise fulfilled after she passed away.
  9. Would ask before doing either of course, but cunnilingus I'm expecting the answer to be yes. Analingus, maybe yes, maybe no, and I'd only ask a close swing partner who I knew was comfortable with me and me with her. I have done it with someone special, and she volunteered that other than her husband, I was the only one she had allowed to do that to her.
  10. Swinging foreplay varies widely for us depending on the circumstances. If at a club, then sometimes almost none at all, right done to business. In a more relaxed setting, like an evening spent in the comfort of home with a favorite swing couple, then lots of foreplay, then sex, the rest and recovery, then more foreplay, then sex, then rest and recovery until everyone is worn out
  11. Alura had more influence on this site than most will ever know. All of the above is all totally true, but that was just the forward facing part of his involvement here. He was on the mod team from way back, way before me, and his counsel and approach to things runs all through how this site has always operated. Even after Laura's passing when he didn't publicly post nearly as much, he still kept in touch as a "mod emeritus" and would offer wise words about how to handle this or that situation or the overall direction of the site. A one of a kind, a full and interesting life well lived, there's really not words to do him justice.
  12. Yes, all but the "unexpectedly" part. I think a good swing partner, or spouse for that matter, doesn't do something like that unexpectedly during sex. A favorite swing partner was really into this and veeeery good at it and it led to some mind-blowing orgasms.
  13. Welcome to the site! All great advice above. We've always followed the strategy of to find swingers, go where the swingers go. So either clubs, or online swinger sites. Most people don't "get" swinging, and that includes single guys, either truly single or cheaters saying they are single. Even those within the lifestyle often don't get it, and when you are talking some random dude at a bar, the odds are going to very low on finding one that understands the situation and where he fits into it. But, if we were going to try that route, then here's what we'd do. Have her do the approach to anyone she thinks she might be interested in. She invites him back to your table to "have a drink with me and my husband." If he bolts at the first mention of the husband word, then there's your answer on that one. If he comes to table and you pick up that he is all puffed up under the mistaken idea that you obviously can't satisfy her, then there's your answer on that one, now you just have to figure out a way to make him go away quick. But, if you can find one that clears those two early hurdles, then just spend some time chatting. Everything keeps going good where he is interacting with both of you, then maybe she asks him to dance. If he still sticks around, then maybe the next dance, she sort of drops the hint to him what you all are looking for. If he reacts well to that, then once they are back at the table, all three of you get down to the nitty gritty on what the deal is, and if all are still good, take it from there.
  14. I agree, GoldCoCouple made an excellent point, different age groups use different labels for what at its heart, is basically the same thing. Maybe good example would be how often do you see the term "wife swapping" now vs 20 years ago?
  15. At this point in internet porn history, may have just run out of new ideas I guess...
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