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past swing partners jealous

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We were just wondering if any other couple has had problems out of a couple that they no longer swing with. I guess a little back ground will help. We were in our early twenty's when we started out swinging with a couple 10 and 16 years older than we were but they were very good friends. We had a great time but about a year ago they had some medical problems or I should say he had the problems no lift at the lift station if you know what I mean and they decided they were not going to play anymore which is fine with us.we are now in our mid forties and on our own Kids raised and out of the house and spoiled in the lifestyle. We just wanted to remember the wild and fantastic times we had. So we got on this great site met a couple twice and then set up a mmf threesome with the single male. The couple were not married and did swing alone or seperate. We have a great time with him and he is one of our closest friends. The problem is when ever we see the couple they a constantly telling us we are going to get shot by his swing partner or another girl friend,talking how it is going to ruin our marriage or your dick won't work one day and then you will be jelious when that guy is in there fucking your wife. They always are trying too play on my insecureities the guys dick is about an inch longer than me but he is not as thick so that didn't work so they went on too other things.The last time we talked he got really mad because we didn't take his drunkin shit serious. Now he keeps trying too find out which swingers add site we are on. What do we do???

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I'm really confused here. Which couple are you talking about that is causing the difficulty? The ones you swung with for years and no longer do? Or the couple that you met that aren't married? And where did the single guy come from? Are you talking about the guy of the couple that aren't married?


I've read this several times and I'm still confused. :confused:

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Well I guess I did kind of jumble it around sorry about that.

The problem is with the couple we swung with since we were in our early twenties. We met the the other couple about 6 or 7 months ago. They swing together or alone so we had a threesome with the male half of that couple and have a great time he is one of our closest friends now. The older swing partners keep tring to get us to dump our new swing partner. then they have the gaull to say any time you two want to play give us a call.

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If they won't leave you alone then cut them off. Set puters on ignore, have their mail blocked or deleted at the server level. If you don't want their BS then don't communicate AT ALL. If they show up at your house call the cops, its simple.

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Originally posted by ready2pla

They swing together or alone so we had a threesome with the male half of that couple and have a great time he is one of our closest friends now.


Was his partner aware and did she approve of the threesome? We once had a fantastic threesome with the male half of a couple but his wife, who was in Europe on business, called us from London and suggested it. We would never consider a threesome in which the partner was unaware.


The older swing partners keep tring to get us to dump our new swing partner. then they have the gaull to say any time you two want to play give us a call.


"Thanks for the compliment, but we won't be calling." Don't expect to maintain the friendship, but I believe you don't want to, anyway.


Mr. Alura

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Originally posted by fun_pairTX

If they won't leave you alone then cut them off. Set puters on ignore, have their mail blocked or deleted at the server level. If you don't want their BS then don't communicate AT ALL.


This is good advice, in my opinion.


If they show up at your house call the cops, its simple.


In my opinion, this advice is not as good. Just don't answer the door. I don't think y'all will want the reporters reading the police report the next morning and coming out to interview y'all for the details. :eek:


Mr. Alura

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One of the first problems I see here is, you had to have shared your experiences with this other couple (the older one) about the new couple that you met. This was your first mistake.


Jealousy does indeed seem to be a factor, but as you said in your original post they decided to no longer swing. I got the impression that you had become good friends with the older couple, but in all honesty, friends don't do what they are doing to friends, so maybe you weren't as good of friends as you thought.


You mention "his drunken shit" and that he got mad. A big red flag. Anyone who gets that way when drinking is to be avoided at all costs.


My suggestion is you need to be straight up and honest with them, that you feel it is time to end whatever is left of your friendship. I'm going to assume since you have known them for so long that they have your address, your home phone number, etc. Therefore it is not feasible to move and as Alura suggested, just don't open the door if they come knocking. Your phone number is easily changed, should that become a problem. I'd also make a point to contact them via phone while he is NOT in a drunken state, so the point will be clear and well taken.


Just another reason, in my opinion, why swinging partners that are not all involved intimately together, should practice discretion about their actions with others. You just never know when the tables are going to turn on you, and you have found that out the hard way.


Good luck and let us know what you decide.

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Originally posted by OhioCouple

...Just another reason, in my opinion, why swinging partners that are not all involved intimately together, should practice discretion about their actions with others. You just never know when the tables are going to turn on you, and you have found that out the hard way.


This is a very good example of why descretion is so important.


Certainly, ready2pla, I wouldn't initiate any further contact with them, and try my best to ignore their invitations. If you are cool to their advances, hopefully they'll get the message that you want to avoid them. If they do ask why, then you have a perfect opportunity to tell them, straight out, how you feel about their behavior.


I'm suspecting that he's not so much jealous about your new swing partners as he is about the fact that you're still able to swing and they are not (although I am a little confused about why, if he cannot 'perform', he continues to ask y'all to swing.) Having experienced 'medication induced' impotence, I'll tell you that it's an extreme blow to the ol' ego. He's probably angry and upset about that, which might be one reason for his 'drunken shit'.


Best of luck with this...



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Thanks to you all for answering my thread. We definitely made some mistakes we had been very good friends for years before we ever swung together. We thought it would be safe to communicate with them about some of the new experiences we are enjoying. Boy were we wrong Of course we never gave up anyone's name or what they do for a living or even what town they live in. So they have no idea who this person is. I do hope some one reading this can learn from our mistakes. As far as the new couple they both swing separately and are both happy with that and have done it for years. So yes she knows.


I did take the advice and called him and explained how we felt and that we did not like the way he carried on. He first denied saying some of the things he said but then said he may have had a little too much to drink. The guy has had a rough time I understand with things not working. About two months ago they contacted us and told us they wanted to play again and that he had some shots that you put in your dick that will make it hard for about two hours.


We really were not interested but because of the friendship and relationship we had with them we decided to try it. To make a long story short he told his wife to get on top of me and while riding me she asked if he was ready for his shot and he would not take one. We don't think he ever had any intention of taking one that night, he just wanted his wife fucked. All my wife got was very little oral action. Needless to say we were both very pissed but we swept it under the rug and went on.


So the other night when he got so mad his last statement was any time you two want to play we are ready, I got the shots and they work good. We ain't fallen for that again!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by ready2pla

...he had some shots that you put in your dick that will make it hard for about two hours...


Now, I'm just a hick Okie, and I'm the first to admit I'm not up-to-date on all the latest meds, but I've never heard of such a medication. Perhaps EBF or Night Goddess can enlighten us. Does such a thing exist?


Mr. Alura

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Originally posted by Alura

Now, I'm just a hick Okie, and I'm the first to admit I'm not up-to-date on all the latest meds, but I've never heard of such a medication. Perhaps EBF or Night Goddess can enlighten us. Does such a thing exist?


Mr. Alura


:rofl: Truthfully, I know nothing about it. Now...I do recall reading something about that quite awhile back, but paid little attention to it as it didn't seem to be anything that would ever involve me personally or professionally. Little did I know at that time that I would become a member of the Swingersboard - :D.


Therefore, I'll have to defer to Night Goddess on this one. Perhaps a little research...;) - EBF

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Originally posted by Alura

Now, I'm just a hick Okie, and I'm the first to admit I'm not up-to-date on all the latest meds, but I've never heard of such a medication. Perhaps EBF or Night Goddess can enlighten us. Does such a thing exist?


Mr. Alura


Here's your info, Mr. Alura. This treatment method has apparently been around a number of years:


Penile Injection Therapy


Physicians learned in the early 1980s that some medications injected directly into the corpora cavernosa would produce an erection within a few minutes. Urologists now routinely use this method to treat men by teaching them self-injection techniques to use at home.


Currently, several medications are used for this purpose. Papaverine was the first one used. Phentolamine, an alpha blocker, was used second, initially as an additive to papaverine, and later to prostaglandin El. Alprostdil is also used under the name Caverject.


Papaverine and prostaglandin both act on smooth muscle tissue in the corpora cavernosa, while phentolamine is more effective in the tiny penile arteries to prolong the erection. Most doctors mix all three drugs together.


Diabetic needles (27 or 28 gauge, a half-inch long) are used for these injections. The patient must learn to inject the base of the penis using less than 1 cc. Either corpus cavernosum may be injected but not the urethra. Hand pressure is applied afterward for 2-3 minutes to prevent bleeding. Ideally, erections will last 30-60 minutes and will become more rigid if stimulation occurs.


With injection treatment, high quality erections are available on demand, and they last longer than natural ones. The erection does not always disappear at orgasm or ejaculation. Injections work in about 70% of all cases. The 30% failure is often due to poor blood flow or venous leakage.


There are concerns with injections. The key ones are priapism, pain, dropout rate, and cost. Priapism is the word to describe an unwanted, prolonged erection. Injecting too much of the drug may cause an erection which lasts much longer than intended. After four hours, men should seek medical help for reversal of the erection. This is done by injecting an adrenaline-like drug into the penis.


The pain from injecting is primarily from the needle puncture. Many men are frightened to think of injecting the penis with a needle. This apprehension may account for the high dropout rate for men on injections. A 1990 study (University of Chicago) showed that 51% of the group dropped out after receiving only a test injection. The average patient stayed in the study group for seven months before leaving it. Other men, however, inject successfully for years.


Injections cost approximately $23. If a man is sexually active twice a week, the annual cost would be $3,402. Though Medicare does not pay for this treatment, some insurance plans will cover injections just like other prescriptions.

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Originally posted by Elusive BiFem

Here's your info, Mr. Alura. This treatment method has apparently been around a number of years:


Diabetic needles (27 or 28 gauge, a half-inch long) are used for these injections. The patient must learn to inject the base of the penis using less than 1 cc. Either corpus cavernosum may be injected but not the urethra. Hand pressure is applied afterward for 2-3 minutes to prevent bleeding. Ideally, erections will last 30-60 minutes and will become more rigid if stimulation occurs.


Thanks, EBF. Needles in my penis? Ouch!


As long as eating pussy continues to work wonders, I think I'll stick with the natural way. It beats all to hell being stuck the unnatural way! :lol:


Mr. Alura

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Originally posted by Alura

Thanks, EBF. Needles in my penis? Ouch!


As long as eating pussy continues to work wonders, I think I'll stick with the natural way. It beats all to hell being stuck the unnatural way! :lol:


Mr. Alura


Ouch! was my sentiment, too. But hey!! Who am I to say? Just seems that getting stuck with a needle might take some of the thrill out of the experience and might sorta put a damper on the mood. :eek: - EBF

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I'm sitting here with my head tilted to one side, my mouth open just a little, and my eyes have that glazyness - gulp


To each his/her own.


I can't even get a flu shot.


The part about pressure to stop the bleeding -


wow, just wow

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A bud of mine is diabetic and has had to use the needle method for years.


Mr. Alura, not even in the tiny community we reside in do reporters come out for crimminal trespass calls. Even if they did, all you have to do is what all the politicians do LIE.

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Just seems that getting stuck with a needle might take some of the thrill out of the experience and might sorta put a damper on the mood.
It certainly would for me.::P: But, I'm blessed that I don't have a problem that requires that solution. :p I might feel differently if I did. I suppose it's somewhat like women needing more lube as we all grow "more mature";). Fortunately for them they don't need "the Shot"

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Originally posted by fun_pairTX


Mr. Alura, not even in the tiny community we reside in do reporters come out for crimminal trespass calls. Even if they did, all you have to do is what all the politicians do LIE.


:rofl: Now, why didn't I think of that! Good point, Fun Pair! :claps:


Mr. Alura

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Originally posted by OhioCouple

I'm....well, I'm....I'm....well I'm SPEECHLESS!


Nah... Can't be...


Mr. Alura

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Originally posted by fun_pairTX

A bud of mine is diabetic and has had to use the needle method for years.


Had to laugh when I read this thread...not because of the health problems that men have that may affect their ability to get hard...but because it brought back memories of sitting in the student union in college watching Phil Donahue (this would have been 1978 or 1979) and his topic was males who couldn't get aroused. They had a urologist on who went into a very detailed description along with visual aids to show you exactly where they stuck the needle, etc. They even had a procedure by which they went in and inserted this inflatable thingie in a man's cock and they would put a little bulb like thingie in the male's scrotum and when the man wanted his cock hard, he reached down and pumped that little bulb thingie in his balls and pumped his cock up to his normal hard size. Needless to say, all of us sitting around watching were in hysterics and a few of the guys were sitting around scrunched up protecting their personal area with the most horrible looks on their faces, which just had us girls howling even louder! :rofl:




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My concern is not whether or not I would use the needle if it ever became necessary, what would bother me is the short amount of time it would take till my member to start resembling a pincushion......

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Originally posted by fun_pairTX

My concern is not whether or not I would use the needle if it ever became necessary, what would bother me is the short amount of time it would take till my member to start resembling a pincushion......


I would think that with Viagra now being almost readily available to any man who wants it and this new drug I read something about a few weeks ago, that those methods would possibly be coming obsolete, if not obsolete already.


You don't have to tell me about pin cushions....I had about a 40 year spell where I was receiving two insulin shots a day and that's not even mentioning the lancing of myself for a 3 times a day blood sugar test.




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The injection is for men that Viagra has no effect upon. Viagra requires some mental stimulation to work. The injection method goes from zero to pogo stick in 6.3 seconds.

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Bear and I met someone who uses the injection. He assured us that it beat vigara hands down for results and his partner backed up his assurance all the way. Because even with Viagra, if your not in the mood, or are stress out, or just have too much on your mind, it isn't going to make a man go pogo. Certainly not in 6.3 seconds. However, when the littel blue pill does kick in, it usually means a full evening good time will be had by all.


-- Bunny

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Sounds like the jealousy isn't that they aren't getting to swing with you, but moreso that you are getting to swing and they aren't (specifically him).


Perhaps your best bet it to keep your current experiences to yourself and not share with them.

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Hi julie and thank's for the advice .

We won't be sharing any of our experiences with any couples.

You know when someting really great happens. The first thing you want to do is tell someone or when you get a new car you take it around and show it off. Well we thought we were safe because this couple had been in the life style for many years. I think the advice was rite. It was not her she loved hearing about the wild times. I think this couple partied with mainly two couples all those years and never went out to the adds and now he thinks it is to late. And we are having a great time and he can't stand it. The ironic thing is this guy was a Don Wan he was a great lover my wife really liked being with him. He is 55 and a few year's back thought his wife was too old for him she is now almost seventy and still hot and she can ride you to the ground. He had women on the side. Now he can't do his home work!

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